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plate setter in egg ...lots of pics....

icemncmth Posts: 1,165
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
<FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="+1" COLOR="#0000FF">I hope these pics will help out..You can rotate the grill but I'm not sure how it compares to the original..
<HR WIDTH="100%" SIZE="5" ALIGN="center" COLOR="#800080">[p][p]77241284-M.jpg[p]


  • Unknown
    icemncmth,[p]You have mail!
  • icemncmth
    icemncmth Posts: 1,165
    Green egg Dennis,

  • Big Daddy - OCT
    icemncmth,[p]Any idea if they will make the revision for the medium egg as well? It's a lousy fit between grid and plate setter and it would be the perfect excuse for me to get a new one.
  • Smoked Signals
    Cats out of the bag on the new large platesetter ....don't know if they plan to do it for the Medium ... but I would guess so.

  • Bordello
    Bordello Posts: 5,926
    Very nice, good pictures also.[p]Cheers,

  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    I still don't get it? that doesn't look different than my old 5 year old one and I still don't get this "spin" bit. Do you mean turning the grill while meat is on it? I call that "turning" which is easliy accomplished using a LawnRanger tool - I thought you were implying it has casters or something. Guess I'll stick with my "old model"...

  • AZRP
    AZRP Posts: 10,116
    You have to look very closely at the photo, looks like a narrow tab runs up the back side of the leg that the grid sits on. -RP

  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    AZRP, actually I saw that nubbens but the point is the grill is still basically resting on the three legs. Furthermore the picture of the grill on the sitter with the legs pointed down further baffled me.

  • AZRP
    AZRP Posts: 10,116
    Me too, but I'm guessing that nub prevents the grid from falling through the leg. -RP

  • Haggis
    Haggis Posts: 998
    RRP,[p]Based only on those photos, I speculate as follows:[p]I was confused initially by the "legs down" photo until I concluded that it was probably an optical illusion - the legs were actually up but the darned thing was so clean that it appeared otherwise.[p]If the clearance is correct, the outer (circumferential) rim of the grid may be resting on the nubs rather than the grid resting on the legs, keeping the parallel wires just above the legs. Of course that would require closer manufacturing tolerances than I think these things have but what the hey!

  • Trouble
    Trouble Posts: 276
    Yup, the grid is still resting on three points. It looks to me like the points are out a bit so they are under the perimeter ring of the grid rather than the horizontal pieces. On mine, if I try to rotate the grid a quarter turn I have to be pretty careful not to poke the plate setter leg through the vacant area between the last grid piece and the perimeter. If I ever did that (not that I have), my grid would suddenly tip and perhaps some hot liquid from my drip pan would splash on me causing a string of bad words. Not that this has ever happened, just my imagination at work, you understand.[p]Looks like the nubs prevent such a scenario.

  • Smoked Signals
    Well put ... that is exactly what it cures.[p]Doug

  • Sandbagger
    Sandbagger Posts: 977
    RRP, Spinning the grid is usefull when cooking many pieces of whatever over a fire that is not evenly burning in the firebox. As an example, for lunch today I cooked a six pack of brats. I fired the lump on one side in the firebox and with my raised grid, I spun the brats in and out of the heat zone, space directly over the fired lump. It beats moving each piece individually. Hope this helps. T

  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    <p />Trouble,
    I understand you were speaking hypothetically, but seeing I have never even thought of that risk - and actually I'm a pretty safety minded individual who hates pain...I decided to see if I could even cause the accident you describe. I could not even come close. In fact this picture would be the closest it could come to happening and it won't even if I stood on it. I'm not trying to get the last word in as I'm too old for that sort of petty crap, but I'm just making the point that eggers need not run out and buy this new plate sitter as if it was something specifically engineered for safety as the new spark arrestor was.

  • Haggis
    Haggis Posts: 998
    RRP,[p]As old as I am (undoubtedly much less old than thee) I respectfully disagree with your conclusion and request that you make good your statement by standing on it, with photos of the process posted to this forum![p]Seriously, there is a lot of slop (that's a technical term referring to variance in the manufacturing process) in making both the grids and the plate setters. I have had the tipping problem often enough that I take pains to make sure that the setter legs don't hit that gap in the grid. I wouldn't rush to buy a new plate setter but I welcome the modification.
  • Trouble
    Trouble Posts: 276
    It wasn't really hypothetical, I just can't believe I was stupid enough to let it happen. The perimeter of my grid fits outside the three legs of my inverted plate setter. If I rotate the grid the wrong way, the plate setter goes right through the grid. Sort of like jumping on a trampoline, getting to close to the edge and putting a foot and leg through the springs. Ouch.[p]However, I agree on rushing out to buy the new plate setter. If this one breaks, I shall be glad for the new design. Until then a little care is in order, that's all.[p]Happy cooking to you.