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  • welcome....
    enjoy the ribs. don't know if you are pulling for the netherlands or not... i was (though the wife and kids were rooting for spain)

    but enjoy the world cup.
    seconds to go. think it's all done... looks like spain
  • hahaha
    sounds like a 4 a.m. breakfast run, if ya know what I mean B)
    it was the spirit that counts, Dano :)
  • loco_engr
    loco_engr Posts: 5,788
    Thanks Kari! :lol:
    Same effect . . .dif reason! :whistle: :ermm:
    aka marysvilleksegghead
    Lrg 2008
    mini 2009
    XL 2021 (sold 8/24/23)
    Henny Youngman:
    I said to my wife, 'Where do you want to go for our anniversary?' She said, 'I want to go somewhere I've never been before.' I said, 'Try the kitchen.'
    Bob Hope: When I wake up in the morning, I don’t feel anything until noon, and then it’s time for my nap
  • heard mike likes margaritas. well, that sound s good to me too. the wife dutifully juiced a few limes, poured some tequila, and i went to check on mike's ribs. looking good, buddy. thank you.


    sorry for the blur. i could blame it on the camera, but
    i have been sitting in a chair tending the ribs all day with my good friend sam adams. if you see him up there, say hello for me.

    thanks again for the ribs, mike. they were beautiful
  • Richard Fl
    Richard Fl Posts: 8,297
    First met CWM at Eggtoberfest '06, very gracious and humble and willing to share any BGE info. Saw him again Eggfest '08 and again same old CWM, but this time he chased the "LONEY" man away in a good humored way with a smile.

    I just took 3 St Louis slabs off indirect with drip pan raised over the plate setter legs up.
    Used sugar maple wood that CWM gave me a bunch of at Eggtoberfest '08.
    Bones down all 5 hours and spritzed after the second hour and then every 30-45 minutes. Internal was 185-195F when pulled.
    Rub only no sauce until plated-our preference-
    Total 5 hours 225F first 3, then 250F last 2.
    Will be using Blues Hog Mustard and Blues Hog Tennessee Red sauce this evening. Thanks for the memories. RIP


    Ribs Rubbed


    Ribs Cooking


    Ribs Cooked


    Dinner Time

  • Hoss
    Hoss Posts: 14,600
    Those are beautiful.
  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    I just couldn't bring myself to slather mustard on them, but you know that a man has to do things his own way. I used the "Blues Hog" you brought me at Eggtoberfest, dug an old bandana out of a drawer, and enjoyed a beverage in your honor. Rest in peace Car Wash Mike.

  • Kokeman
    Kokeman Posts: 822
    I did 3 sides of babybacks in memory of Carwash Mike.
  • bobSTL
    bobSTL Posts: 105
    Having so many tributes to a gentleman that I unfortunally never met, but without pictures, I cooked two full slabs, (not babybacks) on Friday of this week.... 07/07/2010. for some friends. They said it all....I used CWM's receipt to the tee, and they said that these were the best ribs they have ever eaten...
    That is the best honor I can bestow on a fallen member...
    Thanks again for all the help every member has given me in these short couple of years I have been here.
  • MCR
    MCR Posts: 270
    3 Racks – RIP my friend and Thanks for your advices.
  • Had 'em in the freezer .... didn't plan on cooking them, but in honor of CWM, figured his technique would work just as well on Bison ... and it did ... God Bless CWM, thoughts and prayers to everyone who misses you.

    Thanks for all the lessons.


    Joel Matteson
  • cleinen
    cleinen Posts: 102
    I didn't know CWM personally but I always respected his advice and input on various topics. He will be missed by many.
    My family loved the ribs. Its not something I cook very often. They said these were the best ribs they ever had.
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    Mike and I often joked and teased one another about ribs. I prefer spares and he prefers back ribs. On countless occasions we would post picture after picture after picture of our ribs in a one-upmanship contest. He taught me a lot about cooking ribs over the past few years.

    Thanks for the memories Mike. Rest in Peace my friend.


