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epilogue: last night\'s 35 day dry aged rib roast

RRP Posts: 25,928
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I thought Feb 6th would never get here...that was the first chance to egg a 1.5# chunk of the standing rib roast that I aged for 35 days in a Drybag. Results? WONDERFUL, TENDER, DELICIOUS to say the least!



As for particulars I hot tubbed it for an hour, then rubbed it. Internally it was 85° when it went in indirect at 300° dome. When it hit 125° I removed it plus the top grill so that the cast iron already sitting on the spider could get on up for the final sear. Soon it hit 600° and the rest is history.

I have 3 more of these in the freezer -YIPEEEEEEEE!
