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Marvelous Posts: 70
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I just noticed that my lid does not allign 100% side to side when closed . It has built up a slight thickness of gasket and does not leak any smoke holds temp perfect I do not want to losen bolts as they have been bent due to tight adjustment I do not want them to break, Should I be concerned? thanks


  • Knauf
    Knauf Posts: 337
    Doesn't sound like you have problems yet. So if it ain't broke don't fix it. You do bring up an interesting dilemma...can the bolts that we must bend when tightening when assembling be loosened and retightened for adjusting the lid? I haven't had to do this yet but wondering for the future.
  • Grandpas Grub
    Grandpas Grub Posts: 14,226
    I am trying to get my medium dome to adjust properly. The bolts were bent, and then rebent. Now rebent again.

    I'll let you know what happens when I get this resolved.

    Having a hard time with alignment and dollar bill test.

  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    The bend in the bolt is ahead of the nut so while it can easily be loosened it won't likely be tightened beyond the bend. Since new stainless bolts are really pretty cheap I just start with new ones!
  • Grandpas Grub
    Grandpas Grub Posts: 14,226
    Probably a good idea. I think I will head to lowes before continuing.

  • Mr. & Mrs Potatohead
    Mine is not alligned 100% either.
    I did try the "thing" with the eight bolts on the hinge (loosen, allign, re-tighten)and it seems a bit better, but still not 100% right on.
    What's this dollar bill test??