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Holy Crizzap. Please start a 'Turkey Forum'

stike Posts: 15,597
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
we had a halloween forum, which by all accounts awas a raging success.

please, can we move the turkey madness to another forum?

it seems this year in particular things have gotten nutty, and the big day is still a ways off.
for the love of all that is holy... please, i beg you, WPB and WMK.
ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante


  • True - could just be called "holiday feasts" or something like that.

    Yes, I know I contributed to aforementioned madness.... ;) Or was perhaps the major source... :evil:
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    There was a Halloween forum?
  • You gotta got folks some slack. Thanksgiving dinner is like asking people to home run when you only take a swing once a year. It's not easy for most to pull off. (I myself could do it blind, but hey . . .)
  • I thnk this is great. I am bummed, that i dont get to do a turkey for thanksigving as we are going to the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania to my mom's. I will probably get to cook one in a couple of weeks or for Christmas.
    XL   Walled Lake, MI

  • Lawn Ranger
    Lawn Ranger Posts: 5,467
    There you go being Evil again. ;) :laugh:

  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    looks like you misunderstood me. apologies.

    putting the turkey posts in one spot would be far easier for the newbies, and would cause a little less fatigue for some of us that try to be helpful, but sigh when we see the same question asked three times in one day.

    just looking for a turkey question repository, rather than a opium suppository
    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • PhilsGrill
    PhilsGrill Posts: 2,256
    Or.... how about a banner that says "For all your turkey questions, select the Search Forum in the upper left and type in 'Turkey'"

    Wait.... naaaaaa, that would be too easy. :whistle:
  • Believe it or not, I've done that quite a bit. ;) That's how I found the Mad Max recipe without having to post "Could someone please post the mad max recipe?" ;)
  • Stike, I nominate you to moderate the Turkey forum.
  • PhilsGrill
    PhilsGrill Posts: 2,256
    Bingo! :laugh: :woohoo:
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    imagine running a turkey hot line on thanksgiving day :laugh: :laugh:
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
    Hey stike, just send all the turkeys . . . err, turkey post's that is, over to the Weight Lose Forum, there are 3 threads over there for the past 60 days! :laugh:

    Do you carve a turkey anything like you do a pumpkin?

  • I agree. I'm glad to help. but I have posted the link to Mad Max's site a at least daily, as have others.

    So many come on here asking for turkey help without even trying to do a simple search, which is offered right at the top of the page... :huh:

    A seasonal / holiday Forum would be helpful.
  • SmokeyPitt
    SmokeyPitt Posts: 10,490
    I think we need an opium suppository forum. What is the maximum size? How many minutes per lb do I "cook" it?

    Which came first the chicken or the egg?  I egged the chicken and then I ate his leg. 

  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    could someone please tell me the best temp to roast a turkey? surely it can't be the same temp I would use in an oven. :blink: :laugh:

    and who's this Max dude anyway?

    :laugh: :laugh:

    actually, it doesn't matter to me. I'm going to Mommy's house and will leave it up to her to overcook the beast (as she usually does). Couple of years ago (when she was only 92), I was paying ZERO attention and this was the result...


    Maybe this time, I can at least remember to bring my maverick and thermapen. And a bag of ice cubes. Or maybe I can convince her to let ME roast the turkey this year... but I doubt it. :) In any case, there's no egg there and no way to GET one there.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • There still IS one :blink:
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,965
    that's like my sister-in-law's. I tell her her's is like balsa wood and let me take it home and make it into an airplane! :laugh:


    OTOH I also egg a turkey for the rest of us so all is not lost!
  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    Ron, your SIL must LOVE you!!! :laugh:

    I am headed to Mom's on Wed. I have decided that, tomorrow, I am going to the grocery store to buy what I don't already have for Max's ingredients. I've never done a madmax turkey, but even though it will have to be in an oven, I'm gonna give it a shot.

    I've never been a gravy guy, but I gotta call mom tonight and tell her not to throw out the neck and stuff (cuz I know she will - if she hasn't already!).

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    Carolina Q wrote:
    I gotta call mom tonight and tell her not to throw out the neck and stuff (cuz I know she will - if she hasn't already!).

    Just called Mom and I'm in luck! The heart, neck, liver, et al, are still in the bird! Though she admitted that she would have thrown them out. :) And she's gonna let me do the turkey honors this year. Hope I don't screw it up!!! Can't be any worse than the pic I already posted - really, it CAN'T!

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • Michael,

    If she reads the forum you are in deep shiznet already! :laugh:



    Caledon, ON


  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,965
    see the airplane I made from my s-i-l bird?
  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    steven, she hasn't even figured out how to "reply all" to emails yet. she's never even SEEN a web page!! no worries. :laugh:

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    and steve thinks I'M in trouble if mom sees my posts! you are sooo screwed if sil sees yours!!!

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • Sometimes Mom's just know. My mom lost the hearing in her left ear about a year before she passed. My Dad and I would always sit on her left and talk about her. She would plant left hooks on both of us after a while.



    Caledon, ON


  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    so THAT'S what happened to you!! :laugh:

    Mom's deaf as a post, though the hearing aids seem to help. She's 94 now, and I really don't care if she can't hear well - or cooks holes in the turkey! She recently returned from a bus tour of Newport, RI and Downeast ME. Had a friend with her, but would have been just fine on her own. Couple of years ago, we were in NYC visiting my son. Walked all over Manhattan. I asked her how she was holding up. Her reply? If YOU can do it, so can I!! And she was RIGHT!! The woman just never seems to get old!!! I am so blessed to still have her!!!!!!!!!!

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • Michael,

    Treasure that man! My Mom made it to 69 and was strong as a horse and then was gone in a heartbeat.



    Caledon, ON


  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    Believe me, I DO, my friend!!! Dad was 69 when he died too. Mom's been alone, living in the house I grew up in, ever since. She is a remarkable woman... even if she can't Reply All. :)

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    Whoa, .... at first I thought the subject was a lead in to some sort of funny anecdote about our pal BobbyQ whose last name is Cressap... but that's not the case.

    Jeff, the holidays are the time of the year when all Eggers ask for advice, in one way or another. And the closer to Christmas it gets, more new Eggers will jump in because they have a new hobby. That's the way it is.
    Happy Trails

    Barbecue is not rocket surgery
  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    Yeah. I picked up on that the last six or seven years.
    Hahaha ;)

    kinda gets old after the thirtyfifth question

    honestly do think they could all go in one place to make it easier
    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • Dreggs
    Dreggs Posts: 147
    For years I hve searched for The Holy Crizzap in vain. My most recent google has finally brought success.

    Please r\tell me where I may finally gaze upon His Holiness.