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  • Gulfcoastguy
    Gulfcoastguy Posts: 6,604
    We have a cop who lives next to a stop sign on the through route across my subdivision. He left his house to follow me , pull me over , and rant for a while . He said that I didn’t stop at the stop sign or the red light , I did but since no traffic was coming I proceeded as soon as my wheels stopped both times. In each case I could see over 100 yards in every direction. Then he said that when I turned right on red I turned directly to the inside lane instead of driving in the right hand lane, that it was the law. Well I could tell that it was going to be a no ticket **** session so I didn’t say that he pulled that one out of his azz.
  • Ozzie_Isaac
    Ozzie_Isaac Posts: 20,124
    Botch said:
    I know a boneless brisket shrinks an equal amount, but seeing, right in front of you, that stark reminder of a rib bone being twice as long as the finished beef, makes me a bit sad.   :|
    It brings me joy!  All the vegan has been expelled and you are left with tender beefy richness!

    It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. - Captain Jean-Luc Packard

  • Ybabpmuts
    Ybabpmuts Posts: 962
    ..I don't know how to respond to that, so I'm going to tell you a story about my elderly mom. You see, I come from a blue collar family, regular hard working American people, and I married up, my father in law once told me that their family was very stoic people, half my family can't even spell stoic, so I always felt like they thought they were above us. Two years ago I brought my 82 year old MIL to my 84 YO parents house for Thanksgiving. We walk in the door and within fifteen minutes my mother comes out with this fine nugget.  ...

    The restaurant we've been going to, the carpet is starting to smell like an old vagina.

    I laughed so friggin hard but the look on my MIL.was priceless
  • Battleborn
    Battleborn Posts: 3,490
    WeberWho said:
    Subliminally thanking the guy who flashed his headlights at me for the speed trap down a very quiet 2 mile road that doesn't see much traffic on the way to work. I caught myself going 46-47 in the 30 mph zone two days earlier. (Very easy to do 40 mph as you'll be following or be followed doing anything slower.) 

    @Battleborn I'm curious as it probably varies from state to state but are you able to park in a residential driveway for speed traps? I believe they were backed into a private gated entrance. I'm curious how that would work in court? I don't think I've ever seen that before. I would think it would need to be on a public road/easement but only an assumption on my end. 
    I’m sure it varies state to state, but generally speaking, officers can be anywhere the public can be. If the cop was on private property, conducting enforcement on a public roadway, I see no way for the infraction to be challenged unless the property owner asked (aka trespassed) the officer prior to the infraction be committed and came to court over someone else’s traffic ticket and testified to that. Unlikely. What is more likely is suing the department and officer for violating their rights. 

    I personally am not a ticket writer. Blowing a stop sign/stop light (not a California stop, but legitimately going through), insurance and reckless driving are about the only ticket I write 100% of the time. 
    Las Vegas, NV

  • Battleborn
    Battleborn Posts: 3,490
    WeberWho said:
    Subliminally thanking the guy who flashed his headlights at me for the speed trap down a very quiet 2 mile road that doesn't see much traffic on the way to work. I caught myself going 46-47 in the 30 mph zone two days earlier. (Very easy to do 40 mph as you'll be following or be followed doing anything slower.) 

    @Battleborn I'm curious as it probably varies from state to state but are you able to park in a residential driveway for speed traps? I believe they were backed into a private gated entrance. I'm curious how that would work in court? I don't think I've ever seen that before. I would think it would need to be on a public road/easement but only an assumption on my end. 
    I’m sure it varies state to state, but generally speaking, officers can be anywhere the public can be. If the cop was on private property, conducting enforcement on a public roadway, I see no way for the infraction to be challenged unless the property owner asked (aka trespassed) the officer prior to the infraction be committed and came to court over someone else’s traffic ticket and testified to that. Unlikely. What is more likely is suing the department and officer for violating their rights. 

