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How many wings on a large?

jimi1234 Posts: 101
edited June 2012 in EggHead Forum
Roughly how many pounds of wings can I fit on the grid on a LBGE? 

Also, do you do your wings direct or indirect? I am planning on filling two grids, with the first raised on the woo and the second raised higher on a grid extender. I was thinking 400 direct. 

But now I've been thinking that with that many wings, there might be a ton of fat dripping onto to the coals and it might really smoke them out (I'm using Griffin's jerk marinade so don't want to over power that). Should I consider 400 indirect with a drip pan instead?



  • Richard Fl
    Richard Fl Posts: 8,297
    I do the drip pan with a little water to avoid the burning grease and do them indirect 375-400.  Have never cooked more than 30 or so on one grate so no idea of max capacity.  Cut tips off and you get more.  I usually go 45 minutes or so turning once or twice.  sometimes I use the hanging racks and can get 2 racks on large and they each hold 15 wings or legs.
  • NecessaryIndulg
    NecessaryIndulg Posts: 1,298
    I do about 30 +/- ... direct & raised.

    Chicken Wings
    I'm Kristi ~ Live in FL ~ BGE since 2003.
    I write about food & travel on Necessary Indulgences.  
    You can also find me on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.
  • robnybbq
    robnybbq Posts: 1,911
    I have done 48 wings on the large with the adjustable rig indirect.  350 for ~2 hours(flipping 1/2 way through). 

    LBGE, Adjustable Rig, Spider, High-Que grate, maverick ET-732, Thermapen,

    Garnerville, NY
  • Eggucated
    Eggucated Posts: 213
    I can get 5lbs (probably a little more but that's the most I've bought) of wings on my large.  I go indirect (plate setter legs up) 350-400 usually 30-45 minutes I think.  I usually toss a couple chunks of Pecan or Apple wood in for the smoke.

    Thanks, Mike "Live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one will believe it."
  • ShedFarm
    ShedFarm Posts: 499
    I always cook my wings on a Woo3, direct, at 400 degrees. I'm cooking from frozen, so I can't reliably tell you how much wings in weight, but it's 24 pieces (flats and drumettes) on the first level, and another 16-18 on the Woo extender. I've never had a problem with flare-ups during the cook, though sometimes, things get a little warm, while I'm flipping and seasoning.
    BJ (Powhatan, VA)
  • milkman5083
    milkman5083 Posts: 100
    I just did 60 the other day.
  • MrCookingNurse
    MrCookingNurse Posts: 4,665
    I have a woo extender. About 60 would be all I'd do but that's two levels. I do indirect 350-400


  • jimi1234
    jimi1234 Posts: 101
    Thanks for the tips all. It sounds like either way would work alright. I like the idea of direct to get a bit of char on them but I assume you have to flip them around a couple times. I wonder how hard that might be using two racks (specifically the lower rack). 

    Hmmm. Decisions, decisions. It's a hard life I tell ya :-). 

    If anybody has done multiple racks direct, any advice would be great.

  • paqman
    paqman Posts: 4,679
    I can fit roughly 50 wings with the Pswoo3 and extender.

    The ones in the picture were cooked direct @ 400 for 45 minutes without flipping.

    I did a few batches after that @ 350-375 for 30 minutes, they were perfect.

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