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You know you are a real greenegger when . . .

SoDakEgger Posts: 122
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I get a kick out of the little unscientific polls posted here on the forum from time to time, and I thought of one myself last night while I was cooking a turkey breast for dinner. I was putting lump in the egg and was pulling out some really nice big chunks to save for an overnight butt cook this weekend.

So, I offer the following to my fellow eggers for your consideration on this Friday:

You know you are a real greenegger when . . .

+ You haven't used your oven for anything other than keeping food warm when it comes off the egg.

+ You catch yourself sorting and saving prize pieces of lump for a special cook.

+ You discover that you have lost a great deal of desire to eat out at local restaurants because you can make a better meal on the egg.

+ You periodically check the forum several times a day.

+ You do not check the batteries in your smoke detector twice a year, but you do calibrate all your cooking thermometers at least quarterly.


  • Buckdodger
    Buckdodger Posts: 957
    I'll be darned...I think I qualify as a real green egger. Great idea to hold large chunks of lump for long cooks. That is one of the biggest reasons I check the forum everyday...I learn something new. Thanks
    Alex City, Al

    Opelika, Alabama
    BENTE Posts: 8,337
    that is pretty good ;)

    happy eggin


    Anderson S.C.

    "Life is too short to be diplomatic. A man's friends shouldn't mind what he does or says- and those who are not his friends, well, the hell with them. They don't count."

    Tyrus Raymond Cobb

  • aaind
    aaind Posts: 235
    OHH Yaaaa ,You are so right on ,do you find yourself walking in the locker or meat counter ,thinking of nothing but what and how it will work on the egg ,should I use the small or large ,or maybe just buy a mini and get it over with. But to me its the bottom line is not just the fun of using or the cooks I have done cooks -17 and 98 in the shade ,all that would wear off with time ,but the tatse of the food ,and after a few days you just gota have MORE!!

    PS If you hear or know of a fest or gathering of eggers in Sd, Sw Minn or NW Iowa please send an email ,I live just 60 miles from Sioux Falls
  • SoDakEgger
    SoDakEgger Posts: 122
    I thought of another one--

    + You haven't purchased a steak that is less than an inch and a half think since you got the egg.
  • . . .when you plan your entire weekend around your cooks.
  • Mike in Abita
    Mike in Abita Posts: 3,302
    How about,,,,,,, When your half way through one egged meal, and you already start the planning for the next one.

    My name is Mike and I have an addiction. :woohoo: :woohoo:
  • Little Steven
    Little Steven Posts: 28,817
    When friends invite you over for a barbeque and you insist on bringing the food



    Caledon, ON


  • FlaMike
    FlaMike Posts: 648
    ........ You spend more time cleaning the black from your fingernails, than you spend cleaning the grid.
  • Braddog
    Braddog Posts: 212
    ...or when you don't cook on a Sunday afternoon and everyone in the neighborhood notices.
  • Dan in StL
    Dan in StL Posts: 254
    For me it was when "getting wood" took on a whole different meaning... Speaking of which, I was at a local butcher shop recently and they had just gotten in several decent size boxes (about the size of a "bankers box") of cherry and hickory. I had them put together a box of half and half for $25. Not sure if that was a good deal or not, but I'm looking forward to trying out the cherry - that's a new one for me.
  • Weekend Warrior
    Weekend Warrior Posts: 1,702
    you smile fondly when you blow black soot out of your nostrils every morning!
  • A few others:

    + You are invited to a friend's cottage 125 km away for the long weekend in May and told to bring your egg.

    + You are greeted by the butcher and most of his staff when you walk in their shop door by your first name the way Norm was in Cheers (actually, this has happened in two local butchers in my case).

    + You blackberry fellow BGE cult members on the weekend when you find a sale on lumb, even if it's only a discount of two bucks.
  • Firetruck
    Firetruck Posts: 2,679
    If you've ever had your nipple bitten off by a bever...Youuu might be a real egger. No wait that's a redneck. Sorry.
  • Lawn Ranger
    Lawn Ranger Posts: 5,467
    I think it's safe to say that you've got the BGEBug, huh? You're in good company.

  • Dan in STL -
    What part of St lou are in you? Which local butcher do you use? We're looking for a butcher with a last name which is not Deirbergs or Schnucks.