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How do I "sell" my wife on buying a BGE???...........

Gene Posts: 99
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I'm sold on them myself, but several months ago when I mentioned to her about a BGE and what they cost, she that "why spend over $100 on a grill" look like I was crazy. Did any of you buy BGE's against your spouse's wishes or unknowing to them?? I thought about just buying it, THEN telling her about our new "addition". The only other thing I can think of is maybe taking her to the Atlanta eggtoberfest and she'll get enthused after being around a bunch of eggheads. Any suggestions??????


  • mad max beyond eggdome
    i think that most of us that have multiple eggs (i have 3) had the initial "you want to pay 700 bucks for a grill!?!?!" discussion, but after getting the first one, and enjoying the food that came off of it, the next conversation was "why don't you get a second one so that you expand on your cooking!!" . . .[p]part of the justification is that the egg will last forever. ...you are likely to spend a lot more replacing rusted out webbers and gassers over the years that you will own and egg, so it is an excellent 'investment'. . ..you will also use it a whole lot more than any other outdoor cooker you've ever owned .. .[p]also, since you'll be doing more of the cooking, it will free her up from some of the cooking chores so she isn't working as hard at dinner time (think of all the pot and pan cleaning, and stove top cleaning she, and you, won't have to do any more). .. ..[p]you will probably be eating food that will taste a whole lot better and will be healthier for you ....no more cooking in oil on the stove, you will be grilling/smoking/roasting everything (meats, veggies, casseroles, etc.) ...

  • FrankG
    FrankG Posts: 32
    gene,you should not have told her. Take her to the fest and purchase a used one.

  • The Naked Whiz
    The Naked Whiz Posts: 7,777
    Definitely take her to an Eggfest. That's how my first wife convinced me to buy the hot air balloon. I took a friend to Waldorf and she got all excited. However, her husband, who didn't go, wouldn't cough up the money. Next time, we take him too.[p]My wife was the one who came up with the idea of buying an Egg, so I can't really help you on strategy there. However, tell her this is not just a grill. You can make beef jerky. You can smoke ribs, briskets and pork butts. You can bake bread, pizza, calzones, tomato pies. You can roast turkeys, chickens, legs of lamb. You can sear steak at temperatures most gas grills can't ever hope to achieve. This is so much more than a grill.[p]TNW

    The Naked Whiz
  • Gene
    Gene Posts: 99
    Do you have to pay in advance for them or can she look at them before "taking the plunge"???

  • The Naked Whiz
    The Naked Whiz Posts: 7,777
    Tell her that if you buy the Big Green Egg, you can then buy her a Naked Whiz Thong:[p]TNW

    [ul][li]Authentic Naked Whiz Gear[/ul]
    The Naked Whiz
  • egret
    egret Posts: 4,173
    We've been through this before, Gene. Next time I'm doing a demo down at the dealer in Hiawassee bring her along. You're depriving you and her both by procrastinating. This BGE is the 'real deal', Gene, and it will last a lifetime.
  • Gene
    Gene Posts: 99
    When will you be doing another "demo"????

  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    tell her she's right.
    then say, ok, it's 100 bucks for a grill. then i wanna get a smoker, that's another 200 or so. then, because we ike food so much, let's get a brick overnm for bread, pizza, and for roasting chickens and prime rib. that's only about 500 bucks.[p]do the math.
    you can't grill on a smoker. you can't smoke on a grill, and you can't roast or bake in either of them.[p]simply put, you cannot cook a steak like the BGE does on a gas grill. you can't do a pork butt on an offset smoker as easily and with less hassle than on the egg, and forget about firing up a wood-fired oven to do one pizza.[p]if she likes food, she will appreciate the egg. if food is something that you both choke down obligingly because eating is some necessary inconvenience, then get the gasser.[p]there is a reason you don't already cook everything in the microwave, and that's because it tastes better the other way. and just as that turkey from the oven tastes so much better than if you microwaved it, it'll taste that much better from the egg than from your oven.[p]you can buy a car for a hundred bucks too, but your wife won't wanna drive it.

    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • egret
    egret Posts: 4,173
    No specific date yet, but it will be in the first 2 weeks of April......

  • BlueSmoke
    BlueSmoke Posts: 1,678
    Egret's on the right track. All the good reasons in the world don't compare to one taste of good Egged food. What's the wife's favorite food? See if you can arrange to have that done on an Egg; it will sweep her off her feet.[p]Ken

  • The Naked Whiz,
    Wonder if I can get some knock off stuff cheaper on EBAY.. hehe.

  • Smokin' Todd
    Smokin' Todd Posts: 1,104
    tell her you would be doing most of the cooking.

  • The Naked Whiz
    The Naked Whiz Posts: 7,777
    Yeah, I heard that there was counterfeit Naked Whiz merchandise coming in from the Far East by the container-load! LOL![p]TNW

    The Naked Whiz
  • Ironbaugh
    Ironbaugh Posts: 93
    When we bought our 1st egg 5 or 6 years ago, I did 0% of the cooking. Now I do most--no exaggeration. Rain,snow,bitter cold, makes no difference. The food is great. My wife basically assumes I'm going to cook the main course on the eggs most nights. Gives her extra time to do other things, the kitchen is cleaner, and I've gotten into a hobby I never imagined I'd get into. A win-win for her, me, and the kids.

