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It's time to do something - But what? I need to loose weight
I haven't had it very long and we moved recently so it wasn't set up. A half million meters is only like 300 miles but I can't wait to get to multiple millions.
Man, after having foot surgery and buying the BGE both 7 months ago, I'm up 10 lbs. gotta getta new plan.Richmond and Mathews County, VA. Large BGE, Weber gas, little Weber charcoal. Vintage ManGrates. Little reddish portable kamado that shall remain nameless here. Very Extremely Stable Genius.
@JethroVA time for a intervention. It is all cut of your egg. I Will Buy It For 250.00. See how nice I am...just looking out for your good health.1 XXL BGE, 1 LG BGE, 2 MED. BGE, 1 MINI BGE, 1 Peoria custom cooker Meat Monster.Clinton, Iowa
I recently went on the Paleo Diet, anyone will loose weight on it. Check it out.
Lit, I only row on Sundays. I am at about 2.6 million meters now. Agree with most posters. It is all about portion control, food choices, and exercise. If doing Atkins, keep carbs down and don't be afraid of fat. I'm not doing Atkins. I do carbs, but stay with meat, fish, lots of veggies, some fruit. Try to limit bread, pasta, rice, starchy veggies. I work out daily. Have lost 115 in 10 months. Waist went from 46 to 36. Cholesterol went from 240 to 178. HDL (good cholesterol) is 60. Resting heart rate went from 78 to 48. Anyone can do it. You just have to decide and make a commitment to eating right and getting exercise.
I needed to do something as well and have found something that has definitely worked well for me. I used to box in my younger days and while it was definitely much easier to drop weight then, when I needed to drop weight, I really only made changes to my diet after 4pm. Before 4pm, it was always anything goes.
Starting at the beginning of February, I started a paleo diet - after 4pm. Before 4pm, I ate carbs although as I've made progress, I tend to skip carbs most days, not because I'm trying to, but I just don't miss them. I've never missed pasta. Rice is a little different since I love cajun / creole dishes and you don't eat many of those without rice. Nevertheless, was a rock after 4pm every day and since Feb 1, have lost 30 lbs. This is a diet where I'm supposed to grill a steak and have it with some bacon-wrapped asparagus. Hasn't exactly been a challenge. In reality, I eat a lot more leaner meats, but if it fits the paleo plan, I don't sweat anything.
Portland, OR -
Finally went to the doc.
Cholesterol is 205 but my triglycerides are 350 - Problem. Other tests showed OK. No explanation for being tired or no energy. My weight is back to 242. IDIOT!
Doc stated lower carbs but NOT low carb, lean meats (great no flavor), and more green crap (veggies). I still can not find a way to cook them (healthy) and make them taste edible without making a face like I drank a skunked beer.
Also said to exercise - ugh. Still cant get the nerve to do it or find the time.
On another note I have not used the Egg in over a month and probably will not for some time going forward.
LBGE, Adjustable Rig, Spider, High-Que grate, maverick ET-732, Thermapen,
Garnerville, NY -
Hi robnybbq,
Been awhile since your last post. Unfortunate to hear the numbers are not good. But those are just number. That you feel tired and without energy seems more of a concern.
I've written this before. Learn to fast. I have a great deal of trouble exercising because my joints are badly worn. If I don't just stop eating, I gain weight. If I only eat when I really feel hungry, my weight stays stable, or even declines some. Surprisingly, feeling hungry also ups one's energy. From what I've read, its the body's way of saying "Go out and hunt or gather something!"
As I recall, you are young enough that your joints should still hold up against exercise. You don't need to do anything more than walk. Surprisingly, the stress of working one's muscles produces neurochemicals that reduce anxiety, and the mental fatigue that produces.
I don't have a link, but there was a study publicized not to long ago that showed a very low carb diet caused muscle loss, while one where fats were just limited, but not excluded, resulted in a long term weight loss. The period of the study I think was 1 year, so it is a long term effort.
See if you can find a copy of the recent documentary "Fed Up." It is polemical, but points out the problems caused by the excess sugar that permeates the American diet.
