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  • Ozzie_Isaac
    Ozzie_Isaac Posts: 20,227
    Cars do some some crazy things to a human body. I’ve seen some horrific aftermath. Our jurisdiction is sitting at like 30 auto related fatalities YTD with around half being auto vs ped. Oddly enough, we aren’t allowed to enforce jaywalking anymore and people cross outside a marked crosswalk on every road. It’s insane. 

    Thanks for that, @dbcooper

    @Battleborn - I don’t doubt you’ve seen more than your fair share. You were on my mind when I posted. Funny thing about this one was that she was crossing at a crosswalk - just entirely against the signals, and with easily foreseen consequences. 
    Unfortunately, it may not have been unintentional consequences.  She may have known exactly what she was doing.

    Maybe your purpose in life is only to serve as an example for others? - LPL

  • Battleborn
    Battleborn Posts: 3,502
    Cars do some some crazy things to a human body. I’ve seen some horrific aftermath. Our jurisdiction is sitting at like 30 auto related fatalities YTD with around half being auto vs ped. Oddly enough, we aren’t allowed to enforce jaywalking anymore and people cross outside a marked crosswalk on every road. It’s insane. 

    Thanks for that, @dbcooper

    @Battleborn - I don’t doubt you’ve seen more than your fair share. You were on my mind when I posted. Funny thing about this one was that she was crossing at a crosswalk - just entirely against the signals, and with easily foreseen consequences. 
    Unfortunately, it may not have been unintentional consequences.  She may have known exactly what she was doing.
    That sounds like a horrible way to go out to me. Awhile ago a guy jumped from an overpass and met a dump truck on the way down. He was still alive (not for long) when I got there. 
    Las Vegas, NV

  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,597
    Okay- tonight's reminder of momentum-aka "The Law of Gross Tonnage"
    Momentum can be defined as "mass in motion." All objects have mass; so if an object is moving, then it has momentum - it has its mass in motion. The amount of momentum that an object has is dependent upon two variables: how much stuff is moving and how fast the stuff is moving. Momentum depends upon the variables mass and velocity. In terms of an equation, the momentum of an object is equal to the mass of the object times the velocity of the object.
    Momentum = mass • velocity
    Applies to all matter-even fist fights!
    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap said:
     Tough for the girl but she is lucky you had the situational awareness to do the best you could in that situation.  I am quite surprised that the driver of the impact car yielded to her request and offered to drive her to some destination. 
    The seagoing "Law of Gross Tonnage" is applicable in any collision between a human and a car at speed. 
    He probably had a few too many. 
    South of Columbus, Ohio.

  • Nice situational awareness (collision avoidance) and handling of the situation as a whole. If anyone else saw that I am sure they called emergency services as well.
    South of Columbus, Ohio.

  • ColbyLang
    ColbyLang Posts: 3,765
    @RRP, message sent. I need a gasket!
  • @alaskinassassin

    I wondered that too. Lots of people were witnesses, so I’m sure a lot of calls were received. 
  • @GrateEggspectations I had something somewhat similar happen with a young lost soul. 
     Swmbo was in Columbus one evening, I was at the house and someone walked by on my lane heading north to my back fields.  I ran out and asked what the hell are you doing and where are you going this is private property.   She was out of it, weird, not like drugs but maybe.  After talking to her for a bit, she was apparently a rich kid (20s) from India, she was in USA alone, had a child with someone and dropped out of college, and was cut off from her folks.  My sympathetic response to all that was.... well this is America, and you can't wander around on farms, everyone is not as friendly as I am. 
      At this point, swmbo pulls up, and like you would imagine she is like wtf is going on here, but just goes in the house.  So I give the girl a ride to the gas station where her car is and told her good luck and all that.
     A few days later, I come home, park and immediately take a leak in my driveway, I look up and she is standing on the other side of my car, I am like "what are you doing?!" We went over this! Apparently she was checking out my barn, maybe she slept out there? idk.  I again take her to her car, at the gas station.
     The next day I am at the gas station, she walks up to me, I asked what shes doing and she said she is sleeping in her car on a neighbors property.  I told her I can't give her a ride, she can't park on peoples property, then I called the sheriffs office, told them the situ, I did not want to press chargers and there weren't any complaints but this girl needs help.  I don't know what happened to her but hopefully she got some help. 
    South of Columbus, Ohio.

