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OT - should i be pissed? (screwed on work incentive)

I don't know who else to ask so I come to you...bbq bretheren.  This is going to sound like I am a **** but I don't care... I need to vent.

Long story short.  I work in vacation sales.  Every year there is an incentive.  "top 6 agents to book xx property gets to go on a trip to xx island".  I have been the top 6 every year and usually won the incentive as the #1 booker.

Long story short, last night I get an email saying "George cant make it, your next up...want to go?"  I emailed my boss and was like, "what do you mean?  I was in the top spot for this incentive why am I only being invited now that George cant go?  I should have been the first asked"

I had 40% more bookings  than the #2 person so it should have been very clear I won and was not sloppy seconds.  When I emailed about it again this morning (after getting no response last night), they said "o, we sorted the data wrong and you were in fact #1, sorry about that."  Needless to say, there have been weekly data updates for 4 months and I was always in the #1 spot, by 30-40% so it should have been clear I deserved a spot.

Should I be pissed I was looked over?  I feel like because I can be a pain in the ass (I demand a lot...but I am also the #1 agent for 4 years in a row) they purposefully overlooked me and I would have never known that I wasn't invited until the trip was over and the boat had sailed.  Am I over reacting?  I have worked my ASS off to be the top agent year after year and this is what I get for it. 

Sorry for the drama...but I have no where else to ask and need to vent!

I turned down the trip after being invited as sloppy joe seconds.  Why offer incentives if they are only going to invite those that they really like on a personal level?  Im not here to make friends so I don't care if I am disliked (as being the top agent year after year puts a target on my back) but I do expect to be given incentives that I have earned. 

end rant.  I know a lot of you are successful business people so I figured I would ask.  do you think they truly did make a mistake or did I get screwed?

god I need a new job.  think BGE is hiring?



  • SkinnyV
    SkinnyV Posts: 3,404
    edited February 2014
    Hard for me to accept the sales manager did not know the data was messed up, they are or should be looking at this data often weekly, bi weekly). But, did a data guy send out bad reports week after week and no one caught it?
    Did you bother to check in and make sure your bookings numbers were accurate and you were on track as the lead, before the last report? If you did no diligence , not sure you can blame anyone else for what may be just an error.

    Congrats on being a top sales guy, at least you are always employable.
    Seattle, WA
  • minniemoh
    minniemoh Posts: 2,145
    First, I think you should pour yourself a drink, clean out the ash, and start the BGE. Once the smoke fills the air, sit back for a minute and breathe a little of it. While it's coming up to temp for whatever you want to cook tonight, you can have clearer thoughts on a course of action. Then you can begin to sort out the politics involved. 

    Just my 2 cents.
    L x2, M, S, Mini and a Blackstone 36. She says I have enough now....
    eggAddict from MN!
  • busmania
    busmania Posts: 414

    o yes, the data was accurate.  the same manager  who sent out the "you won" email was the only manager who managed the data  and put it all together, week after week.  Their excuse was simply "we sorted it wrong".  to me, its strange it was sorted fine for 4 months until it came time to announce the winners.

    Yes, feels good to be employable but I wished I worked for someone who gave two shits.  At my company, the sales team is the bottom of the totem pole.  The problem is my job is super flexible, I work from home and i basically come and go as i please so it is hard to leave, especially when I can egg while working!

  • Foghorn
    Foghorn Posts: 10,016

    It ultimately doesn't matter if they made the mistake by accident or on purpose.  The appropriate professional response is to give them the benefit of the doubt.  That's what you would want if it were you on the other side of this.

