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Stiffed on a thermapen for the first time

mollyshark Posts: 1,519
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I've always bragged that I have NEVER had anyone not pay me for a Thermapen. Considering that I was responsible for over half the Thermapens sold, that's quite a bit to say. Well it happened. Guy sent me paypal and I told him I was out of town and would ship when I got back. Shipped the day after I got back. Next thing I know I get a claim on paypal that I never sent it. Problem is he claimed it before it would have arrived. So I answered and said hey, it should be there any day. Many of you have received the same message. Out here outside city limits it has another post office hop to make. I've had it take 3 days to go 30 miles! A pigeon is faster. Anyway I assumed he would reverse the paypal charge again as soon as he received it. Nada. I explained the shipping situation to paypal and he never answered another thing. So the reversal stood. In other words, this guy has, I know, a Thermapen that I got to pay for. He hasn't even had the guts to say he received it...or didn't. It was first class mail and I didn't receive any return on it (and my address was clearly stamped on it), so I'm sure he has it or I woulda seen it by now.

I'll keep the faith, though. Just kinda sad.



  • FlaPoolman
    FlaPoolman Posts: 11,677
    That ain't right. Let me know if it's someone in my area. Maybe this post will remind them. Hate for 1 bad apple to ruin it.
  • Crimsongator
    Crimsongator Posts: 5,797
    Since we are in the south, you don't have to gossip and name names BUT you can share a prayer request and tell us who it is ;)
  • EgginDawg
    EgginDawg Posts: 747
    That really sucks Molly. I loved when you sent me mine and in fact I'd like to get another one for my boss. Let me know what to do to get it.
  • WessB
    WessB Posts: 6,937
    Sounds like it might be time to stop being the overly generous person we all know and love...only in the thermapen dept that is...hope you spotted my Tikifest post below, was gonna send ya an E just in case you weren't reading these days..post his name before the next fest and we can send out a posse and steal it back for ya...maybe even throw in a ass whoopin just cause..
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    It's more than sad - you provide quite a service for folks here. It's disgusting is what it is.

    Sorry, I can only imagine how betrayed you feel.
  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    You want I pay this lowlife a visit????
  • Lawn Ranger
    Lawn Ranger Posts: 5,467
    That's the advantage of being independently wealthy as you obviously are. On rare occasions I've experienced similar things, but rarely. The folks that frequent these forums are an extremely loyal lot. In 6 plus years I've only had one ASSh#le who took the product and ran. It was a phone order that I even expedited. Some folks are just dicks, and there is nothing we can do to change that. The tragedy is that YOU don't charge anyone ANYTHING but shipping, so you are eating the Big One whenever this happens. I hope Mr. Jerk reads this and sleeps well tonight.

    Sorry, Babe.

  • lowercasebill
    send him an e-mail, give him 3 weeks [who knows he may have had something bad happen] and then post his name.. and tell him your plan.. if he has a legitamate excuse after 3 weeks ..."sorry i did not know that" is way more than acceptable . hope it wworks out for the best
  • WessB
    WessB Posts: 6,937
    I don't know where you get your icing...but I LIKE it...couldn't have put the icing on the cake any better than you just did :) wouldn't have expected it, but definately respect it, and my name is WessB and I approve this message.... :laugh:
  • EggME
    EggME Posts: 116

    I'm so sorry someone did this to you. You got mine right out to me and I couldn't be happier with your service and price!!

  • Car Wash Mike
    Car Wash Mike Posts: 11,244
    Who are you, Tony Soprano now? :woohoo:

  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    Watch it bub!! I am a New Yorker..
  • FlaPoolman
    FlaPoolman Posts: 11,677
    Better let me drive you that cart don't have a motor.
  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    come to think of it, tony DID have someone drive him everywhere too
    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    Watch it I may mount you to the undercarriage and let you power it..
  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    and you remember that!!