  • Ozzie_Isaac
    Ozzie_Isaac Posts: 20,227
    edited February 24
    @GrateEggspectations I had something somewhat similar happen with a young lost soul. 
     Swmbo was in Columbus one evening, I was at the house and someone walked by on my lane heading north to my back fields.  I ran out and asked what the hell are you doing and where are you going this is private property.   She was out of it, weird, not like drugs but maybe.  After talking to her for a bit, she was apparently a rich kid (20s) from India, she was in USA alone, had a child with someone and dropped out of college, and was cut off from her folks.  My sympathetic response to all that was.... well this is America, and you can't wander around on farms, everyone is not as friendly as I am. 
      At this point, swmbo pulls up, and like you would imagine she is like wtf is going on here, but just goes in the house.  So I give the girl a ride to the gas station where her car is and told her good luck and all that.
     A few days later, I come home, park and immediately take a leak in my driveway, I look up and she is standing on the other side of my car, I am like "what are you doing?!" We went over this! Apparently she was checking out my barn, maybe she slept out there? idk.  I again take her to her car, at the gas station.
     The next day I am at the gas station, she walks up to me, I asked what shes doing and she said she is sleeping in her car on a neighbors property.  I told her I can't give her a ride, she can't park on peoples property, then I called the sheriffs office, told them the situ, I did not want to press chargers and there weren't any complaints but this girl needs help.  I don't know what happened to her but hopefully she got some help. 
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but she didn’t get help, not from government at least.  Our system of support and help for those struggling with mental health is non-existent.  Jail or the streets.  Those are the options in the USA if a person does not have family support, and even with family support those are still highly likely.

    Mental hospitals were never great, but the systematic dismantling of them was the absolute wrong move.

    I watched it happen in the 80s/90s.  I had an Uncle who worked in a mental hospital.  When they started getting shutdown he told me exactly what the world would look like for those patients.  He was right.  Look at our homeless problem.  Go talk to some of the folks on the street.  Mental health and drugs.  Don’t know which came first, but I suspect mental health was the initial problem for a significant portion.

    Maybe your purpose in life is only to serve as an example for others? - LPL

  • @Ozzie_Isaac you might be right, I was hoping that her family back home might hear about the severity of the situation and intervene.  If god forbid something happened to her, and I had not at least tried to get her some help, well that is not something I want on my conscience. I have seen weird **** before and not intervened and I carry that.   My other option was to call a friend who is Indian/Canadian and maybe he could have reached out to her folks, but that is a lot to ask of someone.  
    South of Columbus, Ohio.

  • My evaluation of the situation was, that she had no money, no food, no direction, some kind of mental break down, a kid somewhere, parents somewhere, a boyfriend somewhere. Someone has to be looking for this girl.  People come out to the country to get lost, or get away, sometimes pass away, and if I have a chance to send them back to the city... I will lol.  
    South of Columbus, Ohio.

  • Canugghead
    Canugghead Posts: 11,976
    edited February 24
    @GrateEggspectations' incident reminds me of some driving related subjects...

    1) My in-class driving instructor said 'Green light is more dangerous than Red, because you're relying on others to do the right thing'.

    2) One of my pet peeves is drivers stopped on red lights and blocking the exit from a building, gas station, shopping plaza, etc. It's common sense but you'd be amazed how many drivers don't pay attention.
    This is how I handle the situation both ways,
    (a) When I'm trying to exit and see someone approaching when the lights are already/almost red, with no intention of stopping: I tap (not lean on) the horn, open the window and give a friendly wave. Often works.
    (b) When I have the right of way and the lights are already/almost red: I gently (not abruptly) stop shy of the exit and let others exit. To miigate the risk of someone hitting me from behind, or the exiting driver(s) colliding with cars coming up from lane parallel to me, I turn on the flashers, tap the horn and stick my arm out of the window.

    3) When in the middle lane and I see two cars ahead of me to my left and right try to change into my lane when they're shoulder to shoulder, oblivious of each other, I'd ease up on gas and lean on my horn. Question, can modern cars with blind spot sensor sense car two lanes over?

    Not sure if I can react like @GrateEggspectations under pressure though. Rant over, happy weekend folks.
  • Ozzie_Isaac
    Ozzie_Isaac Posts: 20,227
    My evaluation of the situation was, that she had no money, no food, no direction, some kind of mental break down, a kid somewhere, parents somewhere, a boyfriend somewhere. Someone has to be looking for this girl.  People come out to the country to get lost, or get away, sometimes pass away, and if I have a chance to send them back to the city... I will lol.  
    Hope my message didn’t come across as negative towards you at all.  You have helped her multiple times, gave her rides back to her car and also explained the rural situation.

    My comment was more addressed towards our (USA) overall system.  We have no local government agencies who can provide real help.  Really nothing more you could have done.

    Couple that with a private system so full of graft and scams that people really have no help.

