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KAB - Any Danger in Losing the Lower Grate?

Flatfoot Posts: 96
edited June 2020 in EggHead Forum
Just got Kick Ash Baskets for two of my Eggs - a Mini & a Mini-Max. I want to use them without the lower grate, but read somewhere that it could cause firebox cracks if you don’t keep the grate in place, though that warning was said to be specific to the XL. Seems to me that keeping the factory grate kind of defeats the purpose. Wondering what you that have KABs do?
LBGE, MM, & Mini. Weber Smokey Joe for a knockabout. 
"Honestly, Honey!  Just one more Egg, and one more gun, and I'll be done!"


  • mEGG_My_Day
    mEGG_My_Day Posts: 1,655
    I use a kick ash basket without the grate on my SBGE.  It improves airflow in addition to being helpful with cleanup.  I guess I’ve had it about two years like this with no problems. 
    Memphis, TN 

    LBGE, 2 SBGE, Hasty-Bake Gourmet
  • TideEggHead
    TideEggHead Posts: 1,342
    I left my grate in, I was also a little nervous about potential cracks. I haven’t had any problems either.
  • alaskanassasin
    alaskanassasin Posts: 7,772
    popped the base on my large first time I went 600 no grate. 
    South of Columbus, Ohio.

  • stlcharcoal
    stlcharcoal Posts: 4,691
    Internet lore.......KJ and BGE both have baskets now.  
  • Ozzie_Isaac
    Ozzie_Isaac Posts: 19,321
    edited June 2020
    I use a KAB in my minimax and my medium.  Used them for 6 years with no lower grate.  No firebox cracks.

    My XL has the factory grate and my firebox is in 5 pieces.  
    No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses. - Herman Melville
  • WeberWho
    WeberWho Posts: 11,081
    Grate in my large. No grate in my small. 

    "The pig is an amazing animal. You feed a pig an apple and it makes bacon. Let's see Michael Phelps do that" - Jim Gaffigan

  • cookingdude555
    cookingdude555 Posts: 3,195
    Try both, see what you like.  I have high q grates running in the opposing direction of the KAB bars in my eggs.  Works well.  I don't think a basket has anything to do with a cracked egg.
  • jdMyers
    jdMyers Posts: 1,336
    Depends.  I have granite under my egg.  Heat wont hurt granite in most cases unless it rains while its hot.  Grate is another heat barrier.  I left mine in.  Granite too expansive 
    Columbus, Ohio
  • shtgunal3
    shtgunal3 Posts: 5,730
    I have KAB’s in all my eggs with no grate. Never any problems.



     LBGE,SBGE, and a Mini makes three......Sweet home Alabama........ Stay thirsty my friends .

  • Kayak
    Kayak Posts: 700
    I wonder if a couple chunks of fire brick might space the KAB up, and allow the increased airflow?

    Don't have one, but now I'm interested.


    New Cumberland, PA
    XL with the usual accessories

  • speed51133
    speed51133 Posts: 691
    I was unaware you use both. Kind of defeats the purpose with respect to airflow. Never had an issue. I go to 600 all the time.
    XL BGE and Kamado Joe Jr.
  • stlcharcoal
    stlcharcoal Posts: 4,691
    Kayak said:
    I wonder if a couple chunks of fire brick might space the KAB up, and allow the increased airflow?

    Don't have one, but now I'm interested.
    Its formed so it fits the firebox.  You would be eliminating the basket function of it by doing that.

    The airflow is ultimately limited by the draft door and chimney (and plate setter if using).  You're not going to get much more out of the BGE unless you hook up a fan for force the flow.
  • 1voyager
    1voyager Posts: 1,157
    edited June 2020
    I used the KAB without the grate on my large. During a spring cleaning and checkup, I noticed that the firebox was cracked. The crack matched the lines of the KAB perfectly. Coincidence? Maybe.

    After replacing the firebox, I decided to experiment and use the KAB with the grate. The result I see is that there is no difference in performance with or without the grate. Maybe it's because I shake the used lump into a trash can rather than shaking inside of the Egg. Doing so leaves no buildup on the grate. Air flow is fine. YMMV.
    Large Egg, PGS A40 gasser.
  • DocObbins
    DocObbins Posts: 28
    I have the BGE basket on my Large and took the grate out. No issues, easy shake down and clean up. 
  • Wolfeman
    Wolfeman Posts: 18
    I have had a KAB in my large longer than I can remember. Took the grate out when I bought it and never really had any problems. I did have one cracked firebox in 10 years of ownership that was replaced under warranty. The new firebox was redesigned so I figured they probably had problems with the old design not allowing for flex during the heat/cool cycles. I just picked up an XL Egg and one of the first accessories I ordered for it was an XL KAB. The grate never even made it in the grill. 
  • YukonRon
    YukonRon Posts: 17,025
    I have an XL. I read that running a KAB in an XL may require the use of the fire grate. I chose not to run with the fire grate, and my base cracked soon ( a couple days ) thereafter.

    It may have been coincidence, I have no idea, that was a few years ago.

    Since then, I have been running it with both the KAB, and the fire grate. There has been no noticeable difference in the performance, nor has there been any cracks.

    It may not matter. Mine could have been destined to crack with or without. Who knows.

    I do know this; there are two types of ceramic out there: cracked ceramic, and ceramic that is going to crack.

    Lifetime warranty mitigates that somewhat, but it is always a hassle to deal with, and it is never convenient.

    YMMV. Goid luck in any direction you choose. 

    "Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber

    XL and MM
    Louisville, Kentucky