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BGE Forum Drama Club?

WooDoggies Posts: 2,390
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Hi Folks, I'm considering putting together a bge forum drama club. For some time now I have felt this forum has needed a lively injection of some sort... and this idea came to me.

I think, first and foremost, the bge forum drama club should exist to promote drama on the forum. If just a handful of folks joined in and created a dramatic forum character, we could turn this forum back into the lively board we once knew.

Below is a rough draft transcribed from notes on a couple Atlantic City cocktail napkins. Sorry for the lack of structure but it was a late night and the spilled kamikazes blurred some of the ink.
Read over the notes and please help me formulate more guidelines and refine those listed below.... here goes.....

Becoming a drama club member would entail posting in the spirit of at least one of the guidelines.... incorporating more than one guideline into a single post would be bonus.

BGE Forum Drama Club guidelines......

~With every post, regardless of topic, the drama club member would attempt to steer attention back to himself while highlighting his infinite talents and boundless ego.

~The drama persona would easily take offense and respond with self-righteous fury..... think classical Shakespearean theater.

~Infighting .... very important... nothing physical... but **** slaps would be okey-doke .

~Beating a dead horse at every opportunity... with a dash of histrionics.... drama is the key word here.

~Strive for petty discourse and splitting of hairs to the nth degree over the minutiae of nothing.... this should be a cinch and drive the forum wild.

~Toss in a trifle of mean-spiritedness and name calling.... no need to go overboard, though... a little will go a long way and will likely leave a lasting impression..... more would probably do permanent damage.

~Blow most topics out of proportion and demonize those who disagree with your opinion... in character, your opinion will always be correct....

~The drama club character will lose himself in the infallible belief that he will, sure as Gibraltar, convince the other party of his argument by always posting The Final Word.

~Never ever, ever apologize.... can't stress it enough..... strike that word from your vocabulary... unless an apology is required from another forum character..... it only shows weakness and isn't nearly as dramatic as trashing others to distract from one's perceived faux pas.... perceived because a drama character would never make a mistake... the only mistake would be the others mistaken belief that your character did.
(Last resort..... if your persona absolutely feels a need to apologize, in the name of theater, qualify it with a disclaimer.... i.e. "I'm sorry, but......")

~ Reacting!!!!.... ALWAYS react first..... knee jerk or otherwise.... very important.... thinking before posting simply isn't entertainment.....

~Ballyhoo arrogant, holier than thou nonesensicals and then kindly bestow them like little gifts to those who weren't aware they needed the priceless kernels of hooey in the first place..... you know, a Jekyll and Hyde tragicomedy kinda thing.

Lastly and probably most importantly.....

~Treat people on the forum in a manner that you would never dream of treating people in the real world.... unless you choose, at your peril, to stay in character in the real world.... but that's not recommended.

~Utterly losing sight, or choosing to ignore, the reasons why people come to this forum in the first place....

Well, it's a start. Anyone interested in joining can contact me here or off board.....Any suggestions will be gratefully accepted and considered by the vetting committee..... which would be me. And If no one objects, as a temporary measure and until we get up and running, I've gone ahead and appointed myself president-for-life of the bge forum drama club. There are openings for secretary and sergeant-at-arms.

Cheers and here's to the beginning of the BGE Forum Drama Club..... let's liven up and this forum!



  • AZRP
    AZRP Posts: 10,116
    I will patiently await the first performance. :P -RP
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot Posts: 6,959
    I think 3 or so thespians walk among us already.

    One caveat, though. Shouldn't they be required to resign from the club once they attain mental and emotional puberty?

    Dripping Springs, Texas.
    Just west of Austintatious

  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,885
    sounds like the old days when i first joined, funny how so many think all this is new ;) was thinking about that recently when i saw a pic of joel on the naked whiz site rogue gallery :laugh: :laugh:
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Absolutely brilliant John! LOL, Maybe we need awards that we can nominate our favorite performers/performances for. There was one last night that IMHO deserves at least an Oscar. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • Chubby
    Chubby Posts: 2,955
    Outstanding idea John!!

    This will really help those talented induviduals get the recognition they so richly deserve!!

    And I thought all you did these days was sit out there in the Country...look good...and play with clay!!

    "You Ol' Dog... You"!!
    (In my best Bill Murray from Stripes voice)!

