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found this in my new bag of RO

Just refilled the green egg with my RO lump and found this chunk of concrete in with the lump. Thought id share it with yall. Has anyone ever found rocks, concrete, etc. In your lump before?


  • Loosemoose
    I've found a rock in about all of them.
    Nowhere Indiana
  • Mike_the_BBQ_Fanatic
    That's one way to not raise prices...

    Making the neighbors jealous in Pleasant Hill, Ia one cook at a time...
  • caliking
    caliking Posts: 18,750
    I took a break from RO for 4 years or so becuase I was tired of finding sh!t in the bag - concrete, rocks, kiln insulation etc. Bought a few bags over the summer when it went on sale at WalMart and am yet to find any weird bits. Lately, its been good.

    #1 LBGE December 2012 • #2 SBGE February  2013 • #3 Mini May 2013
    A happy BGE family in Houston, TX.
  • Dfishel
    Dfishel Posts: 104
    When you buy lump by weight and you've got a 5lbs rock in it. For every 10 bags they get one bag at 100% profit.
  • daffy1909
    I have found rocks(about the size of a marble) but never a big chunk of concrete!!!! Crappy u pay for the lump by weight!!!
  • bgulker
    I get them all the time.   Usually not that big but its common.  I once found a 2 lb rock in a 6 lb bag of lump.  That ticked me off. 

    Sioux Center, IA

  • henapple
    henapple Posts: 16,025
    caliking said:

    I took a break from RO for 4 years or so becuase I was tired of finding sh!t in the bag - concrete, rocks, kiln insulation etc. Bought a few bags over the summer when it went on sale at WalMart and am yet to find any weird bits. Lately, its been good.

    I thought you were a Wicked Good man...

    Green egg, dead animal and alcohol. The "Boro".. TN 
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    Sure... I have found stuff in several brands. Lump is made from this that and stumps. Stumps in particular have rocks. Roll with the flow...they aren't out there trying to screw you over is my opinion.
  • ringkingpin
    I'd rather find a rock than  strands of polyethlyne like I have in cowboy
    "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are."
  • cortguitarman
    I find rocks and concrete from time to time. Don't sweat it.
    Mark Annville, PA
  • shtgunal3
    shtgunal3 Posts: 5,728
    I stopped buying RO because of all the junk I was finding. I was finding large pieces of insulation and rocks in every bag.



     LBGE,SBGE, and a Mini makes three......Sweet home Alabama........ Stay thirsty my friends .

  • TUTTLE871
    TUTTLE871 Posts: 1,316
    My theory is "it is what it is"

    There are days I discover a great bag of lump and the next my lump is dump.

    Guess its life.

    "Hold my beer and watch this S##T!"


  • caliking
    caliking Posts: 18,750
    henapple said:
    I thought you were a Wicked Good man... >:)
    You're a fiend. I would like to think of myself as a wicked good man, but nope, not a Wicked Good man. I was though for a (very) brief period. 

    #1 LBGE December 2012 • #2 SBGE February  2013 • #3 Mini May 2013
    A happy BGE family in Houston, TX.
  • gmac
    gmac Posts: 1,814
    Only use Maple Leaf and so far nothing in 3 years.
    Mt Elgin Ontario - just a Large.
  • Skiddymarker
    From a bag of RO Wally World.....  Using the Whiz's 1" scale.....Made one hell of a bang when it hit the fire ring.
    Delta B.C. - Whiskey and steak, because no good story ever started with someone having a salad!
  • Jeremiah
    Jeremiah Posts: 6,412
    I've only bought two bags so far and both were filled with only tiny pieces of lump (less than the size of charcoal) several rocks, and a cigarette wrapper. Kind of disappointing.
    Slumming it in Aiken, SC. 
  • williamadamsesq
    I wonder if the people on the stone mulch forums complain at finding a small piece of lump charcoal in a bag of rocks?
  • SmokinTiger81
    I use RO from Walmart normally, and have not had any major problems.  Normally there are one or two quarter size rocks when I finally clean out the charcoal grate, but nothing I really get concerned about.
  • NibbleMeThis
    I find stuff in most brands that I have used, even when buying higher quality lump in pallet orders.  Rocks, concrete, melted glass like objects, insulation, and not fully charred wood. 
    Knoxville, TN
    Nibble Me This
  • Fred19Flintstone
    I think I found parts of Jimmy Hoffa in a bag of lump last week. Anything and everything can be found in a bag of lump.
    Flint, Michigan
  • stlcharcoal
    stlcharcoal Posts: 4,689

    I always have to weigh in on these threads......Rocks and other objects are inevitable in ANY lump charcoal.

    From our FAQ's:

    Why did I find something in my bag that isn’t charcoal?

    Sorry about that! We strive to remove all foreign matter during the bagging process, but sometimes pieces sneak by.

    Why? Well, a lot can happen to a tree in its lifetime. People sometimes nail items to them, shoot at them, or run fencing around them. And because trees are constantly growing, objects lodged in trees can easily become encased, creating “knots.” Knots are undesirable in the lumber industry, so they’re often made into charcoal. Objects often remain grafted inside the charcoal chunks, which is why they’re only found once the charcoal becomes ash.

    If you’ve found an object in your charcoal, please tell us!  Some customers have found arrowheads, coins, and other fun “prizes.” If it’s anything of value, we’ll gladly take it off of your hands!



    If you see the milling ops and how lump charcoal is produced, you will absolutely understand the rocks, banding, and the other objects that find their way into the bag.  Concrete, insulation, soda cans, plastic, etc is another story.  During the bagging process a lot of the recognizable stuff gets hand picked out, but a char-dust covered rock looks just like a chunk of charcoal.

    Long story short, lump charcoal is ALWAYS going to have things in it that are not wood--going with briquettes is the only way for you to avoid this.  The good news is that you are not eating lump charcoal and that rock or piece of metal is not going to anyway taint your food.  I understand you're paying for charcoal--not rocks--but please understand that the price of that bag would be 5-10x more if we have to inspect every single chunk of charcoal to insure it wasn't a rock (or replace every bag that had a rock in it.)

    You will find that most of us are willing to replace bags that you're are unhappy with, so please just call or write anytime.  With any product, you should give the manufacturer a chance to rectify the situation before posting negative feedback on a public forum.