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Motorcycle riders



  • llrickman
    llrickman Posts: 654
    edited August 2015
    Lit said:
    jabam said:
    Lit said:
    jabam said:
    Ya I'm switching from beer to vodka! Can't wait to see what @Lit has to say
    I don't care what you are drinking. Just remember all the people that hate bikers in this posts it's because bikers like you. You are an entitled ass. You think you deserve to drive past everyone because your POS bike can't idle? I hope you aren't serious? Your joking right? 
    I seriously hope
    you are the one that is joking, seems like you are the only biker hater here. If you are not joking then we all truly know what an idiot you are! Without respect for other people on the road, then you are truly the problem! Bad drivers are bad drivers whether they are on bikes, bicycles or in cars. Dumbasses like you are why people get hurt on the road. 
    Did you not read the first page and a half of this thread of people hating bikers? People sitting in traffic are going to hate anyone that feels it's their right to pass right by them. People hate other cars that think it's ok to merge late what do you think they think about you when you think it's ok to pass everyone? People hate you. People hate other bikers because of
    It's called lane splitting bikes are much safer if they keep moving than sitting in traffic. And several states don't outlaw it 

    Dont get butthurt because they can go and you can't 
    in NM it's not illegal but law says before changing lanes your signal must be on for 100 continuous feet

    2 LBGE
    Digi Q
    green Thermapen

    Albuquerque, NM
  • Legume
    Legume Posts: 15,017
    My brother had a sweet Puch moped when I was a kid that he let me ride once in a while.  In college I rode a Honda Passport around campus for a year or so, downhill I could get that thing to 45.

    I was never in an MC or anything, I'd like to think I was a pretty considerate rider.  I never split lanes or rocketed past all of the car people, but I know what you mean, some riders give the rest of us a bad name.
    Not a felon
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    llrickman said:
    Lit said:
    jabam said:
    Lit said:
    jabam said:
    Ya I'm switching from beer to vodka! Can't wait to see what @Lit has to say
    I don't care what you are drinking. Just remember all the people that hate bikers in this posts it's because bikers like you. You are an entitled ass. You think you deserve to drive past everyone because your POS bike can't idle? I hope you aren't serious? Your joking right? 
    I seriously hope
    you are the one that is joking, seems like you are the only biker hater here. If you are not joking then we all truly know what an idiot you are! Without respect for other people on the road, then you are truly the problem! Bad drivers are bad drivers whether they are on bikes, bicycles or in cars. Dumbasses like you are why people get hurt on the road. 
    Did you not read the first page and a half of this thread of people hating bikers? People sitting in traffic are going to hate anyone that feels it's their right to pass right by them. People hate other cars that think it's ok to merge late what do you think they think about you when you think it's ok to pass everyone? People hate you. People hate other bikers because of
    It's called lane splitting bikes are much safer if they keep moving than sitting in traffic. And several states don't outlaw it 

    Dont get butthurt because they can go and you can't 
    in NM it's not illegal but law says before changing lanes your signal must be on for 100 continuous feet

    What states besides California don't outlaw it?  Link or something to backup that statement.  

    It is illegal in Texas (for now), but that doesn't stop bikers from doing it. When it becomes legal, it won't bother me as much.  I don't mind bikes, but I do see a lot of entitled riders doing tricks on the highway and lane splitting in all types of traffic.  Also see lots of passing on the shoulder.  For the record, this was more seen in San Antonio as I haven't seen this in Houston so far.  
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • Parallel
    Parallel Posts: 433
    I think some of you are mistaking the mode of transportation as the cause of "entitlement syndrome" when the truth is that a certain segment of our society feels entitled... some of them also ride motorcycles.

    Every time my elbow bends my mouth flies open.
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    Parallel said:
    I think some of you are mistaking the mode of transportation as the cause of "entitlement syndrome" when the truth is that a certain segment of our society feels entitled... some of them also ride motorcycles.
    For sure...it goes both ways.  However, entitled peeps have a higher probability of dying on a bike, than in a car.  When I see these guys breaking laws on their bikes, the old man in me fears that these kids will meet their maker before their time.
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • blasting
    blasting Posts: 6,262
    I'm against lane splitting.  I don't want to have to worry about staying in one side of my lane, because a rider might be coming up fast, expecting to share.  We all move around within our lanes, and as far as I'm concerned that whole lane is mine.