    I spent most of my money on good bourbon, and bad women...the rest, I just wasted!!
  • Unknown
    Over the years there have been many dramas played out here. Players come and go. However, there has been one constant on the stage, WessB. Just saying.
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    What a superb idea, Woo, and given the nature of the audience here, I think the next performance ought to be about the sex lives of mollusks:

    "Not to be allowed!"
    "But more interesting."
    "Tell us more."
  • DrZaius
    DrZaius Posts: 1,481
    This just might be the best thread I have seen in here in month's. Histrionics! that alone is a 75pt word. hahaha

    I like it.
    This is the greatest signature EVAR!
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    You know, last night Wess and I had a very pleasant email exchange where we both admitted we were out of line and in the wrong. We ended with him promising to let me sample his home brew and me promising not to foist mine on him, an arrangement we agreed would be beneficial to both of us.

    I think it was an epiphany for both Wess and me, and I got the impression that we'll be different people from here on out. I'd ask that the benefit of the doubt be granted for a bit.
  • Unknown
    Village Idiot,

    Why did you make statements abouth peoples orientation in this forum.

    You are rude and need to be made aware of your patronizing comments.

    Different strokes for different folks, they have right to do what they want.

    You sir, are an Idiot
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot Posts: 6,959
    Don Adriano de Armado wrote:
    Why did you make statements abouth peoples orientation in this forum.

    I don't care if they're thespians or homosapiens, I will talk about their orientation anytime I want to. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    As for me, I'm bi-ped.

    Dripping Springs, Texas.
    Just west of Austintatious

  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    Now I am disappointed.. I stayed out of all this drama because the memories of the old me were way too fresh and my old reputation is still in the forefront of peoples minds.

    I can live with that, however, I never thought I'd see the day that you would get involved in this drama.

    I am reminded of my Father-in-law's favorite saying. "The more you stir up crap, the more you smell like crap"

    I am done stirring up anything, but gravy and sauce.

    All ya'll have a blessed day. I will pray for those that need prayer.
  • Unknown
    A Wess that does not fight constantly with anybody and everyone would be welcomed indeed. Over the years he loses it on the forum, then the next day he apologizes, promises to clean up his act, then a short time passes, and then he is ripping someone apart again. Am I the only one that noticed that each outburst gets worse? Is anyone here surprised that it has escalated to death threats? Believing that he will change is very naive. We can all play along, say this is no big deal, yada yada yada, but people, we have a problem here. No one wants to say so exactly because they have seen that this guy will hound you unmercifully if you "dare" to disagree with him. People have too much hassle in their lives to have this guy going after them. It is easier to roll over and play dead. Many of them even act like they agree or at least have no problem with his savage attacks.
    Let's review. For years he has been in constant knockdown drag out fights with a whole host of characters. In the last year or so it escalates each time, and the other night rose to the level of death threats. We can laugh it off as it was an idle threat, but what person who is not at least halfway to "Unhingedville" makes death threats, idle or otherwise? His "protectors" always chime in with comments about the tips they receive from him. Can anyone convince me that the tips we receive somehow over rides the garbage? They seem to elevate him to The Naked Whiz level. And as helpful as the Whiz and his site is, and it is tremendously helpful, if he acted like Wess the good would not outweigh the bad.
  • Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker
    some thoughts:

    ~With every post attempt to steer attention back to yourself while highlighting your infinite talents and boundless ego. Not a bad start, John, but I have a much better idea I will post later, because frankly I think I'm better at this than you.

    ~The persona would easily take offense and respond with self-righteous fury..... Are you talking about me? I'm incensed frankly. I have never subjected anyone else to drivel like that.

    ~Infighting . **** slaps would be okey-doke .
    Oh just shut up. You always crab about everyone's posts. This is exactly why I hate this place. Cook something or shut up

    ~Beating a dead horse at every opportunity... with a dash of histrionics.... drama is the key word here. Oh, here we go again. I say that all the time but no one ever listens.

    ~Strive for petty discourse and splitting of hairs to the nth degree over the minutiae of nothing.... Correct me if I'm wrong, Doctor Brains, but wouldn't the 'minutiae of nothing' be nothing?

    ~Toss in a trifle of mean-spiritedness and name calling.... What a horse's ass, this one was just stupid. You could have left it out since you covered it in Par.#3

    ~Blow most topics out of proportion and demonize those who disagree with your opinion... in character, your opinion will always be correct.... My opinion is always correct, thank you. Finally something I can agree on with you. Everything else is a million percent wrong though.

    ~The drama club character will lose himself in the infallible belief that he will, sure as Gibraltar, convince the other party of his argument by always posting The Final Word. Gibraltar hasn't posted here in years, John. Good god. And that is all I have to say on the matter, I will not get drawn into your petty srguments. I'm Out. Good BYE!

