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OT)Progress report

"Sparky" Posts: 6,024
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
WAHOO!!!!I got some work done today.I left work early on Thursday :sick: Really :( Then I still felt like crud yesterday :( Well this morning,I felt better,so I got out the powertools :woohoo: First,I got the floor for the "eggshelf" decked,then I added some supports for the sink(that sink weights a ton).I also got the rest of the plywood up.All of the plywood will be covered with metal(just like the roof).The sink cabinet will have doors,but I can't build them untill the concrete countertop is poured :whistle: I just gotta build the forms,and I'm ready for concrete :woohoo: Maybe tomorrow,but I got to go lay down now :blush: Sorry to keep posting these,but they are all major milestones to me :cheer: ;)











  • FlaPoolman
    FlaPoolman Posts: 11,677
    Hey buddy it's really looking good. Hope you feel better soon.
  • Firetruck
    Firetruck Posts: 2,679
    Dude you do good work!!! ;)
  • Ashman
    Ashman Posts: 375
    You should be proud. I hear Whiskey can kill the common cold. :ohmy:

  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thanks Pat,I do feel better,just sore as hell :pinch: Just some stomach bug goin around ;) My boss sent me home Thursday and then again Friday morning.Thursday,he saw me hurl out of the skidsteer :whistle: I haven't called in sick in the 13 yrs that I've worked for him :S
  • Ross in Ventura
    It's looking GRAND Doug! You well really be pleased when your finished!

  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thanks JoJo,I can't wait to get to my specialty :woohoo: I'm gonna light that thing up like a ball-park :lol: :woohoo:
  • FlaPoolman
    FlaPoolman Posts: 11,677
    Upon closer inspection buddy I think you have the grain going the wrong way on one of the shelf boards so I'm guessing your gonna have to start over :ohmy:

    :laugh: :laugh: Wasn't gonna mess with ya until you were feeling better but then you wouldn't believe it was me :evil: :laugh:
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thanks Gordon,I really am proud that I(not the sharpest knofe in the drawer)built this :woohoo: I'm glad that I had some help from friends,if not.I'd still be cookin on the old set-up :blush: Thanks for the tip,but whiskey ain't gonna help what I got :sick: :laugh: ;)
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thanks a lot Ross.I'm really lookin forward to finishing this project :whistle: Hey,I was thinkin about a drop-down screen and a TV projector.Maybe a bad idea,but it's got to be easier than hanging a flat panel in the ceiling :whistle: Just thinkin ;)
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    You'de better look again Pool-Boy :lol: :silly: Don't make me come down there :angry: :laugh:
  • Ross in Ventura
    A screen would not be stable and it would get dusty projected TV needs a dark room. Flat panel are coming down in price thats the way I would go!

  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thanks Ross,I figured that somethin would work right :pinch: Ow well,I guess I'll buy the wifey a new TV,and take her 47" out to the deck :whistle: :woohoo: It's either that,or take the 32" out of the barn,nah,that won't work :lol:;)
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    lookin great - BTW in the background all the tree trunks look green. Is that Kudzu? Looks like it's creeping up on you pretty fast!
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thanks Ron ;) No,the kudzu is still dormant here,but not for long :pinch: That's ivy,not sure what kind,but I cut it off the trees every few years.Looks like it's time to cut it again :lol:It's a never-ending battle :pinch:
  • Gandolf
    Gandolf Posts: 906

    This is really looking great! You're doing very nice work and will enjoy that space for many years. Man, I gotta start thinkin' :lol:
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thank a bunch Dave,this is wearin me out,but I know it'll be well worth it :lol: Just don't think too hard about it,I hear that your head could explode :pinch: :silly: I'm still building this from the original drawing that I made month's ago.The only change was that I moved the(yet to be built)staircase :lol:
  • Sun Devil Brett
    Thanks for the picts., the whole thing looks great. What are you going to do with the concrete countertops. Intregal color, polish, stain ? I'm curious because that's the industry i'm in. Can't wait to see pictures of that as well as everything else. B)
  • Zippylip
    Zippylip Posts: 4,768
    Holmes, I hope you can finish mine a lot faster, ya know, once you get started :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    happy in the hut
    West Chester Pennsylvania
  • TXTriker
    TXTriker Posts: 1,177
    From someone who hasn't the room to have a real outdoor kitchen, or the ability to build one really as nice as your's, I enjoy the updates. It also lets me see what would be involved if I ever did get the space to do that. I admire your workmanship.
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Hey Brett,thanks for the kind words ;) The contertops will be mixed with the colorant,then poured(in place),and then polished(lightly,I think) and sealed.At least I think that's what I'm doing :whistle: My buddy ctredwell is the expert there.I'm just not sure how far I want to polish it yet.The bartop will be highly polished(like granite)for a prep suface.
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Damn Zip,yours is still in the planing stages dude :lol: I haven't had the time to mess with it,but it's gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!!! :woohoo: ;) Don't forget to add the beer in the budget :whistle: :laugh:
  • Sun Devil Brett
    Can't wait to see the finished product. B)
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thank you very much Ray,you're too kind my friend ;) Like I said earlier,I can't wait to get to my area of expertise :lol: I'm ready to light it up!! :woohoo: :P At least then I'll know it's close to being done :silly:
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thanks Brett,what kind of concrete work do you do?I'm just repeating what I remember from Chris :laugh: Here's some of his work :)


    It's just hard for me to believe that it's concrete ;)
  • Sun Devil Brett
    I actually work for a company called Cohills Building Specialties in Phoenix. We are suppliers of decorative concrete and masonry products in the southwest. I'm our outside sales rep. So we don't do installs but we put on demos for contractors and homeowners on everything from stamped concrete to acid staining , concrete countertops etc. So I always like to see what people are doing. B)
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Cool,I was just wondering. ;)I guess that you sell colorant?I'm still lookin,but the big boxes only sell a few colors at best :pinch: I'm debating on going with natural concrete,but would love to see some more color options :whistle: If you have anything,shoot me an email ;)
  • SoCalWJS
    SoCalWJS Posts: 407
    Sparky, every time you post update pictures, I am mightily impressed - beautiful work on a great setup!

    Out of curiosity, where did you get your plans?

    I keep thinking that I want to do something like that eventually (read: retired - when I have time :laugh: )

    Keep the updates coming,
    South SLO County
  • ric3677
    ric3677 Posts: 278
    Doug, are you using stainless fasteners?
    Just wondering. Hey the project is going a bit slow, but it's really coming out nice. Perfection I would say.

    Rick in Mt.
  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Thanks WJS,I'm glad to hear when people enjoy my hard work :lol:My plans came from,well my pea-brained head :lol: I thought about how I wanted my outdoor cooking area,and I drew it on paper.I'm still using the original drawing ;) Here it is ;)


    So far everything is the same except the stairs.I moved the stairs over a little and widened them a bit,but other than that,just as drawn :cheer: I'm very happy with the space so far,but I'm sure I'll see the shortcomings soon :pinch:
  • Grandpas Grub
    Glad you posted (got something done). Late last night I was wondering how the "palace" was coming along.