    Even as a longtime rider, I think lane splitting is incredibly dangerous.  True to their typical genius, California has a helmet law but allows lane splitting.  

  • Lit
    Lit Posts: 9,053
    bigguy136 said:
    Lit said:
    bigguy136 said:
    Lit said:
    jabam said:
    Lit said:
    jabam said:
    Ya I'm switching from beer to vodka! Can't wait to see what @Lit has to say
    I don't care what you are drinking. Just remember all the people that hate bikers in this posts it's because bikers like you. You are an entitled ass. You think you deserve to drive past everyone because your POS bike can't idle? I hope you aren't serious? Your joking right? 
    I seriously hope
    you are the one that is joking, seems like you are the only biker hater here. If you are not joking then we all truly know what an idiot you are! Without respect for other people on the road, then you are truly the problem! Bad drivers are bad drivers whether they are on bikes, bicycles or in cars. Dumbasses like you are why people get hurt on the road. 
    Did you not read the first page and a half of this thread of people hating bikers? People sitting in traffic are going to hate anyone that feels it's their right to pass right by them. People hate other cars that think it's ok to merge late what do you think they think about you when you think it's ok to pass everyone? People hate you. People hate other bikers because of you. 
    I don't get your anger. For every bike passing you is one less car or truck adding to the congestion. You sound very angry because they can and you can't. 
    He was behind me. Didn't cause any congestion for me. Now he's ahead of me and is is part of my congestion. Do you let people at stores just go ahead of you so there is less congestion? Also like I stated before he has caught me off guard before because I just wasn't expecting something to be passing me. What happens when a 70 yr old gets startled and hits the gas instead of the breaks? 

    Are you serious!

    Is it all about you? The one bike that was behind you is one less car helping congestion as a whole.

    How many bikes were already ahead of you that could've been cars adding to more congestion. Are those bike okay, just not the ones that pass you?

    Yes it's all about me who are my decisions supposed to be about? Should I make my decisions based on what is good for someone else? It's illegal in almost every state there's obviously a reason so any argument you try to make is pretty much pointless. They didn't make it illegal cause is was super safe for everyone and relived congestion.
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,965
    I don't have a horse in this race about crotch rockets BUT I do have an opinion or gripe about smaller 2 wheelers on the road. Those wimpy powered mo-peds as well as motorized bicycles are becoming more common in our community. I wish they would stay on side streets! It's not unusual to see slow traffic backed up on main roads behind one of these things that sounds like a juiced sewing machine! There is even one idiot I see on a regular basis in the summer who drives his moped on the very busy feed into Peoria in a 45 MPH highway. It's one of those tall French mopeds where the rider sits with his feet together like he is in a chair. I hope he doesn't get hit, but if he does he's a dead man plus for whoever hits him it will be a life changing event as well!
  • mtp
    mtp Posts: 26
    Lit said:
    I think it's the douche bag bikers that rouine it for the rest of them. My ride home from work hits parking lot traffic every day and the same **** head cruises right down the line between cars every day. I dream of pinning him between the car next to me.

    that is called lane splitting just so happens to be legal in many states

    LBGE, Plate setter, Pizza stone, Bisson flame thrower, Replaced by a Milwaukee heat gun,  Maverick ET-732, Bluetherm, and a bunch of beer

    Cumming, Ga
  • mtp
    mtp Posts: 26
    bigguy136 said:
    Not the responses I was expecting. My last Yamaha FJ1200 had 182,000 miles on it and now my new FJR1300 has 50,000 miles on it. I ride everywhere and talk to a lot of bikers. I can count on one hand the number of bad ones.
    I ride only north of Atlanta too many cages south of here cruiser jap bike here
    LBGE, Plate setter, Pizza stone, Bisson flame thrower, Replaced by a Milwaukee heat gun,  Maverick ET-732, Bluetherm, and a bunch of beer