I lost 10# per month for 16 months in the 2009/2010 timeframe. Started at 340 and went down to 180.I cut out the sweets and the white food !!! It is a lifestyle change. I jogged, but I think walking would also be very benificial for someone wanting to lose weight. Cut back on portions, drink plenty of water.Good luck, mind over mouth !!!!
Donnie Dawes - RNNL8 BBQ - Carrollton, KY
TWIN XLBGEs, 1-Beautiful wife, 1 XS Yorkie
I'm keeping serious from now more joking around from me...Meatheads !! -
I like Cooking Light recipes - they have good ones for cooking flavorful chicken breast.The book I'm getting many good recipes out of these days is called Fat Free Flavor Full by Dr. Gabe Mirkin. I'm not totally following his ideas - I can't give up ALL meats - but I think he is onto something. Lots of fruits and veggies, beans, fish. I try to eat at least one nonmeat meal for dinner each week now. And I watch my fat intake. And I take my lunch to work. At least once a week it's a salad with homemade dressing - no more store bought.Start reading labels on the sides of the chips, pretzels, dairy, etc. Look at the total fat and also look to see what the serving size is. Consider that if you are doubling that serving size, then you are doubling that sodium intake, fat, etc. A can of soup (the worst thing you can do for yourself) is generally 2 servings, but almost everyone can finish it themselves - that's killer high levels of sodium - not very heart friendly.As far as exercise - I have never bothered before now. At first I forced myself - sweating and so out of breathe after 5 minutes of cardio. But it's amazing how forgiving your body is. I'm shooting for 30 minutes of some exercise each day (I'm not there yet). But I've realized that if I treat my body better, it treats me better.The thing about it is that it's not a diet. It's a lifestyle. Fruits, veggies, beans, lean meats, fish, low fat dairy - and exercise. I think that's the key.Good luck tho - realizing it's time to do something is a huge incentive. Small steps - nothing radical - slowly start to switch up your diet and get moving. Your heart will thank you.
My fat ass is starving just reading all this about cutting back.
Location- Just "this side" of Biloxi, Ms.
Status- Standing by.
The greatest barrier against all wisdom, the stronghold against knowledge itself, is the single thought, in ones mind, that they already have it all figured out. -
Yep. Rabbit food and morsels for meals coming. Update - Went to the dr about not feeling well and was not given any direction. I have pains all over my torso that come and go. Had a stomach scope done and they said that was fine. Just take alive for the pain. It's getting worse and I am only guessing it's what I eat and weight that is causing the pain. As for exercise - my cardio stamina is really bad now. I have been getting out of breath very fast. Sometimes walking which is weird. Dr gives no insight so I am on my own to guess.
LBGE, Adjustable Rig, Spider, High-Que grate, maverick ET-732, Thermapen,
Garnerville, NY -
It took a while to put on, so it will take a while to lose. But if you started today and only lost one ounce each day, this time next year you would weigh 22.8 pounds less. And it's easy to lose one ounce, just burn 240 extra calories or don't eat 240 calories. It's all spelled out in my Ounce A Day Diet program...
Good luck with it.
Spring "Works For Me" Chicken
Spring Texas USA
robnybbq said:Finally went to the doc.
Cholesterol is 205 but my triglycerides are 350 - Problem. Other tests showed OK. No explanation for being tired or no energy. My weight is back to 242. IDIOT!
Doc stated lower carbs but NOT low carb, lean meats (great no flavor), and more green crap (veggies). I still can not find a way to cook them (healthy) and make them taste edible without making a face like I drank a skunked beer.
Also said to exercise - ugh. Still cant get the nerve to do it or find the time.
On another note I have not used the Egg in over a month and probably will not for some time going forward.
fukahwee maineyou can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it - It's fool proof, and you can eat what you want
get the my fitnesspal app for your smart phone. It will track your calories for you. All you do it enter in your info and then enter the meals you eat. It has pretty much every restaurant chain on there. It also has a bar scan feature. More than likely you will have to do some sort of exercise to loose wait. However, if you cut back your portions and eat leaner meals you will loose weight that way too.
