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Out of commission...

Misippi Egger
Misippi Egger Posts: 5,095
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I took a really bad fall this morning on my bicycle while riding with my wife's marathon training group. I am supposed to be the one helping them out!
Anyway, locked up the front brake going downhill and over I went. The helmut took most of the impact :) , but besides some road burn, I broke the tip of my ring finger and shattered my little finger (dominate hand).

But, the worst is that I broke both arms :ohmy: - the radial head (end of the radius closest to the elbow).

My brother, hand surgeon, set the fingers, but said the radius fractures will have to heal on their own - no cast or splint, but to expect them to hurt like hell for several weeks. Can't rotate my forearms at all and limited motion at the elbows. The Princess had to feed me as even with a long handle wooden spoon, I couldn't quite get it to my mouth. This is no fun, friends, as I am pretty independent minded and I suspect this is "gonna cost me" - you guys know what I mean. :whistle: No way can I lift the dome on a Egg.

We are on vacation for a week, but I may not be able to work much when I get back - not sure how long I will be out.

Anyway, thankful my head, neck, and internal organs were not injured.

Spirits are a little dampened, but still thankful for Independence Day.
More drugs, please. Where IS that wife nurse? :woohoo: :woohoo:


  • Geoduck
    Geoduck Posts: 76
    As a newly addicted (inducted?) member of this cult (club?) my heart goes out to you. It's bad enough to be injured and unable to eat easily but NOT COOK ON THE EGG???? Hope the pain is as mild as it can be and that you heal quickly.
  • I am so sorry to hear of this, Clark. Wow, that helmut surely saved you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Happily egging on my original large BGE since 1996... now the owner of 5 eggs. Call me crazy, everyone else does!
    3 Large, 1 Small, 1 well-used Mini
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Good Lord Clark! That is terrible!!! I have done the same thing but not with that much damage. My prayers and best wishes for as speedy a recovery and comfort as is possible. :(

  • Misippi Egger
    Misippi Egger Posts: 5,095
    Thanks, Susan. Welcome to the cult. The worst thing for my "Princess" is that she will have to cook all the meals. :ohmy: :woohoo: Shhhh....
  • WOW! What a lick, sorry to hear that. Of course it could be a lot worse. Glad to hear you were wearing a helmet.
  • tbonemac
    tbonemac Posts: 69
    Hate to hear that, sounds like a really bad fall. I hope you had a speedy recovery.
  • Misippi Egger
    Misippi Egger Posts: 5,095
    I see too many people on bikes without helmuts. I lost a friend 30 years ago who took a minor fall, but hit the curb with his head and died.

    ALWAYS wear a helmut !

    It probably saved my life today. Witnesses said I hit on it and hit pretty hard.
  • thebtls
    thebtls Posts: 2,300
    cracked disk, torn hip muscle, slipped vertebre...all since January...and NOTHING HURTS MORE THAN NOT USING THE EGG! Need that family here to cook for...thank the lord you were wearing a helmet, my son did that once and it saved his live I am sure. I've got you in my next round of prayers...Get better soon.
    Visit my blog, dedicated to my Big Green Egg Recipies at http://www.bigtsbge.blogspot.com You can also follow my posts on FaceBook under the name Keep On Eggin' or the link http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Keep-On-Eggin/198049930216241
  • doccjb
    doccjb Posts: 238
    Clark, that is some terrible news. Thank God you were wearing your helmet, and that you werent hurt worse.

    Please pass my e-mail address on to your wife, and have her contact me if anything is needed--particularly if some Big Green Egg medicine is required in the form of a meal brought to your door.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery,

  • lowercasebill
    lowercasebill Posts: 5,218
    sad to hear of your accident but glad your head and innards are intact.. both arms :( :( hope you are still packed in ice..
    you got partners or are you solo at work??
    get well soon and remember patience is a virtue [that i don't have]
    SMITTYtheSMOKER Posts: 2,668
    Wow, with two broken arms you will quickly find out who truely loves you. Hope you have a speedy recovery.



    from SANTA CLARA, CA

  • Grandpas Grub
    Grandpas Grub Posts: 14,226
    Ouch, on both accounts. Your tumble and not being able to cook and other things.

    Wish I was closer, I would do some egg'n for you.

  • rsmdale
    rsmdale Posts: 2,472
    I hope everything turns out ok and hopefully your heal time is less than expected.I know it does not seem like it now,but yu are fortunate that your head and spine are not damaged.Heal up quick and may God bless!!!!