    Maybe your purpose in life is only to serve as an example for others? - LPL

  • My evaluation of the situation was, that she had no money, no food, no direction, some kind of mental break down, a kid somewhere, parents somewhere, a boyfriend somewhere. Someone has to be looking for this girl.  People come out to the country to get lost, or get away, sometimes pass away, and if I have a chance to send them back to the city... I will lol.  
    Hope my message didn’t come across as negative towards you at all.  You have helped her multiple times, gave her rides back to her car and also explained the rural situation.

    My comment was more addressed towards our (USA) overall system.  We have no local government agencies who can provide real help.  Really nothing more you could have done.

    Couple that with a private system so full of graft and scams that people really have no help.

     Not at all buddy. The topic is really depressing, mental health in general and the direction of this country is spiraling out of control. I really don't see a way out. However I am always the optimist and I guess all I can say is its always been that way.  When I was a kid I would here folks say "i would never raise a kid the way the world is now" and I remember thinking what the heck are they talking about. 
    South of Columbus, Ohio.

  • @alaskanassasin

    That’s a strange and sad story. In an ideal world, she has patched things up with her parents, is getting some support and is raising her child. 


    Agree that no one seems to be adequately equipped to deal with these kind of mental health or substance abuse problems. Things will only get worse as income gaps grow. I have family members who are quite concerned, as a former church literally 900 ft (a two minutes walk) from their house was purchased by the city to be renovated and used as a hub for community housing. Nothing wrong with community housing, but it will house a lot of people with mental health and substance abuse, so they anticipate that they’ll be seeing more public safety issues in their neighbourhood. They also anticipate a drop in the value of their home. 
  • ColbyLang
    ColbyLang Posts: 3,765

    That’s a strange and sad story. In an ideal world, she has patched things up with her parents, is getting some support and is raising her child. 


    Agree that no one seems to be adequately equipped to deal with these kind of mental health or substance abuse problems. Things will only get worse as income gaps grow. I have family members who are quite concerned, as a former church literally 900 ft (a two minutes walk) from their house was purchased by the city to be renovated and used as a hub for community housing. Nothing wrong with community housing, but it will house a lot of people with mental health and substance abuse, so they anticipate that they’ll be seeing more public safety issues in their neighbourhood. They also anticipate a drop in the value of their home. 
    A very valid concern. They will have issues. The value will go down. In the ole USA, sober living facilities are protected by the ADA. Literally zero you can do if one opens in your neighborhood. 
  • @ColbyLang

    And they try to intersperse such housing amongst established and well-respected neighbourhoods so as not to create ghettos. The subject family members are in a nice neighbourhood where property values are elevated, so they are rather disappointed. Nothing to be done here either.
  • johnmitchell
    johnmitchell Posts: 6,724
    @ColtsFan. John Cherokee Purple tomatoes are in my book the bomb!!👍
    Greensboro North Carolina
    When in doubt Accelerate....
  • ColtsFan said:
    It’s that time of year! I can taste the maters already!

    Do they start to lean if you’ve overdone it on the Busch Light waterings?
  • ColbyLang
    ColbyLang Posts: 3,765
    ColtsFan said:
    It’s that time of year! I can taste the maters already!

    Do they start to lean if you’ve overdone it on the Busch Light waterings?
    Noooo, water may have more ABV than Busch Light
  • ColtsFan
    ColtsFan Posts: 6,506
    @ColbyLang 4.1% 😏

    @GrateEggspectations that’s my secret to delicious tomatoes. Lol
    ~ John - https://www.instagram.com/hoosier_egger
    XL BGE, LG BGE, Med BGE, BGE Chiminea, KJ Jr, PK Original, Ardore Pizza Oven
    Bloomington, IN - Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoosiers!

  • Changed the rollers, belt and pulley on the dryer. Good as new and purring like a kitten. Parts were about $40. Better than junking it!
  • Battleborn
    Battleborn Posts: 3,502
    Changed the rollers, belt and pulley on the dryer. Good as new and purring like a kitten. Parts were about $40. Better than junking it!
    Our dryer was squealing so loud a few months ago and I did the same thing. My parts were only like $20 on Amazon, but we have a cheap dryer. 
    Las Vegas, NV

  • @Battleborn

    Fixing/restoring things is so satisfying. That, cutting the grass, waxing the car and some forms of cardio all rank pretty high on the satisfaction scale. 
  • Battleborn
    Battleborn Posts: 3,502

    Fixing/restoring things is so satisfying. That, cutting the grass, waxing the car and some forms of cardio all rank pretty high on the satisfaction scale. 
    I agree with all of that except waxing a car. No thanks. 
    Las Vegas, NV