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The Biggest Loser



  • JohnInCarolina
    JohnInCarolina Posts: 32,275

    "I've made a note never to piss you two off." - Stike
  • JohnInCarolina
    JohnInCarolina Posts: 32,275

    "I've made a note never to piss you two off." - Stike
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,706
    I read the entire referenced article.  We have not plumbed the bottom of CHEETO's contempt for anyone/thing that is not for self.  I loathe the F'tard.  
    CHEETO makers Nixon look like a saint.  
    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • CPFC1905
    CPFC1905 Posts: 1,959
    Ok, the secret is out.   It is we, the 'Britians' that are the reason he might fail. 

    Other girls may try to take me away 
    But you know, it's by your side I will stay
  • DoubleEgger
    DoubleEgger Posts: 17,836
    edited October 23
    Trump has set an unbelievably low bar for himself. That’s why nobody bats an eye at his outlandish sh!t. The deviation between actuality and expectation is low. 

    If anyone else with a shred of dignity and self respect said anything that Trump says, it would be an outrage because the deviation from expected behavior would be large. 

    The large deviation is why the Tiger Woods story was so big. People just didn’t expect that out of him. 
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,706
    Short version of the CHEETO-Britain dustup article above:

    Former President Trump’s campaign accused the U.K. Labour Party of “blatant foreign interference” in a complaint to the Federal Elections Commission over reports of Labour staffers heading to battleground states to campaign for Vice-President Harris. Prime Minister Keir Starmer downplayed the allegations, saying the staff were volunteering “in their spare time.” Rebecca Falconer reports for Axios; Chris Mason and Paul Twinn report for BBC News.

    And more election related info:

    "U.S. intelligence officials said yesterday that Russian election interference efforts are behind attempts to smear Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz. The officials also warned that Russia is considering fomenting physical violence during and after the voting period. Joseph Menn and David Nakamura report for the Washington Post.

    A Michigan federal court yesterday dismissed a Republican National Committee voter records lawsuit, holding that the Committee lacked standing and did not produce evidence to support their claim. Isabella Volmert reports for AP News.

    Georgia’s Supreme Court yesterday declined to reinstate the rules approved by the Trump-allied state election board, which were previously declared “unconstitutional and void” by lower courts. Amy Gardner reports for the Washington Post."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • JohnInCarolina
    JohnInCarolina Posts: 32,275

    "I've made a note never to piss you two off." - Stike
  • Botch
    Botch Posts: 16,115
    This is an excerpt from Heather Cox Richardson's daily from a couple days ago.  History doesn't repeat, but man sometimes it rhymes...

    In a searing article today, political scientist Rachel Bitecofer of The Cycleexplored exactly what that means in a piece titled “What (Really) Happens If Trump Wins?” Bitecofer outlined Adolf Hitler’s January 30, 1933, oath of office, in which he promised Germans he would uphold the constitution, and the three months he took to dismantle that constitution.

    By March, she notes,  the concentration camp Dachau was open. Its first prisoners were not Jews, but rather Hitler’s prominent political opponents. By April, Jews had been purged from the civil service, and opposition political parties were illegal. By May, labor unions were banned and students were burning banned books. Within the year, public criticism of Hitler and the Nazis was illegal, and denouncing violators paid well for those who did it.

    Bitecofer writes that Trump has promised mass deportations “that he cannot deliver unless he violates both the Constitution and federal law.” To enable that policy, Trump will need to dismantle the merit-based civil service and put into office those loyal to him rather than the Constitution. And then he will purge his political opponents, for once those who would stand against him are purged, Trump can act as he wishes against immigrants, for example, and others.

    Ninety years ago, as American reporter Dorothy Thompson ate breakfast at her hotel in Berlin on August 25, 1934, a young man from Hitler’s secret police, the Gestapo, “politely handed me a letter and requested a signed receipt.” She thought nothing of it, she said, “But what a surprise was in store for me!” The letter informed her that, “in light of your numerous anti-German publications,” she was being expelled from Germany.

    She was the first American journalist expelled from Nazi Germany, and that expulsion was no small thing. Thompson had moved to London in 1920 to become a foreign correspondent and began to spend time in Berlin. In 1924 she moved to the city to head the Central European Bureau for the New York Evening Post and the Philadelphia Public Ledger. From there, she reported on the rise of Adolf Hitler. She left her Berlin post in 1928 to marry novelist Sinclair Lewis, and the two settled in Vermont.

    When the couple traveled to Sweden in 1930 for Lewis to accept the Nobel Prize in Literature, Thompson visited Germany, where she saw the growing strength of the fascists and the apparent inability of the Nazi’s opponents to come together to stand against them. She continued to visit the country in the following years, reporting on the rise of fascism there, and elsewhere. 

    In 1931, Thompson interviewed Hitler and declared that, rather than “the future dictator of Germany” she had expected to meet, he was a man of “startling insignificance.” She asked him if he would “abolish the constitution of the German Republic.” He answered: “I will get into power legally” and, once in power, abolish the parliament and the constitution and “found an authority-state, from the lowest cell to the highest instance; everywhere there will be responsibility and authority above, discipline and obedience below.” She did not believe he could succeed: “Imagine a would-be dictator setting out to persuade a sovereign people to vote away their rights,” she wrote in apparent astonishment.