  • lowercasebill
    lowercasebill Posts: 5,218
    you've been added to the tally.
    i hope you're on the mend and back to good rapidly
    re: spiffy handles...... did you notice mine :laugh:
  • eggbasket
    eggbasket Posts: 111
    I am posting a pic of three slabs that my nephew Logan Kelly cooked today in honor of CWM. Logan met Mike at the OKC Eggfest in 2009. He is a young man who has taken to the Egg like...well.. you know. He is a great guy and when I told him about Mike last night - he hustled out to get some ribs. I am going to start calling him Logan the Lurker because he has no forum name! TEE HEE!

    Sorry the pics don't do the ribs justice. Darned Blackberry!
  • WooDoggies
    WooDoggies Posts: 2,390
    This weekend's rib tribute was a really cool idea.

    A few first for me with this cook... this is the first time doing ribs with Mike's recipe, first time using a mustard schmeer, first time using an inverted v-rack to cook the racks on their side and a first for misting every hour.
    Pretty much followed Mike's recipe to the letter.


    Finished off with Sweet Baby Rays.


    I'm normally a spare rib kinda guy but these were really, really goooooooood.


    We raised our beers in Mike's honor and dove in.

  • Chubby
    Chubby Posts: 2,955
    I spent most of my money on good bourbon, and bad women...the rest, I just wasted!!
  • I recall you were on a Mediterranean diet and you shared the redfish with that Max dude :)

    For eggers that haven't been to a fest, you need to geaux and enjoy the comaraderie.
  • alegghead
    alegghead Posts: 21
    1 rack. 1st rack and very good. Have only been a BGE owner for 1 week and it seems that I have missed out knowing Car Wash Mike.
  • dhuffjr
    dhuffjr Posts: 3,182
    Chubby Love,
    You just reminded me with one of my favorite CWM moments. He called me all excited because he found these little drinks branded "chubby". We laughed and laughed. I think Marina aka Lawn Rangers nightmare in a few years ended up getting them.
  • Zippylip
    Zippylip Posts: 4,768
    hey, did you take that picture of yourself, it has that certain "you took that picutre of yourself" quality about it. Very nice post, the message to cwmsis up above is very very nice. However, I am a bit concerned about the post below, have you stopped to consider the potential ill-effects of the rita meets rutland combination... didn't think so, so I gotcher back
    happy in the hut
    West Chester Pennsylvania
  • Chubby
    Chubby Posts: 2,955
    is the pause that refreshes!!


    That's an oldie!!
    I spent most of my money on good bourbon, and bad women...the rest, I just wasted!!
  • eenie meenie
    eenie meenie Posts: 4,394
    Richard, talk about double trouble at an eggfest, that would be you and Mike, lol! Nice ribs. :)
  • eenie meenie
    eenie meenie Posts: 4,394
    Wow Bacchus! Those ribs look fabulous. :)

    Didn't Mike always say, when you get right down to it, cook them the way you like them?
  • thechief96
    thechief96 Posts: 1,908
    Although I never got the privlage of meeting Mike, I have read his posts frequently. They both educated as well as entertained. Rest well.My wife and I did three racks of CWM's ribs. We took many pictres but somehow they all got deleted :angry: The only one I have is after they were cut and plated.
    Dave San Jose, CA The Duke of Loney
  • I know you were helping :kiss:



  • I am new to the egg and this forum, and I didn't know Mike at all, but I've been touched both by the support I've had answering my stupid questions, and the outpouring here for Mike. What occurs to me is that there is a lesson here-we should all aspire to inspire as many people around us as we can (as Mike so clearly did), and if someone here becomes overwhelmed with despair, i hope that through this experience they realize that they too have a wider circle of friends that they have touched that they can call on for help when the demons in the night storm the wall. If just one person manages one more day of putting one foot in front of the other when they were on the verge of giving up, then Mike's legacy will go far beyond great ribs. Though speaking of, they turned out amazing! Thanks Mike
  • Fornia
    Fornia Posts: 451
    Unfortunately to new to know the man, but I can say, my guests (8 people total; 3 family in from Arkansas) said these were THE BEST RIBS they'd ever tasted.

    Followed his recipe to a T, and finished 2 with Sweet Baby Rays and 2 with Blues Hog. I gave his method all the credit, and made sure to give the impression I've read by you all on here.

    My asiatic lilies started blooming...this is actually the first year I thought to take photos. Thought they might cheer some folks up in this tough time.
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    Excelent point, glad you said that!! It's very true, we are all in this web together.
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE