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Keeping butts warm

How long have you ever kept a butt warm?  

This morning I wrapped mine in 3x heavy duty foil, wrapped in 2 old towels, and put it in a good cooler. I did that at 7:30 this morning.  It was still hot at lunch. 
Opelika, AL


  • Skiddymarker
    Skiddymarker Posts: 8,522
    Three to four hours is the longest I've gone. Was still at serving temps. I'm sure someone here has gone for a record. 
    Delta B.C. - Whiskey and steak, because no good story ever started with someone having a salad!
  • brownbw
    brownbw Posts: 154
    I might add that I didn't take the foil off, but it was hot through the towel, so I assumed it's still hot. 
    Opelika, AL
  • cortguitarman
    cortguitarman Posts: 2,061
    4 hours for me
    Mark Annville, PA
  • Egghead_Daron
    Egghead_Daron Posts: 862
    I'm not really proud but due to horrible miscalculation on done time, I went 7 hours. It was still plenty hot. I didn't check internal mainly cause I just didn't want to know. It was still extremely hot to touch but I doubt it would have passed board of health requirements.
    LBGE 2013, SBGE 2014, Mini 2015
    Columbus IN
  • Eggcelsior
    Eggcelsior Posts: 14,414
    5 hours in a soft cooler with towels and no air pockets. 141 internal.
  • Charlie tuna
    Charlie tuna Posts: 2,191
    I provided pulled pork for a reunion that was three hours away and carried five turbo cooked butts wrapped in foil.  They were at 210 degrees - wrapped as they came off the egg - and placed in a cooler, then packed with towels to completely fill the cooler.  I removed and pulled three butts when i arrived at the party three hours after cooking.  Three hours later, or a total of six hours after taking off the egg, i pulled another butt and it was steaming hot.  Drove back home with the last butt still in the cooler, and opened it up before refrigerating it and it was still hot enough to produce steam within the foil, nine hours after the cook.
  • brownbw
    brownbw Posts: 154
    It was still hot at 4pm when I pulled it.  I think if I hadnt have opened the cooler at lunch it would have been even hotter.  
    Opelika, AL
  • Charlie tuna
    Charlie tuna Posts: 2,191
    When you are faced with a long time before serving, two very important things should be considered.  Preheating the cooler, doesn't sound like a big deal, but if you are facing five or more hours, do it!!  Just boil some water and put it in the cooler about thirty minutes before your rest period starts.  Then pour it out just before puting the butts in it.  The seconfd thing is NEVER open the cooler, i take duct tape and run a layer around the top and bottom... 
  • caliking
    caliking Posts: 18,750
    edited May 2013
    I think the official gubmint recommendation is that the meat should not be at IT of 140°F or lower for more than 4hours. So that means that you're probably okay to go longer depending on circumstances, since they probably have some wiggle room built into that rec.

    Also, its a solid hunk of meat, not  ground beef where all the outside cooties get mixed into the interior. With a decent cooler, towels, preheating, you should be okay for several hours.

    #1 LBGE December 2012 • #2 SBGE February  2013 • #3 Mini May 2013
    A happy BGE family in Houston, TX.
  • Charlie tuna
    Charlie tuna Posts: 2,191


    Exactly. Just be aware of how often its outside in the open air.  For instance Costco is a little over an hour away.  So by the time i was traveling it lost one of those hours below
    Costco sells meat at 38 degrees, not 140 degrees.