    I personally am not a ticket writer. Blowing a stop sign/stop light (not a California stop, but legitimately going through), insurance and reckless driving are about the only ticket I write 100% of the time. 
    In addition, in your situation, I would be curious as to what the easements are in your area. If outside the gated area, I would think the cop was fine. I wouldn’t press the issue if I was the cop though. There are always plenty of places to “hide” that aren’t bordering on government trespass issue. 
    Las Vegas, NV

  • Battleborn
    Battleborn Posts: 3,490
    WeberWho said:
    WeberWho said:
    Subliminally thanking the guy who flashed his headlights at me for the speed trap down a very quiet 2 mile road that doesn't see much traffic on the way to work. I caught myself going 46-47 in the 30 mph zone two days earlier. (Very easy to do 40 mph as you'll be following or be followed doing anything slower.) 

    @Battleborn I'm curious as it probably varies from state to state but are you able to park in a residential driveway for speed traps? I believe they were backed into a private gated entrance. I'm curious how that would work in court? I don't think I've ever seen that before. I would think it would need to be on a public road/easement but only an assumption on my end. 
    I guess it varies from state to state. It sounds like they should ask the homeowner permission prior to them setting up but not required. If on the homeowners property the homeowner can ask them to leave and they will lawfully have to follow order. It's gets into public /private easements and such if you really break it down. I follow a YouTube channel called, Long Island Audit and the guy who runs the channel does audits on government officals. I've learned a ton about what is legal/illegal through his channel and was curious how it works with citations from a private establishment. I think I found my answer. Thanks!
    I would be a little careful listening to some of those audit pages. Street lawyers get a lot of people in trouble. Some are actually really good too and know their sh!t. The question comes down to standing. If the driver is committing an infraction on a public roadway, they generally don’t have standing to contest were the cop was when they observed the infraction. If I observe someone running a stop sign at point A and pull them over at point B two miles down the road, it doesn’t negate the fact they ran the stop sign.
    Las Vegas, NV

  • DuckDogDr
    DuckDogDr Posts: 1,549
    here is a copy of one of my X-rays; a lot of bone on bone. Shows all the arthritis in my back. 
    My dad does have a single bad disc but even his back isn’t as bad as mine. I’m sure some of it is genetic, but i genuinely think a lot of it was from when I was younger . 
    My parents weren’t poor but they weren’t well off either. and mom saved money to put me in a private school for a “safer” environment… which was a large misconception. Even though they were able to pay the tuition they weren’t able to pay for the extras such as one of the lockers. So the teachers made me carry ALL my textbooks home every night.  

    Then in my early teenage years my first boss used me as pack mule to carry all the heavy crap he didn’t want to. 

    When I had my back surgery it was because I HAD to have it. Disc ruptured and compressed the nerves enough I couldn’t feel / use my left leg. Went in on emergency 

  • WeberWho
    WeberWho Posts: 11,208
    @Battleborn I appreciate the explanation!

    I agree with you about some of those audit pages. Long Island Audit is about the only one I can stand. Doesn't raise his voice, is polite, and educates. Works with law enforcement in trainings. 

    Thank you for what you do! 

    "The pig is an amazing animal. You feed a pig an apple and it makes bacon. Let's see Michael Phelps do that" - Jim Gaffigan

  • alaskanassasin
    alaskanassasin Posts: 8,063
    WeberWho said:
    WeberWho said:
    Subliminally thanking the guy who flashed his headlights at me for the speed trap down a very quiet 2 mile road that doesn't see much traffic on the way to work. I caught myself going 46-47 in the 30 mph zone two days earlier. (Very easy to do 40 mph as you'll be following or be followed doing anything slower.) 