    XXL BGE, Karebecue, Klose BYC, Chargiller Akorn Kamado, Weber Smokey Mountain, Grand Turbo gasser, Weber Smoky Joe, and the wheelbarrow that my grandfather used to cook steaks from his cattle

    San Antonio, TX

  • SkinnyV
    SkinnyV Posts: 3,404
    I say let it go, if you rock the boat and it was a mistake, your an a$$. If you rock the boat and it was on purpose.... Well then you gave more ammo.
    If your gig is good then let it go and keep making $$. Sometimes these managers and bosses know how good the sales people have it, and sometimes think they are replaceable.
    I've been in the meetings, heard the rumblings on bonus, and commission checks from the cfo's.
    This is just my opinion, I was an analyst at one time and I threw these numbers together for both sides, I also was around for budgeting and that's when the rumblings can start. Everyone thinks they are more important than the next.
    Seattle, WA
  • I always find when I'm peed about a work related problem to write a letter expressing your feelings immediately. Don't hold back. Swear a lot. Don't send it. Then go home, have a few, actually a lot of bevvies, cook something on the egg, more bevvies, turn your e-mail and phone off, eat, sleep. Then send your rant letter the next day to make it look like you gave it it's due consideration.


    Caledon, ON


  • BREWnQ
    BREWnQ Posts: 219
    I wanna know WTF is so important that George can't make it to XX Island?

    I think you have the right to be pissed off.  I know I would be.  I do feel a good though hearing that there are other companies out there who make some pretty bonehead mistakes.  On a daily bases I think to myself......What would our shareholders think if they knew this?

    Brewer, BBQer, Softballer, RCer, Father, HomeTheaterer, and trouble maker.
    Orange, CA
  • busmania
    busmania Posts: 414
    Foghorn said:

    It ultimately doesn't matter if they made the mistake by accident or on purpose.  The appropriate professional response is to give them the benefit of the doubt.  That's what you would want if it were you on the other side of this.

    Your right! 
    SkinnyV said:
    I say let it go, if you rock the boat and it was a mistake, your an a$$. If you rock the boat and it was on purpose.... Well then you gave more ammo. If your gig is good then let it go and keep making $$. Sometimes these managers and bosses know how good the sales people have it, and sometimes think they are replaceable. I've been in the meetings, heard the rumblings on bonus, and commission checks from the cfo's. This is just my opinion, I was an analyst at one time and I threw these numbers together for both sides, I also was around for budgeting and that's when the rumblings can start. Everyone thinks they are more important than the next.
    I wont be rocking the boat...that's why I came here to vent rather than calling my boss and SWMBO is tired of hearing about it!  You are right, managers hate it when the "measly sales guy" is making more than them.  Ive been on both sides.
  • They probably told people about the potential mistake in the TPS report.  Did you do a cover sheet on the TPS report?
    XL BGE
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    Don't let some office BS make you lose out on a trip that you rightfully deserve.  You said you're not there to make friends so it's time to have a killer instinct with your emotions too.  You're clearly aware of your stats, so give them the benefit of the doubt.  They're not so invested in "your" specific numbers, they only care about bottom line, not who got them there.  Now, if yall suck, that's when they care who's not pulling their weight.  
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    Now, have a beer, eat some BBQ and don't think about office BS tonight!
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • Business is business. (My job doesn't do business so I can speak objectively here)

    If it was in the company's best intrest to send you first that's what they would have done.

    Whatever you are doing, somehow, must not be in their best intrest. Change that and move forward. It appears that rewarding their top sales guy isn't what motivates the boss. Find out what does and you are fine.
    Be careful, man! I've got a beverage here.
  • henapple
    henapple Posts: 16,025
    I wouldn't have turned the trip down. As a small business owner I've learned to bow my head when needed. Does it suck? Hell yeah. I bailed out a company for 3 years several times only to lose a bid by $300. Every job has its **** but it feeds my family and provides an education for my kids that hopefully will amount to more than I have. It's sometimes best to let it breathe for a while...like a vintage PBR.
    Green egg, dead animal and alcohol. The "Boro".. TN 
  • YEMTrey
    YEMTrey Posts: 6,830
    I think you may have already answered your own question in your post:

    "I feel like because I can be a pain in the ass (I demand a lot...but I am also the #1 agent for 4 years in a row) they purposefully overlooked me."

    If you're a self described PITA, they probably thought, "we deal with this guy all year long, we're sure as hell not dealing with him on this trip."

