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Did You Ever Think You Would

Pork Butt Mike
Pork Butt Mike Posts: 2,584
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
After getting your first Egg, did you ever think you would ever own more then one Egg at that time. I didn't ever think that. I kept asking my self why are these people buying more then one Egg.

Now I am a proud owner of three Eggs and use all three. Maybe one more in the future, how about you, how many Eggs do you have and are adding anymore in the future.



  • vidalia1
    vidalia1 Posts: 7,092
    I worked hard at getting my first Egg. I sort of begged for 6 months before I got my large. Then less than a year after I got my large Mint Tulip said we should get a small. Then less than a year later we got a mini....so 3 for us
    large, small, mini and we are all happy campers...
  • egret
    egret Posts: 4,173
    Started out with a large.....then, added a small.....then, added a mini.......then, added a large.......then, added a large.....I haven't been adding any lately! 5 eggs will pretty much get me through most dinner parties!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  • WessB
    WessB Posts: 6,937
    I was pretty sure when I got my large that a small would be in the near future...At present....1 XL, 1 large, 2 small, 1 mini, 1 business card egg, and 1 chiuminea...so that would be....that many. :):) :laugh: Comfortably in the Tiki bar...
  • Bordello
    Bordello Posts: 5,926
    I've got 4, mini to lg. I'm single so don't think I can use the big guy. :laugh:

    Have a great week, :blink:
  • Double Bogey
    No I did not. Like many I started with a large then added the "have to have" small and then came the necessary mini. I would not part with any of them

    Aiken, SC. and
    Fancy Gap, Va.
  • WessB
    WessB Posts: 6,937
    Which explains why the XL isn't pictured.. :)

  • NoVA Bill
    NoVA Bill Posts: 3,005
    I am continually amazed at the no. of multiple egg owners and the grilling areas folks use to cook at.

    I started with a medium and now have a mini. Don't think I'll be adding any more in the short term. If I had it do all over again I'd start with the large - you know more toys for the big boy. But I'm happy with the medium given it's mainly my wife and me.

  • Mainegg
    Mainegg Posts: 7,787
    LOL NEVER!! I hounded Neil so long to get the Large... I figured that would do forever. part of why I thought it had to be a large when we got it why would you ever need another one??. then we got a small for camping. then a med... hauled the large to FL for the winter and decided we needed AN egg down there and got a med. came home and got a mini in NH at that fest.
    adopted a large in FL and then got a mini at Ocala. LOL so 7 between the Florida house and Maine house.
    2 larges, 2 meds, 1 small and 2 minis. sick we are just sick. :sick:
    BUT and a huge BUT here. I never dreamed all that would come with it. :blush: I count many people as "friends" some I have never even met granted, but they have added so much to our life. who woulda thunk it ????
    I fondled the XL in NH hard... but just did not connect with it. LOL I was over looking at it 5-6 times and nope decided it was just not necessary....yet....
  • rosros
    rosros Posts: 408
    I found out my eyes was always bigger than my needs. I contemplated between the large and xl. Can't beat the surface area of the xl for doing a lot of burgers and steaks for a party, but reality set in. How often do I cook that much food at the same time. It is rare that I every loaded up my gasser or kettle with that much food. For me, the large was perfectly adequate and a perfect cooker.

    Next I contemplated between a small and mini. Figured the small would be great for small quick cooks using less lump. Small could also be more flexible than mini. Again, reality set in. How often would my needs would require two smokers...not often. Went on a mini hunt. Got the mini and it is perfectly adequate and a perfect cooker for small quick cooks using very little lump.
  • Photo Egg
    Photo Egg Posts: 12,110
    I like the way you made use of the larger stand for your Mini...Nice idea.
    Thank you,

    Galveston Texas
  • WessB
    WessB Posts: 6,937
    That's definately a new twist on the use of an eggnest....pretty inventive.. :)
  • Photo Egg
    Photo Egg Posts: 12,110
    Thank you,

    Galveston Texas
  • ric3677
    ric3677 Posts: 278
    After the large I thought multiple egg people were just weird. I now have the large, small and just added the medium so I will have more grill space at the lake this next week.