I have the app but it does not help that much as I don't know how to measure the foods. Guessing leads to allot of variance.
I am full of excuses but when I do get on the right track I am so afraid of messing up and WHEN I do I give up all together. Since I has a bad meal the healthy eating for the day is done and back to eating garbage. I am so used to high calorie (bad) meals that when I try and eat healthy I am starving myself and making myself eat foods I would not eat because I want (enjoy) to eat. It's all about change but I am stubborn.
I am scared about my health. I have given up on dr's as all they want is to get paid and not give two craps what patients need. I am scared to exercise and afraid of a heart attack.
Due to time (lack of) we eat out allot. This is the worst thing for anyone trying to eat healthy. We don't have allot of time to use the egg anymore. Cooking indoors makes me want to order out. Equalling a 2000 calorie meal.
It's stupid that I have gotten this bad. Absolutely stupid and I am sick of thinking this easy but this is all I do. Afraid of failure.
LBGE, Adjustable Rig, Spider, High-Que grate, maverick ET-732, Thermapen,
Garnerville, NY -
Weightwatchers does work for people. My wife lost 12 lbs on it so far. I just can not force myself to eat heather bland foods and restrict the meals so I am starving all day.
I also like to drink alcohol and beer. forget about eating healthy and indulging in that.
I also want to say thanks for all your help. Hopefully something will stick.
LBGE, Adjustable Rig, Spider, High-Que grate, maverick ET-732, Thermapen,
Garnerville, NY -
get a good masticating juicer and use it often. Limit your BBQ (can't believe I just said that). Have yourself a couple kids to chase around all day. Works for me.
HI. I am Jasmine, and I am a Wellness Therapist in Iowa. Counselling people on nutrition and exercise is part of my professional career. Let me say Congrats on taking the first step, which is acknowledgement.The easiest way to lose weight is portion control of lower fat and sugar and starchy foods and overall reduction of your total caloric intake. Eat healthy foods, several times a day, in smaller portions. Exercise is about 20% of actual weight loss success. It's 80% diet.To give you an estimate of daily caloric allowance, I need to know more about you.If you would like more info, feel free to message me here, and I will share more of my expertise with you. I'm happy to help.You have a journey ahead. Embrace it, or it will be hell. You can do this!Iowa, 1 BGEXL, 1BGEMiniMax, a truck, a camper and some horses and atvs
Let's play!
oh, and as far as portion control, this is what I tell my patients:Make fists with your hands. Put your fists together facing each other. This is how big your stomach should be. This is how much food you need.On a plate: Your hand is your guide. Stop eating from 10.5 inch dinner plates and get yourself a salad plate (8.5 inches in diameter or so) and use the three hand method. A hand full of lean protein, a hand full of veggies, and a hand full of complex carbohydrates (beans, brown rice, root vegetables except white potatoes, quinoa, etc) You should also eat healthy fats, like avocado, low fat dairy and cheese, and use real butter! Margarine is terrible for you! Just follow the serving size recommendations!I wish you the best, and I am happy to help if you have questionsIowa, 1 BGEXL, 1BGEMiniMax, a truck, a camper and some horses and atvs
Let's play!
Buy bigger don't have to worry about it..
Seriously....stay off the sugar (all of it) not bread or pasta, no beer,.... drink 1 gallon of water a day, eat lean meat and vegtables...
Do it for 1 month and you will be down 20lbs
The Dude..a Mini and a Large Egg..a DigiQ DX (BGE Green)..some Cast Iron...a Thermapen.............and an Ol' Fashion
Glenbeulah, WI
I have not read through all of the comments but someone mentioned getting your thyroid check, that is a must. I do t know if this has been mentioned but also get checked for depression, there are many syptoms and it is also very under diagnosed and pretty much anyone who has it doesn't know.
As far as diet goes I can attest like the rest, cutting down carbs is big, but I never went to crazy with it. I still used dressings and sauces I just kept it to a minimum with flavor. I quit drinking beer and drank whiskey and water. Doing that I lost 16 lbs the first week and about 5-10lbs a week after that.
