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Anyone know about "Covfefe" ?



  • theyolksonyou
    theyolksonyou Posts: 18,459

    But slick Willy is getting his covfefe elsewhere. 
  • HeavyG
    HeavyG Posts: 10,380
    Starting season 5 of House of Cards. 

    Gonna be tough for this season to be wilder than reality. This season probably lacks covfefe.
    “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” ― Philip K. Diçk

  • thetrim
    thetrim Posts: 11,373
    The Allman Bros on iHeart Radio is Strong!
    XL 6/06, Mini 6/12, L 10/12, Mini #2 12/14 MiniMax 3/16 Large #2 11/20 Legacy from my FIL - RIP
    Tampa Bay, FL
    EIB 6 Oct 95
  • HeavyG
    HeavyG Posts: 10,380
    “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” ― Philip K. Diçk

  • JohnInCarolina
    JohnInCarolina Posts: 31,945
    "I've made a note never to piss you two off." - Stike
  • westernbbq
    westernbbq Posts: 2,490
    @JohnInCarolina:  i dont get my information from rush limbaugh, i get it from NPR and according to National Public Radio, ALL commitments in the Paris Climate Agreement are purely voluntary and unenforceable.   Moreover, i actually read the English text version of the Paris Climate Agreement and it is the flakiest 'agreement' ive read.   It urges countries to work toward reducing co2 emissions and has no teeth in it.   I negotiate contracts for my day job and know a few things about agreements.

    Anyone with common sense would look at this and see it  as a money grab political guilt trip against the most productive nation on earth, the US.  We are the truly only open and free society in the world.  Unfortunately, some use the freedoms our laws guarantee us to weaken our country to help advance an agenda.

    Climate change is nothing more than a political attempt to create big world government at the expense of the US.   And other countries, under this non agreement can do whatever the heck they want.   

    So again, please explain to me (because im stupid and youre the smartest person on this forum) in what world, or in what universe do the FACTS of the Paris Climate agreement actually reduce (and enforce violations of the urgings of the agreement) pollution?  Make sure you read it.  If i missed something, ill own it.

    Masters speak logistics, novices speak strategy.   This agreement is nothing but hopeful empty unenforceable strategy.   Just like Obama and his 'we gotta do better speeches' that he collected $400k for from a hedge fund and $3 million from the italians for.  Sorry i dont want to eat a smaller steak, thatll put cows and meat producers out of business.

    What the liberal media is virtually guaranteeing right now with its vituperative and villifying attacks on Trump is his reelection.

    Cough cough Hillary....keep blaming everyone else for your loss instead of looking in the mirror, oh wait she cant because she has no reflection....
  • JohnInCarolina
    JohnInCarolina Posts: 31,945
    @JohnInCarolina:  i dont get my information from rush limbaugh, i get it from NPR and according to National Public Radio, ALL commitments in the Paris Climate Agreement are purely voluntary and unenforceable.   Moreover, i actually read the English text version of the Paris Climate Agreement and it is the flakiest 'agreement' ive read.   It urges countries to work toward reducing co2 emissions and has no teeth in it.   I negotiate contracts for my day job and know a few things about agreements.

    Anyone with common sense would look at this and see it  as a money grab political guilt trip against the most productive nation on earth, the US.  We are the truly only open and free society in the world.  Unfortunately, some use the freedoms our laws guarantee us to weaken our country to help advance an agenda.

    Climate change is nothing more than a political attempt to create big world government at the expense of the US.   And other countries, under this non agreement can do whatever the heck they want.   

    So again, please explain to me (because im stupid and youre the smartest person on this forum) in what world, or in what universe do the FACTS of the Paris Climate agreement actually reduce (and enforce violations of the urgings of the agreement) pollution?  Make sure you read it.  If i missed something, ill own it.

    Masters speak logistics, novices speak strategy.   This agreement is nothing but hopeful empty unenforceable strategy.   Just like Obama and his 'we gotta do better speeches' that he collected $400k for from a hedge fund and $3 million from the italians for.  Sorry i dont want to eat a smaller steak, thatll put cows and meat producers out of business.