    You catch more flies with honey, just food for thought.

    Congrats on being a top salesman.  You're work flexibility is amazing, and it's taking care of your family.  Aside from the lost trip, you're doing fine.
    XL, Mini Max, and a 22" Blackstone in Cincinnati, Ohio

  • onedbguru
    onedbguru Posts: 1,647
    edited February 2014
    at sometime in the future, you may remind the idiots that without people like you selling their "product" they would not have a job.  Just my 2c. Since I am an independent consultant, I fix stuff, they "fire" me.  At one company where I was an actual employee, I was introduced to a C-level manager and he said, "Oh, I have heard of you".  My response:  "If you have heard my name, you were in big trouble".  And they were. I fixed the problem.   About 8-9 months later I was on the top of the layoff list.    I was recently on contract brought in to fix a major snafu.  I bailed the "other guy" out, when it came time to start trimming staff... guess who was the first to go. They kept the dude that got them into trouble in the first place. Go figure.  The real problem... I make too much.  All of the others made less than me.  Some companies don't like paying their "assets" what they are really worth or they say something like "I can't pay you more than the others, that just wouldn't be fair".  Since no one is supposed to know what the others make, who would know or care.  If they do care, maybe they should work a lot harder.
  • If anyone mentions "fair" at your place of business, run like hell.
    Be careful, man! I've got a beverage here.
  • busmania
    busmania Posts: 414
    If anyone mentions "fair" at your place of business, run like hell.

    Dude, this is the most irritating parapet of my job. They do everything based on being "fair". Drives me f'n NUTS. I have expressed many times how business is not 'fair' but that is how they operate. I am treated the same as the guy that's been around a month even though I've been around for 5 years. It's business, not a firkin charity.
  • Hi54putty
    Hi54putty Posts: 1,873
    I don't understand why you would admit you are a jerk and hard to get along with but wouldn't take the trip. You need to go all in one way or the other.

    Also, life isn't fair and everyone roots for the nice guy to win. Just a fact.

    Egg a big steak and gear up for the next contest. Good luck.
    Winston-Salem, NC 
  • onedbguru
    onedbguru Posts: 1,647
    That is why I like being an independent consultant.  you pay me what I need/want and you get my experience. I don't care what you pay the other guy.  I agreed to what you pay me.  If someone else makes more, so be it. I HATE  the mantra "equal pay for equal work"... or even "pay grades". Fact is, no one is equal in ability, therefore it is highly doubtful they can do equal work.  This fact is gender neutral.   If you hire good people and pay them what they are worth, then the company will actually make more.  They don't seem to get that.
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,975
    busmania said:
    If anyone mentions "fair" at your place of business, run like hell.

    Dude, this is the most irritating parapet of my job. They do everything based on being "fair". Drives me f'n NUTS. I have expressed many times how business is not 'fair' but that is how they operate. I am treated the same as the guy that's been around a month even though I've been around for 5 years. It's business, not a firkin charity.

    Having been on both sides as you said you have then please take my comment as a friendly bit of advice from some one else who has "been there"...you maybe their best sales person, but the longer you piss off people on the way up then they will find a new hot shot to replace you. Even though you apparently have a stable of customers to buy whatever trip you sell they are not loyal to you when the next guy comes along. Sorry Charlie, but me thinks you are working yourself up tonight to go piss away a job you already said was great, and maybe the "error maker" is hopping that you resign tomorrow.
  • busmania
    busmania Posts: 414
    Hi54putty said:
    I don't understand why you would admit you are a jerk and hard to get along with but wouldn't take the trip. You need to go all in one way or the other. Also, life isn't fair and everyone roots for the nice guy to win. Just a fact. Egg a big steak and gear up for the next contest. Good luck.

