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  • Tweev was active on both forums, and one of the main reasons I never posted on either. There seems to be a culture of a core group guarding the forum as though it were their own, and Tweev reveled in antagonizing them specifically.

    If you knew Tweeve, it would be obvious I am not Tweeve.

    I am here to learn and to help learn. If you have specific questions I can answer, I will answer them.  If not, I will not.  I have no desire to add to the OT conversation.

    If you have other requirements for me that I should know about, please let me know.  I have none for any of you.
    Copia ciborum subtilitas impeditur

    Seneca Falls, NY

  • My brother is wooden and stiff like this poor fella. Big brother, is that you?
    Flint, Michigan
  • As background, I have been made fun of since I was a child. Nothing new. When I consider the people who do these types of things, I see a general pattern.  That allows me to ignore it.  That and the fact that others' opinions mean very little to me, unless we are coworkers, and we are solving a problem. And even then, that opinion had better be technical.

    Most people mock because they themselves are insecure.

    Enjoy mocking.  Mockery is indicative of a person's nature.

    Copia ciborum subtilitas impeditur

    Seneca Falls, NY

  • buzd504
    buzd504 Posts: 3,851

    If you have other requirements for me that I should know about, please let me know.  I have none for any of you.

    Please bring beer.
  • Eggcelsior
    Eggcelsior Posts: 14,414
    Seneca, you are the best. 

    Seriously. You may be the best thing to happen to this forum since Mangrates. I am dying laughing at your posts. I am in no way mocking or laughing at you, only with you(or maybe for you). 

    Please add to the OT conversation. Your comments are profoundly funny while completely accurate. 
  • Charlesmaneri
    Charlesmaneri Posts: 1,295
    SenecaTheYounger   I feel your pain I too have been made fun of my entire life  I too also ignore it and agree that the people who do this they them selfs are insecure and have other issues and I also feel the opinion are like ass holes we all have them and they all STINK 
    2 Large Eggs and a Mini 2 Pit Bulls and a Pork shoulder or butt nearby and 100% SICILIAN
    Long Island N.Y.
  • SmokeyPitt
    SmokeyPitt Posts: 10,490
    My brother is wooden and stiff like this poor fella. Big brother, is that you?
    I think stoic might be a more apt description. 

    Which came first the chicken or the egg?  I egged the chicken and then I ate his leg. 

  • @Charles

    Thank you, but there is no real pain involved, as those mocking are not significant personalities or individuals in my life, and so their opinions are not of any value.  I do not mean to be harsh, I'm simply black and white about these types of things.  I cannot comprehend what pain there might be in the the words of someone calling himself "Fred Flintstone".  But thank you for your commiseration.

    @SmokeyPitt.  Stoicism is entirely apt.  I appreciate your perceptiveness. 
    Copia ciborum subtilitas impeditur

    Seneca Falls, NY

  • Seneca - If getting picked on bothers you as it seems it does because you have mentioned it twice, why are you calling (in a nice way) hdumptyesq too stupid to converse with in another thread? That seems a little mean and your hands are not clean.
    Flint, Michigan
  • bettysnephew
    bettysnephew Posts: 1,189
    edited April 2014
    @SenecaTheYounger Do you perchance have a cousin named Spock? Another persona, although a fantasy, I greatly admired. I too have lived in the technical realm and find it difficult to have close personal relationships. Pretty much a loner if you will.
    A poor widows son.
    See der Rabbits, Iowa
  • @Fred:  You do not strike me as capable of understanding subtlety, and so any attempt at explanation will likely be futile.  That problem cannot be ascribed to me, sadly, otherwise I would take pains to be more explicit.

    @bettysnephew: Being a loner is pretty efficient.  Don't get me wrong, I have 'friends' in the colloquial sense, but most tend to be, upon inspection, what I'd more accurately refer to as 'acquaintances'.  I think most people confuse their acquaintances for friends.  This is understandable for those who cannot understand the difference.  I appreciate your appreciating the difference.

    Copia ciborum subtilitas impeditur

    Seneca Falls, NY

  • jls9595
    jls9595 Posts: 1,533
    @SenecaTheYounger I have enjoyed reading your posts but could not help noticing the quote in your signature. It is profound but not entirely accurate. I have actually found the opposite to be true on many occasions. 