    Cumming, Ga
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    edited August 2015
    mtp said:
    Lit said:
    I think it's the douche bag bikers that rouine it for the rest of them. My ride home from work hits parking lot traffic every day and the same **** head cruises right down the line between cars every day. I dream of pinning him between the car next to me.

    that is called lane splitting just so happens to be legal in many states

    Please post something to back that statement up?  Based on my research, California is the only state that currently allows lane splitting.  There are a few states that might legalize it soon though.
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • Legume
    Legume Posts: 15,017
    When did "jap" bike become acceptable?  I've read that a few times here, I was taught that was a racist or derogatory term, not so?
    Not a felon
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    edited August 2015
    jabam said:
    bigguy136 said:
    Lit said:
    I think it's the douche bag bikers that rouine it for the rest of them. My ride home from work hits parking lot traffic every day and the same **** head cruises right down the line between cars every day. I dream of pinning him between the car next to me.

    If this '**** head' didn't lane split, would traffic move any faster?
    The reason bikers split lanes ( which is legal in most states) most bikes are air cooled, which means they have to have air flowing through the engine to keep them cooled. If they had to stop in heavy traffic the bikes would overheat. 
    I figure I should request the first person to claim this is legal in most states to prove lane splitting is legal outside of California.
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • travisstrick
    travisstrick Posts: 5,002
    Lane splitting or no, bikers are rude and suck. I wish them all bad luck. 
    Be careful, man! I've got a beverage here.
  • Lane splitting or no, bikers are rude and suck. I wish them all bad luck. 
    run the rude ones off the road
  • NPHuskerFL
    NPHuskerFL Posts: 17,629
    edited August 2015
    @cazzy When in parking lot traffic it's not uncommon to see lane splitting. It's dangerous for the rider and other motorists. I have a lot of friends with HD and most are with MC and Veteran MC. I have no issues with them. But, some riders operate their motorcycle in a careless and inconsiderate manner and that translates to all of them are Aholes? (you didn't say that but, many here have). Bottom line I look twice and do my best to operate my vehicle in a safe manner because my life and others depend on it. Respect on the road saves lives. 

    LBGE 2013 & MM 2014
    Flying Low & Slow in "Da Burg" FL
  • Legume
    Legume Posts: 15,017
    Rude drivers flip my lid, regardless of vehicle.  4x4 with huge lift kits, modified exhaust, stereos that can be heard a mile away, this is at least as annoying as aggressive bikers.  Aggressive is the problem.  When the traffic stops on the freeway in Texas, there's an exodus of trucks that cut across the median on the right to get to the frontage road or to the left to make a turn on the freeway.  Because you can, doesn't mean you should.

    I have nothing against bikes or bikers, just understand you're driving a vehicle that is less visible to others and more dangerous to you personally, don't put that responsibility on others to be more vigilant.
    Not a felon
  • Eggcelsior
    Eggcelsior Posts: 14,414
    No one ever said Harley riders are pussies. Just that white, middle aged Harley riders are the biggest complainers/cry babies as trauma patients. Yamaha, Honda, and Suzuki riders tolerate pain much better and are much more polite. You want to hear a grown man scream like a little girl? Pull pebbles and other road debris out of his road-rashed ass. Nothing was more hilarious than having a Harley rider sexually harass one of my female colleagues when it was time for their bath so they would ask me to help with the patient. For some reason, no one wants to talk about "nice tits" when a 6'5" 250lb guy is holding you busted leg so your ass can get washed.

    As a rule, women are orders of magnitude stronger than men when it comes to tolerating pain.
  • travisstrick
    travisstrick Posts: 5,002
    As for them being pussies, I've never met one who wanted to tangle. They seem to be big and bad in groups but hell, I like group fun. 
    Be careful, man! I've got a beverage here.
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    I think all you fools griping at Lit have a baseless argument.  The riders he is complaining about are breaking the law as lane splitting is not legal in Georgia.

    Why are y'all even defending these bastards that are giving safe riders a bad name anyway?
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • Toxarch
    Toxarch Posts: 1,900
    I'm not pretentious enough to waste money on Harley. My Kawasaki Vulcan does the same thing with a lot of the same parts.
    Aledo, Texas
    Large BGE
    KJ Jr.

