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Norah Grace made 2 inch steaks

Yeasterday was my wife’s birthday, but with if being Friday we couldn’t cook because of works schedules.   So today Norah Grace made mom’s birthday meal.   We purchased to grass fed  2 inch steaks weighing in at 3.7lbs.  Yikes they were gigantic.  She seasoned them up with a little dizzy pig mole and dizzy pig raising the steaks.   Reverse sear to a perfect medium rear......served with baked potatoes and grilled asparagus.  Here are a few photos of the finished product.  

XL BGE, KJ classic, Joe Jr, UDS x2 


  • ColtsFan
    ColtsFan Posts: 6,380
    Awesome! Love the photo bomb too
    ~ John - https://www.instagram.com/hoosier_egger
    XL BGE, LG BGE, KJ Jr, PK Original, Ardore Pizza Oven, King Disc 
    Bloomington, IN - Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoosiers!

  • ryantt
    ryantt Posts: 2,538
    edited November 2018
    Look,ok I know I may be a little a little biased but she’s got skills.   I’m so very proud of her.....not only because she cooks so well but because she of her heart.  She worked so hard to to show her mom how much she is loves.  

    XL BGE, KJ classic, Joe Jr, UDS x2 

  • ryantt
    ryantt Posts: 2,538
    @ColtsFan I didn’t even realize the Dog was pulling off a photo bomb. 
    XL BGE, KJ classic, Joe Jr, UDS x2 

  • northGAcock
    northGAcock Posts: 15,167
    Beautiful...a skill for life!
    Ellijay GA with a Medium & MiniMax

    Well, I married me a wife, she's been trouble all my life,
    Run me out in the cold rain and snow
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 32,652
    There is a consistency of top quality output that is beyond lucky.  As you note, "she's got skills" and she has got the drive and passion to continue to enhance her knowledge.  Would that I could deliver at her level every time.
    I don't envy your challenge to navigate the distractions that are on the horizon but keep nurturing this unique skill-set and see where it lands.  I only hope she continues to pursue this as she is gifted. 
    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • Grillinois
    Very nice!  I’d take that for a birthday meal every year. 
    Joliet, IL
    Large, Mini, Stoker, Smobot
  • ryantt
    ryantt Posts: 2,538
    @lousubcap she asked me if I would consider buying her a food trailer for Christmas!!!!! Oh, well you know that’s kind of a big ticket item, maybe not this year.    

    She told her 4th grade teacher that she was planing on getting a job this summer, selling BBQ and other great food creations at the local market and downtown at first Fridays all summer long.   It’s always fun trying to explain to people that yes she really cooks it on her own and no she wasn’t forced to work in a family restaurant.  

    XL BGE, KJ classic, Joe Jr, UDS x2 

  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 32,652
    @ryantt - and I thought her BGE posts were top-shelf.  You have a prodigy in your midst.   I don't envy the issues in front of you but on the flip-side, there is a whole lot of value in a single-minded focus. 
    Here's to successful management and navigation of the mine fields down-stream. May this journey always identify the successful road ahead and reinforce the drive to keep at it regardless of any short-term hic-cups. 
    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • SGH
    SGH Posts: 28,804
    For Norah Grace:

    Location- Just "this side" of Biloxi, Ms.

    Status- Standing by.

    The greatest barrier against all wisdom, the stronghold against knowledge itself, is the single thought, in ones mind, that they already have it all figured out. 

  • thetrim
    thetrim Posts: 11,373
    Nailed it!
    XL 6/06, Mini 6/12, L 10/12, Mini #2 12/14 MiniMax 3/16 Large #2 11/20 Legacy from my FIL - RIP
    Tampa Bay, FL
    EIB 6 Oct 95
  • ryantt
    ryantt Posts: 2,538
    @SGH I’ll show her this in the morning, she will be excited.
    XL BGE, KJ classic, Joe Jr, UDS x2 

  • SGH
    SGH Posts: 28,804
    ryantt said:
    @SGH I’ll show her this in the morning, she will be excited.
    She more than deserves it. Tell her great job👍

    Location- Just "this side" of Biloxi, Ms.

    Status- Standing by.

    The greatest barrier against all wisdom, the stronghold against knowledge itself, is the single thought, in ones mind, that they already have it all figured out. 

  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    ryantt said: 

    Now THAT is absolutely perfect! Very nice work!!!

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • Markarm4119
    She has skills and passion and if it persist into adulthood, she will be able to do what she loves for a profession. You have an amazing daughter there !
    LBGE, and just enough knowledge and gadgets to be dangerous .