  • Misippi Egger
    Misippi Egger Posts: 5,095
    Partners, but we "eat what you kill", so work will get covered, but not to my advantage. My wife has offered to help wherever she can, as she normally works at home on the phone and laptop, but might can also help me. We'll see how things are in a week.
  • Little Chef
    Little Chef Posts: 4,725
    Clark....Day-um!! :( Sorry to hear of your mishap!! :( Sorry bout the Egging, too! :( Maybe you can coach your "nurse" through a few cooks! :whistle: Heal quickly!! Thank God for helmets, and the people smart enough to wear them! ;) We'll be thinking of you!!
    Michelle & Tim
  • JerseyEgger
    JerseyEgger Posts: 315
    Oh man I am so sorry to hear about that. About 2 years ago I was riding my bike showing my daughter and went to turn around in the street and turned to wide. I went towards the curb and stuck my foot out to stop. Well I had flip flops on and my foot turnoutward. Shattered my cuboid in my right foot. I had a bad doctor who misdiagnosed it. I was in a walking cast for about a month. the doc sent me right to PT. 6 months later I was still limping. saw a different dock and I needed surgery. should have had it at the beginning. I had a bone graft and a the joint above the cuboid fused. thats been a year and half and I don't limp anymore. It bothers me but its tolerable.

    Good luck man. stay positive and you will be egging soon enough.
  • TXTriker
    TXTriker Posts: 1,177
    Gee Clark. I feel for you. Been there, done that. I broke my right hip and fractured my right elbow when I went down on my bike back in 1985. And that's why I walk this way! I replaced that hip in 1998.

    I really do feel for you and wish you a speedy recovery.
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    Holy ass-over-appetite, Batman! That's a nasty, nasty spill. I hope everything feels better soon, Clark.
  • FlaPoolman
    FlaPoolman Posts: 11,677
    Hope your feeling better and back in the saddle soon.
  • Morro Bay Rich
    Morro Bay Rich Posts: 2,227
    Certainly I can think of better ways to start the summer. I hope your brother was wrong and it doesn't hurt for weeks. :(
    Regards from California,
  • Gunnar
    Gunnar Posts: 2,307
    Falls are never fun...never had one that bad. I'm still amazed at the people I see when riding that don't wear helmuts. To a speedy recovery.
    LBGE      Katy (Houston) TX
  • Dang Man! What a bemmer. Hope the healing goes faster than anticipated.
  • Susan Egglaine
    Susan Egglaine Posts: 2,437
    That just STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you are o.k. Aren't you the one that just finished that fabulous outdoor kitchen? This was going to be your first egg holiday :angry::angry:
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    That is bad news. I will pray for a speedy recovery. I have 3 ribs out of place and until the chiropractor can do enough adjustments to get them in the right place I have limited moving. Nothing like you. Sometimes these things happen for a reason. Maybe it was time for you to slow down. Anyways, muster up all of your patience.
    Get well!!
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Damn Clark,that really sux :( I wish you a speedy recovery buddy ;)
  • Spring Chicken
    Spring Chicken Posts: 10,255
    There's three periods of danger when riding a bicycle: taking Off, landing, and the other one in between.

    In some ways it's a story with a happy ending (you're still alive), but every minute of the next few weeks you're going to be reminded that you should have paid more attention to the instructions on landing and the part in between.

    My heart goes out to you for not being able to do much, especially cook on your Egg. Real bummer. It's going to be very boring.

    Hope you mend well and quickly.

    Spring "Took A Tumble Or Two And Kept On Tick'n" Chicken
    Spring Texas USA
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,965
    sorry to hear that - 3 years ago the neighbor lady hit a drain grate in the road and flew the same way you did - however she severely tore both rotator cuffs and is only now recovered enough in one arm so that she can go in for surgery on the other next week. I hope you heal well and quickly.
  • Aunt Crazy
    Aunt Crazy Posts: 378
    So sorry...
    At least your wife/nurse is bringing drugs :)
  • Weekend Warrior
    Weekend Warrior Posts: 1,702
    Hey Doc. I am so sorry to read of your misfortune, but am very happy you were not injured more severely. :( Must be nice to have multiple Docs in the family. :laugh: Wishing you a speedy recovery. Very best, Mark :cheer:
  • AnnaG
    AnnaG Posts: 1,104
    Clark, I am so sorry to hear about your accident... I hope you will heal fast so you can get back to the egg!!! :)