    ~Never ever, ever apologize.... if your persona absolutely feels a need to apologize, in the name of theater, qualify it with a disclaimer.... i.e. "I'm sorry, but......") I'm sorry, I know I said I wasn't going to get sucked in, but this last one is just stupid. What color is the sky in your world?

    ~ Reacting!!!!.... ALWAYS react first..... knee jerk or otherwise.... very important.... thinking before posting simply isn't entertainment..... I never said anything about that, jackass! Where do you come off saying I started everything?!?!?!

    ~Ballyhoo arrogant, holier than thou nonesensicals and then kindly bestow them like little gifts to those who weren't aware they needed the priceless kernels of hooey in the first place..... If you ever read anything beyond a coloring book you'd understand (as Conrad asserts) "Conscience is a coward, and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent, it seldom has justice enough to accuse." Quod Erat Demonstratum, punk.

    ~Treat people on the forum in a manner that you would never dream of treating people in the real world.... Don't tell me what to do, tough guy big Mr. Important Johnny-boy. If you were here right now I'd punch you in the face.

    ~Utterly losing sight, or choosing to ignore, the reasons why people come to this forum in the first place.... Whatever. Go and cook your sacred barbecue and run away from a fight. It's "all about the cooking" with you, I guess.
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    OK, bar none, funniest thing on this forum. Ever.

    "Doctor Brains" -- that jsut ain't right man.
  • Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker
    Who cares what you think. Always swooping in AFTER the hard work to lay down your opinion. I hate you, you are what is wrong with this place.
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    I don't think I'd be accused of being a softie here, but for me, I'm willing to give some room to see what happens. I'm a Christian, and thus always open to the idea of redemption. How about it?
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    Everything I do, I do it out of love and admiration for you. I want to be you when I grow up. You complete me.
  • Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker
    I'm antaganostic myself.
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    Since this is a drama thread, am I supposed to flame you now?

    BTW, I think Isaac Newton might have something to say about the "minutae of nothing" being something, or at least a whole bunch of them being something. So THERE! Nit picked!!
  • Unknown
    Forgiveness is a wondeful thing. Paying attention is also good. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. I have seen nothing in his past to lead me to believe he will change. He will do like he always does after a giant explosion. He will increase his helpful responses to questions, and generally be polite. A topic will then arise where you "just know" he is going to attack, and miraculously, he will not say a word. Then, some fairly innocuous comment sets him off, and all hell breaks loose. I appreciate the position you are in. You just had an hellacious fight with him, you both have kissed and made up, now the two of you are laying there in the "afterglow" and we now feel we need to be all "touchy feely." Just remember the story about the scorpion hitching a ride across the river on another animal.
  • BurntRaw
    BurntRaw Posts: 565
    Feel free to use this in some of your future responses...you know, just to keep things going.

  • WessB
    WessB Posts: 6,937
    You are most certainly entitled to your opinion...What you just said sounds to me like a pretty good description of human nature. If a man doesn't have the nerve or the stones to stand up for what he believes..well.. he aint much of a man...and for the record..there will be NO touchy feely going on...This will also not turn into an argument, as this is all I have to say about it.
  • WooDoggies
    WooDoggies Posts: 2,390
    3 or so thespians are probably not enough to get the board moving in a lively manner.... I think at least half a dozen at a minimum.

    One can resign at anytime but the club should have the option of kicking out anyone doesn't perform.

  • WooDoggies
    WooDoggies Posts: 2,390
    Me too, Randy..... me too.

  • hornhonk
    hornhonk Posts: 3,841
    :woohoo: I like that dog!
  • hornhonk
    hornhonk Posts: 3,841
    Am I the only one who smells Tweev here? :sick:
  • Unknown
    Notice that of all the things I said in 3 responses, the only thing you take me to task for is that I did it anonymously. Even though I did it anonymously, I take pride in the fact that at least I said what many are thinking. As long as my comments have been up there why did I not get ripped apart by others? Because I am saying what many think. Sure, now that I said this many will respond because to not do so will show they are not on the side of the bully. Fine, but why no one stuck up for you before now? People whine about all the fights on here, but you are in the middle of almost every fight going back years. Please Wess, step back and think about it.
  • WooDoggies
    WooDoggies Posts: 2,390
    I think seeing that picture of Joel was the seed that germinated into this idea..... what a natural.

  • WooDoggies
    WooDoggies Posts: 2,390
    Maybe a daily, weekly, monthly and end of the year award? Great idea. I nominate you Secretary of the BGE Forum Drama Club!
