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Which size to choose??

edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I am going to purchase a Big Green Egg for my husband for Christmas.
It is all he has talked about. He has however, never mentioned a size.
Is there a huge difference between the Medium and Large ones. We already have huge Weber. He mainly spoke about using the Egg for smoking. Any advice, would be hugely appreciated. Also if there are any must have accessories, I should get.
Thank you so much for your advice in advance,


  • Monika,
    Everyone will tell you to get a large. I'm a new egger and it's just me and I bought a medium. I wish I had a large. [p]Jerky Junkie

  • Monika,
    I would definitely get the large - You will soon put that Weber out to pasture! Everyone I know that has bought a medium has regretted it. I have a large for family cooking, and a mini for hamburgers, hotdogs for me & the misses when I don't want to fire up the large BGE.

  • mad max beyond eggdome
    go far the large. .. .that huge webber will bcome nothing more than a place to store charcoal for the mice to move into . .. .everything you ever did in that weber will be doubly better when cooked in the egg. ...[p]even if its just the two of you, the large will give the freedom and flexibility to cook just about anything. . ..and even if you are only doing a couple of burgers, it is very fuel efficient. .. . [p]most important single accessory (assuming where you buy yours it will automatically come with a daisy slide top, ash rake and nest), is the plate setter. ...the plate setter is what turns your egg from a grill into an oven and a smoker. ...[p]your husband is a lucky man to have you as his gift giver!!

  • Bordello
    Bordello Posts: 5,926
    If the choice is between a medium and large get the large. There probably is not that much of a price difference for getting the extra grill space.[p]Good Luck,
    New Bob

  • Junior Fan
    Buy the large. Just purchased one the week before Thanksgiving and love it. Wife does too. Accessories: Plate setter is a must; V rack would be second. After that, it's up to his imagination and the great ideas offered in this forum. Eat well!

  • Monika,[p]check out this site and look at the bottom to give you an idea of size, cooking, etc. [p]http://www.chimneysweeponline.com/bgegg.htm[p]There was a conversation about how much one could cook on a large egg I believe yesterday that was interesting. Had some great pictures on it too. [p]Jerky Junkie
  • BGEBrian

    Take it from an owner of a medium. GET THE LARGE!!! I just got a small to keep my medium company. Not to mention to add the grill space that a large could do all by itself.

    You will be amazed at how awesome the Egg is. Put a "free" sign on your webber.

    Have fun with it.
  • TideJoe
    Monika,[p]Get the large. I've had a large for over 2 years and it's definently te most versatile without spending $1000 for the extra large. You can easily smoke 3-4 pork butts at the same time (more with a little creativity). You can smoke bigger turkeys or ham. It's just a much better grill for just a little more money than the medium. My wife bought me a small last week for Christmas so we can have something more portable and we can cook more food with 2 grills. Good luck.

  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,887
    large, platesetter, an extra cooking grill, and maybe a pizza stone will fill most smoking needs as well as be practical for othe types of cooks. he will also need a wireless thermometer, a thermopen instant read thermometer, and maybe a good heavy duty pair of welding gloves to make life easier.

    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • jake42
    jake42 Posts: 932
    I strongly suggest a large. Even though like a lot of us you will probably wind up getting a medium later.

  • Kelly Keefe
    The best advice is to get the biggest you can afford right now and start saving your money for Egg II. Many of us own more then one, we like 'em that much. It's like closet space in you house, right? You can never have too much. So get the biggest you can afford.[p]Assuming the Egg you buy comes with a daisy wheel top, a plate setter is the next thing to get. After that start considering a bigger house, cause you're going to need the extra room for all the other "toys". (Grin)[p]Kelly

  • Roadkill
    Monika, I bought the Large when someone told me "Friends Don't Let Friends Buy Mediums!"

  • Mik of Alaska
    I'm single and bought the large. You'll be surprised how many friend will come by when they find out you have one and taste what comes from inside the BGE. You must get the platesetter and also a grid extender. You will need them for lo an slo cooks and for being able to do 40# of pulled pork for the crowds that will swing by. Happy grillin'. Mik

  • BGEJeff
    The bigger the better, funny I said the same thing as he did, but my Weber Kettle has not been used one time since I got my Egg for Fathers Day.

  • Thank you everyone for all your ideas. I think I will go for the Large size. The plate setter is also something I will get.
    Thanks so much for all the help!
    As part of my Christmas gift, I will be giving him this site and forum address.
    Have a Beautiful Tasty Holiday!