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  • kricks
    kricks Posts: 244

    Add two for me but they will be next week. I had the opportunity to visit the emergency room today. Sort of altered the days plans. Everything ended up fine but the best laid plans you know.

    All foil was under lock and key too!
  • Plano Fest was special. It was a gathering that let us all relax and enjoy each other's company while cooking just for the sake of cooking.

    how very true, Leroy B)
  • Mainegg
    Mainegg Posts: 7,787
    hmmm love the new disguise Jeff... I mean Nicolas Cage... :whistle:
  • when i started a new job a while back, there was a woman in the marketing department who came up to me after a meeting and said "you remind of a movie star, has anyone told you that?" my fragile ego was inflating like a hot air balloon, and i tried a handsome smile and i said "well, no. not really. gee whomever do you mean?" and she said "the camp kommandant from schindler's list. that guy"

    i told my wife and she frigging howled for ann hour.

  • ranger ray
    ranger ray Posts: 812
    don't feel bad.... i had a similar experience.... i was told that i looked like some famous star,,,, i said, "let me guess?... i said george clooney? she said... mike didtka( the famous football coach)........ i do look l more like clooney... ... rrr i want to see if this post shows up... i'm having some problems with this site ... thanks! ....
  • Cecil
    Cecil Posts: 771
  • eenie meenie
    eenie meenie Posts: 4,394
    Here goes my tribute rib cook for CWM.

    I emptied my egg of my Wicked Good lump because I remembered CWM didn’t like the stuff. I filled it with BGE lump instead. Thank goodness I didn’t have to yank off my gasket to match Mike’s egg. ! I believe he cooked without a gasket for years, thinking they were highly overrated, lol. Then I donned my attire including a doo rag and One Rib Short BBQ apron(see the doo rag post). CWM knew how much I loved aprons! The ribs were prepped with some mustard and some of Mike's Blues Hog rub.


    After the egg leveled at 250 degrees the Sweet’ n Smokey Sweetwood blend chips Mike had sent me were added.


    When the smoke became clear, I added 3 slabs of baby backs. Just like Mike, I bought them at Sam’s Club.


    Onward they cooked for 3 hours without peeking. The egg held steady. Then I began spritzing the ribs with 50/50 apple juice & vinegar every half hour after kicking up the egg to 275 degrees. No foil touched these babies. After another 1 ½ hours, I did the bend test. Yep, ready for saucing.


    What did I sauce them with? Of course I used chilled Blues Hog sauce which Mike had kindly given me. It was the first time I had used it. Wow, is it ever sticky stuff, lol.


    I waited until the sauce carmelized then served the ribs to Fang and my family.


    We had a toast in celebration of Car Wash Mike’s life.


    They had a slight bite off the bone texture which we like.


    Everyone agreed, these were the best ribs they’d ever eaten. No surprise there, I followed the master pit boss, CWM’s instructions.

    I can only hope if CWM were here and opened up my egg he would be looking on with approval like this:

  • Ripnem
    Ripnem Posts: 5,511
    Great stories Kari :)
  • Nice Job, Rebecca. Mike would approve!

    Happily egging on my original large BGE since 1996... now the owner of 5 eggs. Call me crazy, everyone else does!
    3 Large, 1 Small, 1 well-used Mini
  • :) a wonderful tribute, Rebecca
    just sauced all 3 on my Large -- we don't do much sauce, either, but today we ARE .
    thanks for everything ;)
  • great post.... well done.

    you know, i have heard the phrase "celebration of life" many times. too many times, since it has always been when someone i know has passed away.

    until the past few days, i can honestly say that i have never actually seen it happen. all too often people say it, and either fall into a morose and passive silence, or promise to "celebrate" someone's life and never actually pull it off.

    but this has been pretty amazing. i think mike would be honored, and happy that we have run the gamut from sadness, to joking, to anger, to laughing.

    next time someone says we should "celebrate someone's life" i will actually believe it can be done.

    we've had heavy hearts this week, but i'd be lying if i didn;t admit to even more smiles and laughs. and i think mike would have preferred that
  • Hungry Joe
    Hungry Joe Posts: 1,568
    I never meet or talked with CWM but followed the advice he gave to others. He gave so much to people he never really knew. He will be missed.

    Rest in peace Mike.
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Thanks Adam, Old Blue Eye's did a lot of the work I just borrowed the words.


