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First Pizza on the Egg

Had to try pizza for the kids.  Temps shot up to 50 degrees in Michigan.  Cranked up the egg to 600 degrees with no issues.  Actually hit 650 on accident the first day.

I used straight overnight pizza dough from flour water salt yeast book by Forkish.  Dough was awesome.  First pizza very bad, but by the second day and fourth pizza shape was almost round.  I seem to get oblong pizzas for some reason. 

Kids and wife loved the pizza.  It was very good.  Five minutes at 600 and it was done.  Even made focaccia with the last of the dough and it was great. 

I used adjustable rig to get pizza stone high up in the dome.  Should have took a picture of the set up.  Sorry. 

Royal Oak, MI.,1 L BGE, kick ash basket