    @Battleborn I'm curious as it probably varies from state to state but are you able to park in a residential driveway for speed traps? I believe they were backed into a private gated entrance. I'm curious how that would work in court? I don't think I've ever seen that before. I would think it would need to be on a public road/easement but only an assumption on my end. 
    I guess it varies from state to state. It sounds like they should ask the homeowner permission prior to them setting up but not required. If on the homeowners property the homeowner can ask them to leave and they will lawfully have to follow order. It's gets into public /private easements and such if you really break it down. I follow a YouTube channel called, Long Island Audit and the guy who runs the channel does audits on government officals. I've learned a ton about what is legal/illegal through his channel and was curious how it works with citations from a private establishment. I think I found my answer. Thanks!
    I would let them park in my driveway without issue.  I also let the garbage man park on my property so he can sit somewhere quiet while he eats his lunch.  People doing good public works don't bother me at all, and I am glad they are out there doing it.
    Our township road crew parks stuff at our place time to time.  This one guy knocked on my door, he was in a pinch and asked if he could park his trailer on our farm for a week, I said sure just make sure you take yours when you come back!
    South of Columbus, Ohio.

  • WeberWho
    WeberWho Posts: 11,208
    WeberWho said:
    WeberWho said:
    Subliminally thanking the guy who flashed his headlights at me for the speed trap down a very quiet 2 mile road that doesn't see much traffic on the way to work. I caught myself going 46-47 in the 30 mph zone two days earlier. (Very easy to do 40 mph as you'll be following or be followed doing anything slower.) 

    @Battleborn I'm curious as it probably varies from state to state but are you able to park in a residential driveway for speed traps? I believe they were backed into a private gated entrance. I'm curious how that would work in court? I don't think I've ever seen that before. I would think it would need to be on a public road/easement but only an assumption on my end. 
    I guess it varies from state to state. It sounds like they should ask the homeowner permission prior to them setting up but not required. If on the homeowners property the homeowner can ask them to leave and they will lawfully have to follow order. It's gets into public /private easements and such if you really break it down. I follow a YouTube channel called, Long Island Audit and the guy who runs the channel does audits on government officals. I've learned a ton about what is legal/illegal through his channel and was curious how it works with citations from a private establishment. I think I found my answer. Thanks!
    I would let them park in my driveway without issue.  I also let the garbage man park on my property so he can sit somewhere quiet while he eats his lunch.  People doing good public works don't bother me at all, and I am glad they are out there doing it.
    Our township road crew parks stuff at our place time to time.  This one guy knocked on my door, he was in a pinch and asked if he could park his trailer on our farm for a week, I said sure just make sure you take yours when you come back!

    I had something similar happen a month or two ago. I hand removed rock under our deck and set it in a pile on the driveway. I probably spent 20 hours hand picking rock so someone would take it. (I found 256 nails in the rock) I didn't ask anything for it other than to be careful removing the rock from the concrete driveway with shovels, etc. I had a guy show up with a skid loader and trailer. I was happy to see that. I really didn't feel like shoveling into a trailer for someone. Plus I was busy busting up concrete behind the house. The guy who brought the skid loader laid down sheets of plywood on the driveway and shoveled the rock into the bucket and dumped into his trailer. He asked if he could leave the skidloader on the plywood for the night and grab it in the morning since his trailer was full of rock. Plus he was from Wisconsin. That's a minimum of an hour drive. Apparently a weld broke on his axle of his dump trailer on the way home. (I helped them scoop rock for the last 20 minutes as it was getting dark out and I finished up busting concrete for the night. Just in small talk he mentioned he was going fishing in North Dakota) I get a text early the next morning explaining what happened and he's trying to get his trailer into the shop so he can get his trailer welded. I told him no rush. I get a call about an hour later and you could tell he's frantic on the phone. He goes, "I'm looking at 2-3 hours before the trailer gets fixed and I was supposed to be on the road an hour ago to North Dakota fishing. I have a group of guys waiting on me so we can head out to North Dakota. I told him not to worry about the skid loader. I told him if it needs to sit here a few hours, days, or a week that's perfectly fine with me. Why have the guy stress out when all I had to do is let the thing sit in my driveway. He left the keys in it and told me on the phone that I could use it if I needed it. He even mentioned that he'd help me with my project when he gets back if I needed the help. Unfortunately his skidsteer had a leak. I didn't catch until the next afternoon. I had drips down my driveway and a good puddle behind the plywood that the motor was hanging over. The guy ended up picking up the skidsteer about 5-6 days later. I went through a bunch of kitty litter for the stains but nothing to get upset about.  It happens. It's really not all that hard to be nice. Like my wife always says, "It takes more muscle to frown then it does to smile!"
    "The pig is an amazing animal. You feed a pig an apple and it makes bacon. Let's see Michael Phelps do that" - Jim Gaffigan

  • alaskanassasin
    alaskanassasin Posts: 8,063
    We have a saying around here ^^^^ no good deed goes unpunished! 
    South of Columbus, Ohio.

