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OT: All Good Truants Must Decide

JohnInCarolina Posts: 31,158
edited November 2014 in EggHead Forum
This is it, folks, the post you've been waiting for.  I just can't continue to ignore the many letters and postcards you've all sent me asking for this story to finally be written down for all of history.  

The short story is pretty well encapsulated in this video that was uncovered of a meeting between Mickey and some of the BGE intelligentsia (and I use that term very loosely):

That's as historically correct as possible, with the exception that @BigGreenCraig really didn't have anything to do with the ban.  Everything else really happened.  

The long story is that a few weeks ago I was posting in the thread on politics, and I tried to quote someone's post.  I got the message some of you have seen - the one that tells you your posts will soon be approved.  Except they never are, which most of us know by now.  So I did the most sensible thing I could think of, and started a new thread calling the mods ****.  In retrospect this maybe wasn't as good of an idea as I thought it was at the time.

Anyway, someone flagged the post, and within maybe a few hours I found myself suddenly banned from the forum.   The thread I had started was also nuked.  Wow - not the response I was anticipating but OK - message received!  No, as far as I know I wasn't banned for my comments about global warming, because that would have actually made sense and probably would have been a lifetime ban.  

I proceeded to do what most of us here would do, and texted @cazzy, who found it the funniest thing he had seen all year.  I think his exact words were something like "ROTFLMAO".  If you know @cazzy at all, you know that rolling on the floor laughing his ass off is no simple matter.  

@cazzy proceeded to change my name to JIC and start a thread to save me.  That thread is here:

Pretty epic thread by the way folks.  I know this was mostly @cazzy but I don't deserve all that.  If you could have seen me at my desk in Okinawa, you would have seen a broken man floored by all the sympathy from so many people he's never met.   Well not really but hopefully you get the sentiment.   I will do my best to honor it with future cooks, my friends.  


Somewhere along the way @cazzy got the great idea that we should make a Hitler video about this (and by "we" here I mean mostly "me"), and thus the genesis of the video above.  I think we went through something like four drafts (did I mention I don't have a real job?) with me doing most of the work and @cazzy staying up until like 3AM Texas time chomping at the bit to see the latest draft and provide artistic direction.  The best line in the whole thing is the @hapster one in my opinion, which was mostly @cazzy's idea.  My second favorite is @Mickey yelling "WHERE IS CHUBBS?!?!?"

Suffice to say the thread took off and there were several efforts to keep the drive to save me alive.  At some point along the way I acquired something like 40 new followers.  I actually have no idea what it means to follow someone here, BTW.  Do you guys get an email every time I break wind?  That seems... excessive.  If you want to unfollow me after this I won't take offense.  

Anyway, nothing was happening on the ban, so I emailed Rob D'Amico, mentioned all of the activity on the forum - the drives to save me, etc., and asked if I could be unbanned.  Rob actually got back to me pretty quickly, and of course he asked me who I was because he had absolutely no idea.  That was encouraging.  After I told him my handle on the forum, a few days passed and finally he got back to me telling me I was reinstated.  He also mentioned that the mods do actually read the posts, despite what all of us might think, and that my next ban would be permanent.   


That's about it folks.  The rest is history, as they say.  
"I've made a note never to piss you two off." - Stike