  • Zippylip
    Zippylip Posts: 4,768
    I was a newbie not too long ago. And like many, I was excited about this place, talked too much for my own good, and the first one to pull me aside and point this out was Mike. The second one to pull me aside and point this out was, Mike. Truth is I didn’t take it well & wondered who appointed him keeper of forum decorum. I considered never returning because, at the time, I didn’t really grasp the bigger picture of this place, appreciate its history, understand its scope, or realize the depth of connections people had with one another. Following some personal communications with Mike, I got past it. Following the passage of time, it came into focus for me that Mike was one of those people that kept the forum going in a positive direction, & I no longer wondered. Mike was a friend.

    The last time Mike pulled me aside was in Atlanta last October, he did so to hand me the very bottle of Blues Hogg pictured below. He knew I loved this sauce but couldn’t get it locally, and emailed me to say he would get a jar to me. That he did. I’m not sure why I still have it 8 months later, I suppose I was saving it for a “special occasion”; this is not the occasion either of us could’ve imagined at the time, but at no point in time will there be a more special reason to use it.

    So long Mike, thanks for everything, Marc



    happy in the hut
    West Chester Pennsylvania
  • thailandjohn
    thailandjohn Posts: 952
    These ribs look awesome and I can tell they taste better than they look........good job
  • eenie meenie
    eenie meenie Posts: 4,394
    Gator, wouldn't it have been great to get a chorus together at an eggfest and sing that to Mike?

    But now you've gone and done it, I bet he's blushing big time and saying, "ah shucks".
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    In memoriam of Mike, three slabs on the Egg right now, about 2-1/2 hours in. Firsts:

    * Babybacks (always done spares)
    * Carwash Mike method
    * Spritzing with apple juice/vinegar
    * Applewood smoke (usually do cherry)
    * Cooking ribs flat (always use a V-rack)

  • Two slabs on the small

    They are off


    Cooked next to Mike, Celtic Wolf, Spring Chicken, Spring Hen, and 12 Step, and Crimsongator at the 2008 Eggtoberfest. It's great to meet folks in person that you have e-befriended. Mike walked over to our Egg and proudly gave Maria and I one of his last ribs to try - wow!

    Gave Mike a trivet I made from wine corks and he recently let me know it was displayed in One Rib Short - I thought that was neat.

    RIP my friend and prayers for Mike's family
  • nice one, bud.
    well said.

  • Mainegg
    Mainegg Posts: 7,787
    he would be proud Rebeca :)
  • always good to try something new.
    in my case, i found myself finally acquiescing the other day on the whole "bge thermometer" issue.that was certainly new for me. hahahaha

    FWIW, i came to the realization that after the 900th newbie "what is wrong with my thermometer?" post that apparently i had the only good one. and based on my limited sample, i guess it didn't mean they were all good.


    which of course, due to my admission of fallibility means if we ever meet you will likely feel compelled to purchase all the beer out of magnanimity. ;)

    fine by me, with thanks in advance
  • beauty.

    i gotta get some dang blues hog.
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    I suddenly feel like I'm in a Philip K. **** novel. :P

    Even so, you ain't getting by with paying for all the beer, amigo.
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • AZRP
    AZRP Posts: 10,116
    Just as Mike brought you some ribs, I recall you brought me a whole fillet of your blackened redfish. I just want to tell you while you're here to hear it, I seriously appreciated it as well as the trivet. Nice scarf! -RP
  • :woohoo: reeeelllll nice, Chris!!
  • B) strikingly handsome

    great fish egger, too B)
  • loco_engr
    loco_engr Posts: 5,788
    Sorry for the lousy job of the documentation of this cook :(

    1 prep pic is all I took and the crusty 3 tier rack the next day.



    I invited 7 couples, 4 of which were egg owners.
    Brain :ermm: went into panic mode :ohmy:
    Prob not the best way to cook that many racks using the old style 3 tier grid. 1 rack on the bottom got alittle too well done on the bottom tier, so served 5 racks.
    The 7# butt wasn't done in time :( but almost all of the 5 racks were gobbled up, very few leftovers!
    aka marysvilleksegghead
    Lrg 2008
    mini 2009
    XL 2021 (sold 8/24/23)
    Henny Youngman:
    I said to my wife, 'Where do you want to go for our anniversary?' She said, 'I want to go somewhere I've never been before.' I said, 'Try the kitchen.'
    Bob Hope: When I wake up in the morning, I don’t feel anything until noon, and then it’s time for my nap