  • Cornfed
    Cornfed Posts: 1,324
    gene,[p]I don't have any experience with this, but you can find everything on the Internet. I say look for a group which deals in wife selling and trading. If you can't find one, try eBay. You can then use one of those to sell your wife. Then, simply find a local dealer and online source to buy your BGE.[p]Oh wait, that's how you would sell your wife AND buy a BGE. You're asking how to sell your wife ON buying a BGE.[p]Well...um...try the replies below...

  • Spring Chicken
    Spring Chicken Posts: 10,255
    And if she is anything like my Spring Hen, she will get more and more involved in what's cooked on it, including participating in this Forum. That's a major plus because she comes up with some great ideas. I now have a small to go along with my large and there was no argument at all from her. We may be taking the small to a friend's birthday next weekend just to cook some ABT's. It was her suggestion.[p]Just go ahead and buy the thing. Your wife will quickly become your best fan.[p]Spring "Chicken Coop King" Chicken
    Spring Texas USA

  • I was lucky. After talking about the egg for months and months, my wife actually found a used large with wooden cart at Salvation Army. Cost me $119!
  • gene,
    tell her its the best grill, smoker, roaster and oven on the market. that should do it. if not just buy it. its you money. - papa

  • Clay Q
    Clay Q Posts: 4,486
    My wife bought my egg as a gift for me so I'm kinda on the opposite side. Well, you could tell her the truth, that the egg will SAVE money by cooking steaks that taste better than your local seak house. Then her that you will help clean up after supper, take out the trash, make her a cosmopolitan martini, start the bubble bath, light the candles then leave the house to buy groceries. That just might do the trick.
    Good luck!

  • gene,
    A man has to do what a man has to do.
    Cooking with fire is in our blood.
    Just buy it and don't look back...
    I mean watch your back. Women are quick.
    I purchased an XL and had it sitting in my
    garage. Wife said "what is that funny looking
    green thing on wheels in the garage"? (to heavy for her to open and see it's a grill)
    I said "a new smaller grill".
    She said "another grill?" and walked away.
    She has no idea the price of these things.
    This leads me to rule #1.
    Never tell your wife how much your toys cost.
    We don't ask the price for the closet full of shoes.
    Sounds like a fair trade. Please, lets keep the price quiet.[p]PS
    Don't tell my wife I just picked up a large. I have it hid in the other corner.[p]Thanks,
    Joe Smith

  • Haggis
    Haggis Posts: 998
    Photo Egg,[p]Given the difference in size between an XL and a Large, you could probably tell her its a Small and she'd believe it. Whether you tell her what a small costs is up to you, but she might look it up by herself and be really happy that's all you spent . . .
  • HolySmokes
    HolySmokes Posts: 446
    gene,[p]Your Subject line answers it all[p]sell your wife
    buy an egg[p]enjoy. HS

  • Rollocks
    Rollocks Posts: 570
    I had decided on my own that it was time to sell my boat. My wife didn't really enjoy my boat. I told her before I sold it, I was going to buy a new grill with part of the proceeds. She pointed out that I already had 4 grills. I then pointed out that she had about 100 pairs of shoes. That didn't go over to well. But when the boat sold, I stopped at the egg store and came home with one. Never told her what it cost. I never mentioned the guru either. I'm trying to figure out how to get a small one now. Maybe I can hide it inside of my XL egg.
  • Eggecutioner
    gene,[p]Compare the egg to the price of a big stainless gasser, then compare the warranty.[p]E

  • Poppasam
    Poppasam Posts: 440
    gene,From your E-mail address I'm thinking you live in N.C. We, my wife and I and a few other folks that cook on Eggs, will be cookig at Dillard first weekend in August. Come over and hang out and we all will explain to her about how great a cooker the EGG is. My wife and daughters bought the first one for me. After using it awhile she agreed to buy two more and go to BBQ cookig school. When we got home we got two more so we could be set up for each area. We now have a trailer set up to go to contest with and have a great time everwhere we go. We may cook in Severville may 19&20th but I am 99% sure we'll be in Dillard.[p]Eggfest is a must, A great fun, grand eating weekend with about a thousand plus EGGHEADS.[p]Good Luck on Gettin' an EGG,

  • Poppasam
    Poppasam Posts: 440
    egret,Post that date when you decide. Can't tell where I might be loafing at. Talked to VW Gal's Dad the other day and he couldn't say enough about what you did. Also got a great note from her.
    Was camped over close to Taccoa last week when you got snow. Didn't get any but it was nippy in the mornings.[p]Good Eggin' to You,

  • egret
    egret Posts: 4,173
    I'll shoot you a note, Sam, when I do know for sure. Thanks for the kind words.

  • Haggis,
    Did I mention she is blonde?
    I might be able to tell her
    it's an alien space craft.

  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,887
    not being married i have to say i dont understand. if its this hard to just get one egg, how hard is it to get things like fishing reels. each of my fly rods NEEDS at least 2 reels, some of these reels are worth over a grand. thats 2 reels for the 3wt,4wt,5wt,6wt,8wt,10wt,and 13 wt rods plus a few spares. then theres reels for the spinning rods, casting rods, and the trolling rods. and dont forget the collection of antiques, or the tackle room with the french doors opening up into the living room. then theres the 4x4, canoe kyak 12 foot row boat, 14 foot row boat, lobster boat, and hopefully someday a bigger boat. trips, guides, and then the expensive part, all the new lures and gadgets. and i almost forgot, a fishing camp is also needed, one for the weekdays and one for the weekends
    i am a multiple egg owner and all i can say is buy two eggs and if she doesnt like it bring one back

    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Haggis
    Haggis Posts: 998
    fishlessman,[p]Do you trap a lot of lobsters in Methuen?