    Will try and take some pics and post when I get back.

    Rick in Mt.
  • NoVA Bill
    NoVA Bill Posts: 3,005
    Good news it's pretty soild and stable.
  • NoVA Bill
    NoVA Bill Posts: 3,005
    Thanks, couldn't see throwing the nest away, too much troble to try to sell it so use it. :laugh:
  • Jupiter Jim
    Jupiter Jim Posts: 3,351
    Good morning all,
    I got my first LG at the FL fest and on the way home I ask the wife what size we should get next? :)
    Got medium (Suitcase as she travels) the next year again at the FL fest.
    Last year at the FL fest got a mini (Piglet)
    I had spent a lot of time on the forum before I decided to get the large and knew then that one egg would not be enough.
    I’m looking for a small so if ya know where I can get one used let me know!!!! :)
    Jupiter Jim

    I'm only hungry when I'm awake!

    Okeechobee FL. Winter

    West Jefferson NC Summer

  • vidalia1
    vidalia1 Posts: 7,092

    Your just weird... :lol: :silly:
    :P B);)
  • Crimsongator
    Crimsongator Posts: 5,797
    You have a basketball team of eggs
  • Little Steven
    Little Steven Posts: 28,817

    Nope B)



    Caledon, ON


  • DrZaius
    DrZaius Posts: 1,481
    After lurking on this board for a good year or two before my purchase I just purchased a large and a medium at the same time :woohoo: :woohoo: . Now I am thinking of adding a Mini. Where does it end? :whistle:
    This is the greatest signature EVAR!
  • rib rangler
    when i bought my large egg , i thought it would be all the egg i could ever need. then a year later i made my mind up that i needed more!! so i finally broke down and got the xl egg. and will never look back.( maybe another in the future??? )
  • Susan Egglaine
    I was hesitant about getting the large to begin with. Now I have 3 large & one small. Between Fla Grilling girl and Vidalia1 that mini looks like a must have :laugh:
  • rsmdale
    rsmdale Posts: 2,472
    My wife thought when she bought the XL for me,I would be allset(wrong)I found a large on Craig'S list for 299$ could not pass it up.Plan on getting a med for the duck club,gonna pass that off at my broyhers house for now.


  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    My orinal plan was to get a medium and keep my gasser. Ended up buying the large, trashing the gasser, and adding a small.
  • dubah
    dubah Posts: 60
    Hi, this is my first post here. I'm working on getting an Egg at the Denver Eggfest later this month. PB Mike, where's the table from that you have your LBGE in? I could cobble together a table if I do happen to get an Egg, but that looks like a good alternative to the more expensive ones and/or something that I'd make.
    Thanks, I'm looking forward to joining the Egg-owners here.
  • mad max beyond eggdome
    yeah mike, i was in the same boat as you....had my first large. . .immediately started plotting how to explain to my wife i needed a second one and shortly after had her 'permission' to get my small. ...then a year or so later when i got her 'permission' to go to atlanta for eggtoberfest for the first time she really surprised me when she said, "why don't you go ahead and buy another egg while you are down there and they have those good discounts you were telling me about" ...so after i picked myself up off the floor, i got my third one ....

    so i have 2 larges and a small, i also use all three and i'm a happy guy!!!
  • AZRP
    AZRP Posts: 10,116
    Don't forget about your mini. -RP
  • FSUScotsman
    I cannot believe that I didn't think of using my small nest as a stand for my mini!!! That is a great idea!!!
  • Car Wash Mike
    Car Wash Mike Posts: 11,244
    All I did was have my dealer make a second trip. Bought my second large about 2 weeks later. Added a small and mini since.

  • Ala-Egg
    Ala-Egg Posts: 162
    I have 2, a large and a medium and use both all the time. If I add another, will be a mini, but that will be in the distant future. I use my medium as a travel egg, so in the future when I get tired of lugging around that, maybe will get a mini.