    Exodus 12:9 KJV
    Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof.

  • Parallel
    Parallel Posts: 433
    edited August 2015
    It's not about his "complaining" as much as it is his attitude that their lane splitting is reason enough for him to "pin" the offending rider thereby causing harm. His position is simply asinine and could lead to him actually killing someone and going to jail... just ask Darla Renee Jackson if she regrets getting pissed off enough to kill Zach Boub on a San Diego freeway. It's really not that hard to understand... doing something stupid doesn't warrant vehicular homicide.

    Every time my elbow bends my mouth flies open.
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    Parallel said:
    It's not about his "complaining" as much as it is his attitude that their lane splitting is reason enough for him to "pin" the offending rider thereby causing harm. His position is simply asinine and could lead to him actually killing someone and going to jail.
    I'd like to think he's just blowing smoke and will never pin someone.  Who knows though...I don't know him outside the forum.  
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • Parallel
    Parallel Posts: 433
    cazzy said:
    Parallel said:
    It's not about his "complaining" as much as it is his attitude that their lane splitting is reason enough for him to "pin" the offending rider thereby causing harm. His position is simply asinine and could lead to him actually killing someone and going to jail.
    I'd like to think he's just blowing smoke and will never pin someone.  Who knows though...I don't know him outside the forum.  
    That's likely what those who knew that murdering **** in San Diego thought... now they know better and some are STILL making excuses for her... it's just sickening.

    Every time my elbow bends my mouth flies open.
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    edited August 2015
    Parallel said:
    cazzy said:
    Parallel said:
    It's not about his "complaining" as much as it is his attitude that their lane splitting is reason enough for him to "pin" the offending rider thereby causing harm. His position is simply asinine and could lead to him actually killing someone and going to jail.
    I'd like to think he's just blowing smoke and will never pin someone.  Who knows though...I don't know him outside the forum.  
    That's likely what those who knew that murdering **** in San Diego thought... now they know better and some are STILL making excuses for her... it's just sickening.
    She seems to be ubstable and had a history of suspect behavior.

    I think safe riders should start a campaign to get these law breaking lane splitting aholes off the road!  

    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    Why did that d!ck keep going?
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • dmchicago
    dmchicago Posts: 4,516
    Oh, yeah...that looks legal.
    Philly - Kansas City - Houston - Cincinnati - Dallas - Houston - Memphis - Austin - Chicago - Austin

    Large BGE. OONI 16, TOTO Washlet S550e (Now with enhanced Motherly Hugs!)

    "If I wanted my balls washed, I'd go to the golf course!"
    Dennis - Austin,TX
  • cazzy
    cazzy Posts: 9,136
    dmchicago said:
    Oh, yeah...that looks legal.
    That is the type of sh!t I saw all the time in San Antonio. That mofo caused that accident.  Has prolly going about 30-40 mph above the flow of traffic...Which was moving.  I'm ready to hear someone defend the rider....
    Just a hack that makes some $hitty BBQ....
  • SGH
    SGH Posts: 28,810
    dmchicago said:
    Oh, yeah...that looks legal.
    Legal or not, I wouldn't do it. The video clearly showed what will ultimately happen if you do it enough times. Sooner or later the odds and the idiots will catch up to you. And yes, there are some idiots out there behind the wheel. Hey, if it was a emergency or something, I may try it. But just to try to get somewhere faster just because you are in a hurry, you would have to be insane to weave through traffic like that on a bike. Here is a friendly tip. In a collision involving a bike and a automobile, the bike will lose every time under any circumstance. I don't have a motorcycle or a dog in this fight. But if you ride, use some common sense and be safe. That goes for both bikes and automobiles. What I saw in the video is borderline retarted. Drive safe and arrive safe. Just my thoughts my friends. 

    Location- Just "this side" of Biloxi, Ms.

    Status- Standing by.

    The greatest barrier against all wisdom, the stronghold against knowledge itself, is the single thought, in ones mind, that they already have it all figured out.