    What the liberal media is virtually guaranteeing right now with its vituperative and villifying attacks on Trump is his reelection.

    Cough cough Hillary....keep blaming everyone else for your loss instead of looking in the mirror, oh wait she cant because she has no reflection....

    There's so many things wrong with this, I don't even know where to start.

    It's a non-binding treaty, you are correct.  So how does staying in it hurt the US if it's *non-binding* ?  Why were all major businesses, including Exxon Mobil, calling for us to stay in if it's so damaging to the US?  Riddle me that.  Did Exxon Mobil suddenly become a bunch of liberal tree-huggers, or do you think maybe they see the problems of climate change as well.

    Trump has said that he'll re-negotiate it, which is crazy, because - once again - it's non-binding.  

    The Accord was about getting all countries on the same page when it comes to agreeing to CO2 emissions and setting targets.  In my view it doesn't go anywhere near far enough.  

    The notion that climate change is all political and not scientific is delusional.  I don't know where you're getting that from, but it's not NPR.  
    "I've made a note never to piss you two off." - Stike
  • HeavyG
    HeavyG Posts: 10,380
    edited June 2017
    @westernbbq says:

    "Climate change is nothing more than a political attempt to create big world government at the expense of the US."

    Yeaaaahh...it's all part of that nefarious UN Agenda 21 thing right?  :o

    Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement solely because his only mission is to go against anything Obama did. He resents that Kenyan born Muslim's continued popularity.

    “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” ― Philip K. Diçk

  • westernbbq
    westernbbq Posts: 2,490
    @JohnInCarolina, your points are well taken but to answer the question of whats wrong with staying in it is simple: it obviates having the US send billions of dollars on the shoestring hope that other countries will play fair in the honor system, and with no penalties if they dont.  Correct me if im wrong here but didnt most of the countries who signed on to the kyoto agreement violate it?  What happened?  Nothing.       The reason why this treaty was supported by Exxon is because its politically popular and they wouldnt have to change a damn thing, especially in their international exploration and extraction endeavors.  newsflash: oil consumption AND production along with Coal consumption and production worldwide are increasing and will continue to do so, especially in china, india, south america and europe. .   itll just be a matter of who can do it for the lowest cost and highest profit margin.   I have not been to India, or China  but those i know who have tell me the pollution in their major population centers is horrible, as in super unhealthy.    They dont have to do anything on this treaty yet get the money benefit of the fund that the US would probably be the biggest contributor to and their diplomats can travel on our dime to  meaningless meetings that accomplish nothing.

    And, NPR didnt tell me that climate change is a hoax and i never said that.  What i said is if one has common sense, one would see this as a politically charged guilt trip designed to extract money from the US. NPR DID inform me that the agreement was unenforceable and that participation in it was voluntary

    Others around the world are scared of trumps renegotiation proposal because it would actually hold them accountable, something no politician or bureaucratic society would ever want.   

    The bottom line of this is simple, the media and the left will constantly attack trump because they are still butthurt from being so wrong on hillarys coronation. This isnt about saving the earth, its about destroying all political viewpoints different from theirs.   What ever happened to the idea of tolerance and appreciation of others viewpoints?  That went down the rathole long before radicals set Berkely on fire in protest of conservative speaker..... And if Al Gore really cared about the environment why doesnt he stop flying on private jets?   

    I dont remember sarah palin and the tea party setting buildings on fire when obama got elected, do you?  Yet, its freedom of expression after trump gets elected? 

    The worst part of this is that individuals and media personalities are all uppity over this and id bet 99 % have never attempted to read the paris climate agreement.  

  • JohnInCarolina
    JohnInCarolina Posts: 31,945
    @JohnInCarolina, your points are well taken but to answer the question of whats wrong with staying in it is simple: it obviates having the US send billions of dollars on the shoestring hope that other countries will play fair in the honor system, and with no penalties if they dont.  

    On the one hand, you seem to understand that the Accord is non-binding.  On the other, you seem to believe the US would *have* to send in billions of dollars.  Cognitive dissonance, how does it work?

    Your argument for withdrawing falls apart *under your own reasoning*.  Well done.
    "I've made a note never to piss you two off." - Stike