  • dbCooper
    dbCooper Posts: 2,321
    I could be auto steer and Netflix right now, but someone did not show up for work. I’m dogging the sheet out of this baler lol

    @alaskanassasin - Did you get a new tractor or retrofit your old one?

    LBGE, LBGE-PTR, 22" Weber, Coleman 413G
    Great Plains, USA
  • dbCooper
    dbCooper Posts: 2,321

    LBGE, LBGE-PTR, 22" Weber, Coleman 413G
    Great Plains, USA
  • Acn
    Acn Posts: 4,443
    Read an article about an import we definitely didn't need:

    MLC (majorleaguecricket.com)


    Pikesville, MD

  • Ozzie_Isaac
    Ozzie_Isaac Posts: 20,124
    Acn said:
    Read an article about an import we definitely didn't need:

    MLC (majorleaguecricket.com)
    I am stoked!  I enjoy watching, but it is hard to find in the US.  Hopefully ot does better than soccer.

    It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. - Captain Jean-Luc Packard

  • Battleborn
    Battleborn Posts: 3,490
    Just got done with a work out. Now I won’t feel so guilty about drinking beer later. 
    Las Vegas, NV

  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,482
    Just got done with a work out. Now I won’t feel so guilty about drinking beer later. 

    Always enjoyed landing in that place.  Back when I was a runner (younger and before joint replacements) I would measure run duration time in units of beer.  Always used 12 minutes/beer (non light/lite).  When finishing a long run it was a great feeling.
    Enjoy and you rightfully earned it. 
    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • HeavyG
    HeavyG Posts: 10,380
    Acn said:
    Read an article about an import we definitely didn't need:

    MLC (majorleaguecricket.com)
    I am stoked!  I enjoy watching, but it is hard to find in the US.  Hopefully ot does better than soccer.
    If you have Willow on your cable channel lineup you can be watching a Major League Cricket right now: New York vs San Francisco.

    I'm a fan of the T20 format. Been enjoying the Aussie Big Bash League season for a few years. Baseball fans should give T20 matches a chance - might find that they like them!

    “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” ― Philip K. Diçk

  • FrostyEgg
    FrostyEgg Posts: 601
    @lkapigian going to need the details on that!
  • Botch
    Botch Posts: 15,998
    Acn said:
    Read an article about an import we definitely didn't need:

    MLC (majorleaguecricket.com)
    Send a note to the saudis, maybe they'll make a pre-emptive purchase.   ;)  

    Curry smells a hell of a lot better than a Big Mac, just sayin'  

  • ColbyLang
    ColbyLang Posts: 3,754
    Botch said:
    Acn said:
    Read an article about an import we definitely didn't need:

    MLC (majorleaguecricket.com)
    Send a note to the saudis, maybe they'll make a pre-emptive purchase.   ;)  
    And in the end, even the PGA naysayers will get paid…..
  • lkapigian
    lkapigian Posts: 11,030
    FrostyEgg said:
    @lkapigian going to need the details on that!
    Will do @FrostyEgg , it’s a process and absolutely my least favorite, but most requested , thing to make … always gets me “ best side dish” when they have that category 
    Visalia, Ca @lkapigian
  • Ozzie_Isaac
    Ozzie_Isaac Posts: 20,124
    FrostyEgg said:
    @lkapigian going to need the details on that!
    Kraft Mac&Cheese + Bacon.  You are welcome.

