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ABTs...just me and my cheap wine

mollyshark Posts: 1,519
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Everyone else filled up on something distasteful, so I made myself a batch of ABTs and poured some horrendous Carlo Rossi Burgundy that normally I use just for marinating things. These are the mildest jalapenos I've ever had...or else my tongue had it's tastebuds seared off eons ago. Thanks, Spring, for getting me hooked on these. What a wonderful addiction (the ABTs, not the wine...which is not a bad addiction either!).[p]Just wanted to say happy holiday weekend and hope you're all doing well and Polly and I love you all (is it the wine talking????)[p]mShark


  • Spring Chicken
    Spring Chicken Posts: 10,255
    Sounds to me like you have the world on a string today. I just took me a nap and I'm just minutes away from lighting the Egg for some ABT's myself. Seems like the right thing to do.[p]Spring Chicken

  • Unknown
    mollyshark,[p]OK, I'm sorry, but I am a newbie here, and I did a search, but will someone *please* tell me what ABT stands for? If I had some jalopenos I'd make some myself right now. :(
  • Pakak
    Pakak Posts: 523
    ABT = Atomic Buffalo Turds
  • Unknown
    Pakak,[p]Thanks, I NEVER woulda figured that out by myself!

  • mollyshark
    mollyshark Posts: 1,519
    FlaGal,[p]There's tons of variations, but basically:[p]Cut the stem off a jalapeno. Not the body, just the stem. Slice lengthwise so you have 2 jalapeno boats. Fill with cream cheese. Stick in a tiny smoked sausage (the little cocktail kind). Sprinkle with bunch of Dizzy Pig's Jamaican Firewalk. Wrap in half slice of bacon. Secure with toothpick. Cook about 350-ish or so and keep an eye so the bacon doesn't flare up and burn too bad. [p]Some people put the halves together and wrap it that way. Some people use a raised grid to keep them from burning. When I do a bunch on the large, I have a seafood pan I put them on. Takes longer, but doesn't torch. Days like today when I do just a few on the small, I stick them on a little rack like you use for a roast. I still burn them and I still like them but I don't much care after the wine.[p]I'm sure people will pop in with variations to all this.[p]mShark
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    mollyshark, variation that works for me is pulled pork pieces in the bottom of the boat first and then the creamed cheese so that it melts and fills any minute voids. Then the bacon and lots of hickory smoke. I', just finishing off a batch of 40 I made and cooked 3 weeks ago and keep in the frig for after work snacks. Nuked for 14 seconds bring them back to near just grilled status.

  • Unknown
    mollyshark,[p]I will be buying the supplies to make a batch next weekend. Tonight I am attempting BBQ chicken pieces and tomorrow it's lobster tails for guests (teriyaki chicken for the kid, he's not into lobster yet :) )
  • GrillMeister
    GrillMeister Posts: 1,608
    mollyshark,[p]Sounds good. My boston butt has been on since midnight and I'm in the home stretch from 180 to 198 so I can take it to a pot luck dinner.[p]ABT's sound good right now though.[p]Have a nice weekend.[p]Ed & Liesel


    Austin, Texas
  • Sundown
    Sundown Posts: 2,980
    mollyshark,[p]You didn't tell her what ABT stands for!
    ATOMIC BUFFLO TURDS of course.
    Make them even tastier!
    How you dooin girl?

  • mollyshark
    mollyshark Posts: 1,519
    Sundown,[p]I'm doing great. Taking it kinda personal that you don't show up at any fest I'm gonna be at! Sniff.[p]mShark