    I should clarify. I'm not a jerk nor difficult to get along with. I produce double that of 75% of my counter parts therefore I need double the support from management. I think they find this needed supportannoying but again, I produce double what most do. I constantly beg for more business and they find my "over acheiving" aka asking for more business, annoying. I spend 50% of my day playing games or reading aboutbbq'ing when I would rather be working leads. Therefore I am constantly nagging for more business. I deserve it. I consistently close at higher percentages than other employees yet because they want to be'fair' they dontgive me more work.
  • busmania
    busmania Posts: 414
    Rrp, I get it. That's why I am complaining here and not to my boss. Everyone is replaceable. The only way to fix the problem is to work for myself. I'm working on that.
  • henapple
    henapple Posts: 16,025
    Not to be Debbie Downer but working for yourself might be worse.
    Green egg, dead animal and alcohol. The "Boro".. TN 
  • onedbguru
    onedbguru Posts: 1,647
    edited February 2014
    henapple said:
    Not to be Debbie Downer but working for yourself might be worse.
    Having done both, having to pay 2x for FICA and Medicare (both employer and employee sides) and my own health care, vacation, sick leave and retirement can be great. On my current contract, I had the option of W2 or 1099.  I will make ~30-40% more on 1099 or C2C.   

    When I first started doing Independent consulting, the first 2 two-week contracts NETed me almost 50% of my previous years salary. So, it can be nice depending on your chosen field of work.  The only advice I would give to someone thinking about doing it on their own - do NOT get behind on your quarterly/yearly tax payments.   My first year, I estimated/payed in $30K - I estimated $10k short.  Took a while, but finally got it payed off.  Always estimate high - 30-40% should be set aside for Obama to continue to wreak havoc on our economy.  You may get some of it back, but I wouldn't count on it.
  • SmokeyPitt
    SmokeyPitt Posts: 10,490
    As others mentioned it might have simply been an honest mistake.  If your boss simply didn't want you to go, it seems he/she would not have invited you when someone else dropped out.  I would go on the trip and enjoy yourself if it is not too late. 

    What does the wife say?  I bet she wouldn't mind the trip ;)

    Which came first the chicken or the egg?  I egged the chicken and then I ate his leg. 

  • Mickey
    Mickey Posts: 19,693
    You are a Prima Donna. The "trip" is not nearly as important to you as the awarded honor of the trip. You ego is 20 times the norm. I only wish I had 15 of YOU on my sales floor. Not now as I am retiring in a couple of weeks and don't want within a mile of your kind. This is sounding like I a knocking you to most out there but I have spent the last 45 years in sales and Sir you are a breed of pain in the ass (as you said) and terrific income provider needed in retail for your company. I never had over one or two of you at a time ( several would kill a manager) but you have a lacking manager. I think you did the right thing for you. I would guess it will be seen up the food chain and brought to the eyes of those above your mgr and ask why. You would like the kind that can win anywhere. Your type needs no luck. Best to you.
    Salado TX & 30A  FL: Egg Family: 3 Large and a very well used Mini, added a Mini Max when they came out (I'm good for now). 

  • Foghorn
    Foghorn Posts: 10,016
    Busmania is Ricky Roma.

    XXL BGE, Karebecue, Klose BYC, Chargiller Akorn Kamado, Weber Smokey Mountain, Grand Turbo gasser, Weber Smoky Joe, and the wheelbarrow that my grandfather used to cook steaks from his cattle

    San Antonio, TX

  • tjv
    tjv Posts: 3,837

    it's time to move on and grow your business.  Sounds like you are still reliant on the company to produce leads.  As such, your abilities and income will always be dependent on the company and manager. 

    I've spend 25 years as an investment real estate broker.  It's 100% commish and you learn quickly how to survive.  Similar to what you are doing but with one exception, could be a big exception for you,  you source your own deals.  No reliance on the manager for a lead.  Investment real estate brokerage can be crazy money, highly competitive and in some respects, it's almost a requirement to eat your own in order to demonstrate you belong.

    Like Mickey says,  a good manager will know how to keep your edge sharp without getting cut (pissed at you), because it's simple arithmetic:  The more you make, the more they make.

    www.ceramicgrillstore.com ACGP, Inc.