    It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. - Captain Jean-Luc Packard

  • Ozzie_Isaac
    Ozzie_Isaac Posts: 20,124
    What we have here is a failure to communicate or ask questions about your instructions/job.

    It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. - Captain Jean-Luc Packard

  • lkapigian
    lkapigian Posts: 11,030
    FrostyEgg said:
    @lkapigian going to need the details on that!
    Kraft Mac&Cheese + Bacon.  You are welcome.
    You are killing me smalls 
    Visalia, Ca @lkapigian
  • WeberWho
    WeberWho Posts: 11,208
    edited July 2023
    What we have here is a failure to communicate or ask questions about your instructions/job.

    This reminds me of my buddy. We attended a wedding that required a hotel stay. Let's just say a big breakfast was needed the next morning. My idiot buddy was still half in the bag when he walks up to the waffle batter dispenser similar to the one in the picture below and pulls the handle to dispense waffle batter. 

    The dispenser clearly says, "Push" on the handle so my buddy pulls it. The whole handle breaks off the machine and starts shooting waffle batter everywhere. All I hear him say is, "Oh my, oh my" as he's still clearly drunk and waffle batter is going everywhere. My wife comes running over to the machine and starts filling up styrofoam cups of waffle mix as it seems to never end. Mind you this lady who is in charge of the continental breakfast area has won awards and has picture frames from articles about her and her dedication of serving breakfast. The lady pretty much body checks my friend to get him out of the way as she was clearly upset about the incident that just took place. She says, "Can't you read the handle? It says push not pull" while catching the rest of the the batter in a big bowl. My friend says, "I thought that meant pull". If looks could kill. My buddy was too scared to look up for the rest of breakfast. Not only was the lady who was in charge of continental breakfast pissed but every single person who showed up for breakfast that wanted waffles felt the same way after being told it was broken. Breakfast lady and my buddy didn't find it very funny. I found it absolutely hilarious!
    "The pig is an amazing animal. You feed a pig an apple and it makes bacon. Let's see Michael Phelps do that" - Jim Gaffigan

  • Ybabpmuts
    Ybabpmuts Posts: 962
    I love waffle batter stories.  I loved my wife too but she's leaving me and I looked everywhere, even in her underwear drawer and I didn't find one damned waffle batter stor after 30 years  I'm starting to wonder what got me attracted to her in the first place, other than that time she was in the high heels and leaning dangerously over a pastry dish, while her lips were glistening in the sun like they were made of hi fructose corn syrup. Waffle batter stories are the best.
  • Ozzie_Isaac
    Ozzie_Isaac Posts: 20,124
    WeberWho said:
    What we have here is a failure to communicate or ask questions about your instructions/job.

    This reminds me of my buddy. We attended a wedding that required a hotel stay. Let's just say a big breakfast was needed the next morning. My idiot buddy was still half in the bag when he walks up to the waffle batter dispenser similar to the one in the picture below and pulls the handle to dispense waffle batter. 

    The dispenser clearly says, "Push" on the handle so my buddy pulls it. The whole handle breaks off the machine and starts shooting waffle batter everywhere. All I hear him say is, "Oh my, oh my" as he's still clearly drunk and waffle batter is going everywhere. My wife comes running over to the machine and starts filling up styrofoam cups of waffle mix as it seems to never end. Mind you this lady who is in charge of the continental breakfast area has won awards and has picture frames from articles about her and her dedication of serving breakfast. The lady pretty much body checks my friend to get him out of the way as she was clearly upset about the incident that just took place. She says, "Can't you read the handle? It says push not pull" while catching the rest of the the batter in a big bowl. My friend says, "I thought that meant pull". If looks could kill. My buddy was too scared to look up for the rest of breakfast. Not only was the lady who was in charge of continental breakfast pissed but every single person who showed up for breakfast that wanted waffles felt the same way after being told it was broken. Breakfast lady and my buddy didn't find it very funny. I found it absolutely hilarious!
    Rofl!!  I can just imagine that.

    It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. - Captain Jean-Luc Packard