    Caution: Thread Hijack in progress.
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    As many old timers know I ran a non-profit service just like you for a few years supplying a gasket to people for their eggs. With over 300 sold my stats are that for the average of a mere $11 due me I had to "dun" 15% of the buyers to remind them that they owed me. 5% had to be reminded a second time and the worst of the worst took 7 months before he finally paid me. If a man or woman's word isn't worth $11 they are sad sad people!

    Now OTOH if anybody knows the whereabouts of the Dr Chicken (Dave Spence) I'd love to know as I'd love to ring that jerk's neck...at least 10,000 times!!!
  • Car Wash Mike
    Car Wash Mike Posts: 11,244
    Never saw Tony pushing a cart. :woohoo: :woohoo:

  • mad max beyond eggdome
    ROTFLMAO. .. .i just spewed. .... :woohoo:
  • civil eggineer
    I was stiffed on an ebay purchase once in 6 years. Filed a complaint with ebay and licked my wounds. Was recently contacted, one year later, by a postal investigation inspector. I was advise, and did, file a mail fraud claim against the individual. Hope he does a little time in the end. If the item was sent via USPS you need to file mail fraud charges against him. Go to the USPS website and fill out the form. I don't have much tolerance for people who take advantage of other good people. They need to be corrected!
  • mad max beyond eggdome
    why don't you go ahead and call him out here by name. ..that should embarress him sufficiently to get him to do the right thing. ...if not, at least he won't show his face here again. . . .
  • Lawn Ranger
    Lawn Ranger Posts: 5,467
    Well it ain't Betty crocker. Ah, Buddy. You've just seen the real me. As Cap'n Call ( I paraphrase) said in Lonesome Dove... "I won't tolerate rudeness in a man!" There is simply no excuse for folks taking advantage of others.

    Good to hear from you, My Friend. My best to Sally. You both looked spry in the Eggfest photos.

  • AZRP
    AZRP Posts: 10,116
    I agree Bill, could be the guy is out of the country, incapacitated, or in a family emergency. Think the best but after 3 weeks Molly, give him up and we'll hang him by the bal#s. -RP
  • Beanie-Bean
    Beanie-Bean Posts: 3,092
    Sorry 'bout that, Rod...I hit "reply" instead of "post reply" I'm moving my comments down now.
  • BoneDaddy's
    I bought a thermapen from mollyshark and was very happy.

    One question, how many posts does the person have on this site? Iif he has around a hundred, like me, he may be new and is confused. if he has a thousand he is ripping you off.
    Bone Daddy's Competition BBQ & Catering
  • Beanie-Bean
    Beanie-Bean Posts: 3,092

    Sorry to hear about the bad news. The same thing happened to me with some network cables I purchased a long, long time ago. I was furious, and found out the guy's home address and his wife ended up sending the stuff much later!

    So nice to meet you at Mr. Leroy's place, don't know why anyone would be so underhanded to anyone, especially not you. You are very generous, and hope that the person will do right and pay up and apologize.

    Take care,
  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    That's a drag. Hopefully there is a reasonable answer or excuse......

    After hundreds of sales of my grate lifters, only one was not paid for. I gave away so many for testing in the beginning, and a few for gifts every now and then it was no big deal. Of course a Thermapen is 4 times the price of my stuff.
    Happy Trails

    Barbecue is not rocket surgery
  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    i bet your faith will be restored. but if it isn't, as someone said, in three weeks go ahead and post his/her name.

    but he/she could be on vacation, having mail issuse (sundown has been without a computer for weeks, i bet it was him. he is also a he/she, by the way.).

    i normally assume the worst (that b*st*rd stiffed me!). and i'm usually wrong. here's hoping it gets resolved.
    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • Desert Filly
    Desert Filly Posts: 1,042
    If you're like me...I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Even if I know different. I try to see good. I sold a $3000 saddle on Ebay, girl paid with Paypal...I sent it to her....weeks later I got a notice from Paypal that she was disputing the charge. I freaked out. Thought I'd have to give the money back. But, she was just days late to dispute.
    Hang in there....
  • DatilpepperBBQ
    If it is a Orange one . I'll go get it. :laugh: