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Does WMK NeedTo Go??

StevieB Posts: 2
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I am getting really tired of all problems with the new forum. I think it's time to get a real forum administrator onboard and ask wmk to step down. He has done a miserable job in the transition to the new forum and it looks like it is never going to work right.[p]My ideas -
1. Get a real administrator - someone with experience in running a forum.
2. Charge for posting priviledges. Pays for the admin. May only need to be a paypal voluntary donation link.
3. Use 20th century forum software to run this on - this and the 'new' forum are obsolete.[p]Steve[p]



  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    pardon my impolitic reply...

    but are you sh!tting me?

    WMK does this for free, it's HIS site.

    tell him to screw, and he will take the ball home with him.

    This site is a TEST site. TEST. as in "let's see if there are problems".
    It's not intended to be the go-to full time, everything is working perfectly site. when it is, they will effect the switch.

    No one gets as ridiculed as a volunteer.
    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    StevieB,[p]You are absolutely clueless, aren't you?[p]It's been a while since I've seen someone be so utterly stupid in a post on this forum.[p]You are the recipient of full use of a great informational community forum like this at no cost to you. So instead of thanking the people that make this possible and showing your gratitude you make an asinine post like this. [p]Just wow.....
  • bobbyb
    bobbyb Posts: 1,349
    I'm with you. WMK does alot for us. Stevie should get busy writing loans and quit badmouthing.
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    FYI, - this was posted on the .com site, so replies on the .net site may not be seen by the original poster unless made there.
  • Citizen Q
    Citizen Q Posts: 484
    Don't be an A-hole.
  • hayhonker
    hayhonker Posts: 576
    well newbie egger with 1 post on this forum you have struck a nerve.
    the paypal option is one I endorse. In fact, I would consider forum access a most important Eggcessory.
    That may be topic for another thread however.
  • Hammer
    Hammer Posts: 1,001
    I think you are wasting your time with this obvious troll.[p]You can't reason with ignorant people; they just show more ignorance!
    Hammer [p]

  • Darnoc
    Darnoc Posts: 2,661
    What planet are you from?Do you use Vista? If so Bill Gates wants to hire you.Enough said!!

  • BajaTom
    BajaTom Posts: 1,269
    You are way out of line. I think you need to go. tom

  • Wilby
    Wilby Posts: 155
    :angry: WMK is doing fine. Take a chill pill and allow this board to develop. I for one really enjoy the wealth of knowledge.
  • citychicken

    i'm sure things will be way cool when the forum is through with all the beta testing. but as everything changes so much stays the same - way too many people who use this place to gripe about everything and anything instead of the virtuous life of eggin. personally i think those folks should find themselves somewhere else - like firmly clutched in the arms of a leather chase spewing there "woe is me" to a very competent therapist; Hmmmm? possibly ranting and raving in a caucus somewhere with someone who gives a damn; at the very least i'm all in to letting them use my cell phone to call someone who cares. for all of you that simply come here to gripe - please go away!!!

    wmk would appear to have a cat by the tail with very little support. i believe he mostly does this as a side gig and for little or no compensation. by the way, he also went with this format to maintain a balance between the old time eggers and the new techies.

    for all of you that don't like what's going on here- I CHALLENGE YOU TO DO SOMETHING BETTER!!!

  • Fluffy
    Fluffy Posts: 19
    Almost sounds like "Clueless" :evil: is back
  • Mainegg
    Mainegg Posts: 7,787
    WOW maybe the "JERK" posting for jerky might be a better heading for this. Rome was not built in a day and a forum is not either. add to that a zillion, :) well almost, people using it and calling for help. I like it here, now that I'm here. thumbs up to WKK!
  • Edemitch
    Edemitch Posts: 196
    You are out of your efing mind! WMK deserves a medal for dealing with all of this during his off hours.
  • FlaPoolman
    FlaPoolman Posts: 11,677
    I have always been of the opinion that if your not paying for a service you do not right to **** about it. If you do not like what you see you can move on. Me? I think I'll stick around and enjoy the fruits of all the work that WMK & crew are putting into making this site enjoyable & trouble free. If that takes awile so be it. Thanks WMK & crew.
  • slyrye
    slyrye Posts: 135
    I think YOU should Get Lost In Utah!
  • city chicken
    ARE YOU KIDDING ME????[p]i'm sure things will be way cool when the forum is through with all the beta testing. but as everything changes so much stays the same - way too many people who use this place to gripe about everything and anything instead of the virtuous life of eggin. personally i think those folks should find themselves somewhere else - like firmly clutched in the arms of a leather chase spewing there "woe is me" to a very competent therapist; Hmmmm? possibly ranting and raving in a caucus somewhere with someone who gives a damn; at the very least i'm all in to letting them use my cell phone to call someone who cares. for all of you that simply come here to gripe - please go away!!![p]wmk would appear to have a cat by the tail with very little support. i believe he mostly does this as a side gig and for little or no compensation. by the way, he also went with this format to maintain a balance between the old time eggers and the new techies.[p]for all of you that don't like what's going on here- I CHALLENGE YOU TO DO SOMETHING BETTER!!![p]mark

  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
    Go away!
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    that wasn't a smart move on his part, now was it?

    sounds like the kind of guy that will walk in to work tomorrow and tell his boss how stupidly he runs the place.

    you've been buried in cr^p lately. i dunno how thick YOUR skin is, but i'd have pulled the plug a while ago myself. i have no patience. seems you do, and we are thankful for it!
    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • Hammer
    Hammer Posts: 1,001
    And I'm tired of ignorant ass's like you. You contribute nothing positive to the forum; hell you don't even post.
    Yet you compplain and **** about a man who is doing his job; and the job he is doing.
    The admins are doing everything they can to get this new forum up and running, and along comes an ass like you.
    Do me and everyone else a favor; if you have an egg-sell it; we don't need folks like you or to have to be around folks like you.

  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    This has to be a troll trying to cause trouble! If you click on SteveB profile it says he was last on here on 5-26-07 when he sat it up. If he just posted today wouldn't it have updated to 1-6-08? BTW I went back to the old board and found the same SteveB under two names of SteveB and Steve Bray - identical profiles. One had an email address and I just wrote him to shame him for the post if he did in fact send it or to tip him off that someone may have used his name some way.

    Hang in there WMK we appreciate you and Brenda!!!
  • WMK
    WMK Posts: 1,747
    Well, it's nice to see that you're the only one, so far, with that opinion.

    I guess I don't need to add to the comments already posted. Our members have pretty much covered it for me. Though I wouldn't have been so nice.

    Thanks to everyone for their support.
  • citychicken
    ding dong the witch is dead the witch is dead. i'm hoping you showed the dude the door.

    on the brighter side of this- it would appear clearly evident that you have the total support from membership and there are indeed so many here that appreciate all that you do. the next bud is for you wmk.
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    CORRECTION!!!!! He is listed as StevieB and StevieB123 over there and one has an email address.
  • Mike-RR
    Mike-RR Posts: 181
    Another happy customer!

    Show the man some respect...he's been up to his ears with nothing but issues, and is up all hours of the day and night trying to get this board configuration squared away.

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  • NUman
    NUman Posts: 37
    Ironically I was about to post a message thanking WMK for working constanly to get all of the problems fixed and questions answered. I don't know who he is does but I can tell it's a lot of work. I figured he's either a very patient man or is bald with all the stress.
  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    did someone post as you again, and you deleted the post? ...or did you have second thoughts? hahaha

    anyway, thanks for your work here. it's a thankless task, apparently. i don't think many folks know this is a service you are providing gratis.
    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • StevieB,
    utah? is that you? how's it hangin buddy? i hope you get the help you desparately need... and soon. it's not good to travel down the road of life with four flat tires, is it.[p]have a good one, man!

  • Rusty Rooster
    My dad used to say that "No good turn goes unpunished" Here you are working your b*tt off for us trying to create a new forum where problems and be identified and excluded and thoes problems are complaining already. Guess they better get in their kicks while they can. From the GREAT majority of us THANK YOU for a great job in a very difficult situation. Without you we could not be sharing our opinions (positive and negative) let alone sharing cooking skills.
    THANK YOU!!!
  • Mike-RR
    Mike-RR Posts: 181
    Keep up the great work...it'll be over soon, and you can rest easy.

    Really appreciate all your efforts.