Exercising is hard to get into but very rewarding when you hit goals, it helps boost your confidence. If you miss days and fall of the wagon, don't get down, just pick it up the next day. Every day of doing good is one day of not doing badLarge BGEBBQ Guru DigiQ IIMartensville, Saskatchewan Canada -
JNJGoeders said:HI. I am Jasmine, and I am a Wellness Therapist in Iowa. Counselling people on nutrition and exercise is part of my professional career. Let me say Congrats on taking the first step, which is acknowledgement....You have a journey ahead. Embrace it, or it will be hell. You can do this!
I am hoping to be back down to 200 by my 40th bday in October.Austin, TX
BGE-Large, Weber EP-330 -
I have been following this thread for a while and have not commented. I've incorporated a few habits that work without punishing myself. I know you don't love veggies, but in order to lose weight and have a truly healthy body, green vegetables and fruits are a must. And raw veggies are far better for you than cooked veggies. I eat small raw veggies: Brocolli, carrots, leafy greens with vinegar, etc throughout the day. That way, I make sure I consume them consistently. The fiber makes me more full and want to snack less. I also have a simple rule: In every meal, I eat all my vegetables first. No meat or rice/pasta u til I've had my veggies. After they are gone, I eat until I'm full. I treat meat and carbs like dessert. I find myself leaving the table happy and eating less at the same time. And it gets old hearing it, but the fact is you have no hope of losing weight, lowering cholesterol and feeling better unless you exercise. We were not created to sit at desks for 8 hours a day, followed by sitting on a couch all night. Start walking, working in the yard, etc. Good luck, man. It's not easy, but it's worth it.Athens, GA
XL BGE, Large BGE and RecTec590 -
I will say I am trying every day to make an attempt. Some days its been eating breakfast and some days eating the dreaded chicken (I really need to find a way to make a healthy chicken dish and make it not taste like cardboard. Working on it though. I have tried to drink more water during the day when I remember to. I am wondering if I am just dehydrated allot of the times as I try and think what I was drinking all day and its not much. When I drink the excess water I know about as I making trips to the bathroom all day.
Thanks again all. It is a tough tough battle. I am trying my best not to go down the path I always take when discussing my health and weight loss. If I start to, just smack me around.
I am going to get a Fitbit this week as well. Something that can help me track what I am doing.
LBGE, Adjustable Rig, Spider, High-Que grate, maverick ET-732, Thermapen,
Garnerville, NY -
rob, this doesnt taste like cardboard and its not bad calorie wise
fukahwee maineyou can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it -
different strokes I guess. Personally, I love chicken! For the past year and a half, I have been eating it probably 4-5 days a week. Doc says to limit beef and pork. When it starts to get a little old, sometimes I eat veggies only. Or the occasional beef/pork thing. You have to do what you have to do.
I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!
MichaelCentral Connecticut -
That does not look too bad. Will try it.
We also need to stop eating out most nights. This is my biggest problem. With the schedule of running around and getting home late most nights it has been easier to grab dinner out. Eating out is dangerous in trying to be healthy. An occasional night (once or twice a month OK but not 4-5 times a week.
We are working on ideas for making premade meals that can made late night (not eaten that night) and be nuked when we get home at night later in the week and not taste like leftovers or rubber. Soups for example would work.
My chicken issue its always bland or tastes just like spices with no flavor unless I bury it like chicken paramagiana in tomato sauce. I have tried various rubs on beef/pork come and out great just dont like it on chicken. Spatchcock chicken is OK for juicyness but have not done one in ages.
Egg is lonely and unused. Maybe by Summer we can use it again when I have time. Got the wife a cast iron griddle for Xmas so we can "Grill" indoors. We are looking for a deep walled cast iron skillet so we can sear then bake dishes as well.
Tried a chicken with shallots, tomatos, and white wine recipe last week but failed miserably as we used a Chardonay for the wine and it overpowered the dish - nasty.
LBGE, Adjustable Rig, Spider, High-Que grate, maverick ET-732, Thermapen,
Garnerville, NY
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