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Light meal recipes?

edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
The fiancé is trying to shed a few for the big day in 19 days. So no pork butts, briskets or ribs for this poor guy at least not for the next 3 weeks. Does anyone have any tasty lighter meal ideas for the Egg. I'm already thinking fish, chicken breasts etc. but was wondering if any of you had any suggestions. Thanks!


  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    this was as simple as could be.
    you can see from the responses it got that everyone was so taken by it, they ran off to cook it![p]

    [ul][li]veggie cook (no pics, alas)[/ul]
    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,863
    <p />atx,
    i think this was grilled fennel, not bad, the other is zuchinni squash casserole. i could eat the casserole all by itself and its simple. layer zuchinni, yellow sqaush, stewed tomatoes, cheese and bake at 350 til done, about an hour. having gained about 30/40 pounds this year, its going to be more of this stuff on the egg, seems i added the weight the fastest when i started adding seafood into the mix this past winter.[p]100_0808.jpg[p]e357746f.jpg

    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Unknown
    Looks great. I'll have to try that casserole, thanks.

  • BurntRaw
    BurntRaw Posts: 565
    Man, I hate to see any post go unrecognized and I notice that you still got nothing on your Asparagus / Portabello post.[p]That is a shame and therefore let me say that I, for one, read your post!

  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    thanks for the kind words! it's not as if i invented anything new. ...more like, maybe it can add variety.

    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • Unknown
    Apologies man. I read it also, just not big on the fungus. I will however try the asparagus. Thanks.

  • The Virginian
    The Virginian Posts: 275
    Pork Tenderloin is good (with the dizzy-rub of your choice); salmon steak; boneless/skinless chicken breast marinated in vinagrette or any of a 1000 ways; grilled Portobello mushrooms. [p]Brett

  • BluesnBBQ
    BluesnBBQ Posts: 615
    Turkey sausage with grilled vegetables (I use peppers and onions). Very good, lowfat food.
  • Essex County
    Essex County Posts: 991
    Right after we got the egg a few years ago, my wife had to go to a low fat diet. Lots of chicken breasts but the one thing that stuck was corn. We'd peel the husk off of ears of corn, rub em with a mix of honey, chili powder, salt and pepper, roll the husk back up and roast em for about 20-25 minutes at 375. The husks would blacken and the corn would be sweet and spicy. We still do this every other week.[p]Paul