    Here is a philosophical question to ponder:

    Animadvertistine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in faciem ferri? 
    -Henry Beard

    In Manchester, TN
    Vol For Life!
  • saluki2007
    saluki2007 Posts: 6,354
    edited April 2014

    Large and Small BGE
    Central, IL

  • Sorry Seneca. My mouth breathing interfered with moving my lips while reading your golden words so me no unnerstand. Sorry.
    Flint, Michigan
  • SenecaTheYounger
    SenecaTheYounger Posts: 368
    edited April 2014

    I believe that until you spoke about me, I had not spoken about you. And I did not call you a mouth breather. 

    And to be clear, I never said that being mocked bothered me (as you perceived it).  I just took note of it, like when a bird's droppings hit my windshield.  I am not offended.  Why then does the bird take offense if I defecate on him? Perhaps because my droppings are more substantial and have greater impact? Not for me to say.

    Don't be hurt, little bird.

    Copia ciborum subtilitas impeditur

    Seneca Falls, NY

  • Oh no! I wrong Agin!! Me so stupid!!!!!
    Flint, Michigan
  • Eggcelsior
    Eggcelsior Posts: 14,414
    @Fred19Flinstone, are allergies hitting hard up in the mitten state? Nasal lavage, my friend.
  • @Fred19Flinstone, are allergies hitting hard up in the mitten state? Nasal lavage, my friend.

    No worries! Just having fun playing with Spock.
    Flint, Michigan
  • Spock did have a thing for fatties.

    Copia ciborum subtilitas impeditur

    Seneca Falls, NY

  • SmokeyPitt
    SmokeyPitt Posts: 10,490

    Which came first the chicken or the egg?  I egged the chicken and then I ate his leg. 

  • gmac
    gmac Posts: 1,814
    gmac said:
    Okay,with all the discussion about trolls, etc., I'll ask about something I've asked before... when you go to your profile page there's a spot on the left that says "Friends". However, I can't see a way to know who your "friends" are. I'm fortunate enough to have 1 friend!

    I also have not seen a way to indicate that you want to be someone's friend.

    I was the one following you but I thought it was more like stalking.
    Do I need to be looking over my shoulder at the Toronto Eggfest?
    No, you're safe.  I "followed" a few of the Canadian Eggers in the TO area early on in the hopes of hearing about some local deals.
    Mt Elgin Ontario - just a Large.
  • grege345
    grege345 Posts: 3,515
    @SenecaTheYounger‌ what do you do for fun. Just curious. Btw is gorilla glass really scratch proof?
    LBGE& SBGE———————————————•———————– Pennsylvania / poconos

  • Gorilla Glass isn't scratch proof, but it is close.  It is pretty incredible stuff. I wish I could say I was responsible for it, but it was about ten years before my time.  It has only recently been rebranded 'Gorilla glass'. 

    I was along for the ride on it.

    Copia ciborum subtilitas impeditur

    Seneca Falls, NY

  • JohnInCarolina
    JohnInCarolina Posts: 32,059

    This is awesome.
    "I've made a note never to piss you two off." - Stike
  • nolaegghead
    nolaegghead Posts: 42,102
    Gorilla Glass isn't scratch proof, but it is close.  It is pretty incredible stuff. I wish I could say I was responsible for it, but it was about ten years before my time.  It has only recently been rebranded 'Gorilla glass'. 

    I was along for the ride on it.

    Former or current employee of Corning?
    I love lamp..
  • loveTheEgg
    loveTheEgg Posts: 573
    This is awesome stuff!
    Brandon, MS
  • gmac said:
    gmac said:
    Okay,with all the discussion about trolls, etc., I'll ask about something I've asked before... when you go to your profile page there's a spot on the left that says "Friends". However, I can't see a way to know who your "friends" are. I'm fortunate enough to have 1 friend!

    I also have not seen a way to indicate that you want to be someone's friend.

    I was the one following you but I thought it was more like stalking.
    Do I need to be looking over my shoulder at the Toronto Eggfest?
    No, you're safe.  I "followed" a few of the Canadian Eggers in the TO area early on in the hopes of hearing about some local deals.

    Well, "spa-Peggy" is kind of like spaghetti. I'm not sure what Peggy does different, if anything. But it's the one dish she's kind of made her own.
    Aurora, Ontario, Canada
  • TUTTLE871
    TUTTLE871 Posts: 1,316
    Guess what? I friend requested you.

    "Hold my beer and watch this S##T!"


  • TUTTLE871 said:
    Guess what? I friend requested you.
    Thanks, I'm feeling much better about myself.  >:D<
    Well, "spa-Peggy" is kind of like spaghetti. I'm not sure what Peggy does different, if anything. But it's the one dish she's kind of made her own.
    Aurora, Ontario, Canada