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Small Egg

Foxy-Q Posts: 28
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
We have a large egg and we are thinking about getting a small as well. We would use it when we are away from home. I know the small is small but have any of you figured out a way to Utilize the space?



  • vidalia1
    vidalia1 Posts: 7,092
    I have a large BGE and I just bot a small 2 weekends ago. I have cooked on the small every night except one. SInce the majority of my cooks are for the Mrs and I it is much quicker to use and uses a lot less lump.

    I did use the Lg this weekend to cook bread, chili & a ham.........

    on the small I have done:
    & vegys..

    yes I love both my large & sm BGE....

    and I thought the small would only be for camping :blink:

    Kim Youngblood
    (aka vidalia1)
    Lawrenceville, GA
  • YB
    YB Posts: 3,861
    I use 2 grids in mine and can cook twice as much.

  • Foxy-Q
    Foxy-Q Posts: 28
    How did you make the second grid? Is it hard to get to the food on the bottom grid?

    I love the idea :)
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    please don't underestimate the small. With 2 fire brick turned on edge and an auxillary grate you can make it 2 tiered quite easily. BTW A large and small is a terrific combo, though I use my small probably 60% of all my cooks.
    BENTE Posts: 8,337
    where is that recepie????? :unsure:

    happy eggin


    Anderson S.C.

    "Life is too short to be diplomatic. A man's friends shouldn't mind what he does or says- and those who are not his friends, well, the hell with them. They don't count."

    Tyrus Raymond Cobb

  • Where do you buy fire bricksturned and an auxillary grate?
  • egret
    egret Posts: 4,173
    I got it right here on my computer :lol:
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    Fire brick are available at most big box home improvement stores if they stock fireplace repair items. I paid about $10 for six and they look like this...the brown is new and the black after use. As for an auxillary grid - most any place that carries grilling supplies carry those - they are quite commonplace.
  • Beanie-Bean
    Beanie-Bean Posts: 3,092
    I've got the LBGE/SBGE combination (XL will be added soon...) and I must say that it is very nice to have the extra cooker available to use for other types of cooks if one is in use. Be sure to get the plate setter for the SBGE, also.
  • Broc
    Broc Posts: 1,398
    Small is great for pizzas --

    Sometimes, when cookin' bigger stuff on my Medium, I just load up the Small with spuds -- baked Spuds on the Egg -- That can be a meal all-in-all-itself!

    Love my Small!

    ~ Broc