    Thompson was back in Berlin in summer 1934 as a representative of the Saturday Evening Post when she received the news that she had 24 hours to leave the country. The other foreign correspondents in Berlin saw her off at the railway station with “great sheaves of American Beauty roses.” 

    Safely in Paris, Thompson mused that in her first years in Germany she had gotten to know many of the officials of the German republic, and that when she had left to marry Lewis, they offered “many expressions of friendship and gratitude.” But times had changed. “I thought of them sadly as my train pulled out,” she said, “carrying me away from Berlin. Some of those officials still are in the service of the German Government, some of them are émigrés and some of them are dead.” 

    Thompson came home to a nation where many of the same dark impulses were simmering, her fame after her expulsion from Germany following her. She lectured against fascism across the country in 1935, then began a radio program that reached tens of millions of listeners. Hired in 1936 to write a regular column three days a week for the New York Herald Tribune, she became a leading voice in print, too, warning that what was happening in Germany could also happen in America. 

    In an echo of Lewis’s bestselling 1935 novel It Can’t Happen Here, she wrote in a 1937 column: “No people ever recognize their dictator in advance…. He always represents himself as the instrument for expressing the Incorporated National Will. When Americans think of dictators they always think of some foreign model. If anyone turned up here in a fur hat, boots and a grim look he would be recognized and shunned…. But when our dictator turns up, you can depend on it that he will be one of the boys, and he will stand for everything traditionally American.” 

    In less than two years, the circulation of her column had grown to reach between seven and eight million people. In 1939 a reporter wrote: “She is read, believed and quoted by millions of women who used to get their political opinions from their husbands, who got them from [political commentator] Walter Lippmann.” The reporter likened Thompson to First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, saying they were the two “most influential women in the U.S.”

    When 22,000 American Nazis held a rally at New York City’s Madison Square Garden in honor of President George Washington’s birthday on February 20, 1939, Thompson sat in the front row of the press box, where she laughed loudly during the speeches and yelled “Bunk!” at the stage, illustrating that she would not be muzzled by Nazis. After being escorted out, she returned to her seat, where stormtroopers surrounded her. She later told a reporter: “I was amazed to see a duplicate of what I saw seven years ago in Germany. Tonight I listened to words taken out of the mouth of Adolf Hitler.” 

    Two years later, In 1941, Thompson returned to the issue she had raised when she mused about those government officials who had gone from thanking her to expelling her. In a piece for Harper’s Magazine titled “Who Goes Nazi?” she wrote: “It is an interesting and somewhat macabre parlor game to play at a large gathering of one’s acquaintances: to speculate who in a showdown would go Nazi,” she wrote. “By now, I think I know. I have gone through the experience many times—in Germany, in Austria, and in France. I have come to know the types: the born Nazis, the Nazis whom democracy itself has created, the certain-to-be fellow-travelers. And I also know those who never, under any conceivable circumstances, would become Nazis.”

    Examining a number of types of Americans, she wrote that the line between democracy and fascism was not wealth, or education, or race, or age, or nationality. “Kind, good, happy, gentlemanly, secure people never go Nazi,” she wrote. They were secure enough to be good natured and open to new ideas, and they believed so completely in the promise of American democracy that they would defend it with their lives, even if they seemed too easygoing to join a struggle. “But the frustrated and humiliated intellectual, the rich and scared speculator, the spoiled son, the labor tyrant, the fellow who has achieved success by smelling out the wind of success—they would all go Nazi in a crisis,” she wrote. “Those who haven’t anything in them to tell them what they like and what they don’t—whether it is breeding, or happiness, or wisdom, or a code, however old-fashioned or however modern, go Nazi.”

    In Paris following her expulsion from Berlin, Thompson told a reporter for the Associated Press that the reason she had been attacked was the same reason that Hitler’s power was growing. “Chancellor Hitler is no longer a man, he is a religion,” she said.

    Suggesting her expulsion was because of her old article disparaging Hitler, in her own article about her expulsion she noted: “My offense was to think that Hitler is just an ordinary man, after all. That is a crime against the reigning cult in Germany, which says Mr. Hitler is a Messiah sent by God to save the German people…. To question this mystic mission is so heinous that, if you are a German, you can be sent to jail. I, fortunately, am an American, so I merely was sent to Paris. Worse things can happen….”


    "When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set."

    - Lin Yutang

  • Legume
    Legume Posts: 15,096
    So many similarities, and so incredibly frustrating to see this could be on our doorstep now and we can't even agree on that.
    Not a felon
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,706
    And this today from Defense One:  (Timing is everything).

    Heed the generals who call Trump unfit to lead

    The former commander-in-chief understands nothing of military service, duty, or a cause greater than himself.

    https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2024/10/heed-generals-who-call-trump-unfit-lead-military/400502/?oref=d1-featured-river-secondary&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The D Brief: October 24, 2024&utm_term=newsletter_d1_dbrief
    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • JohnInCarolina
    JohnInCarolina Posts: 32,275

    "I've made a note never to piss you two off." - Stike