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OT-Homemade Hamburger press(Long Story)

Hoss Posts: 14,600
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
OK.This is Really LONG!!!
DAD calls yesterday-
"Do you have plans for Sunday afternoon or are you free?"
"What's up Pop?"
"Trail Ride at the Farm.
Could you cook burgers for us???"
"Why sure!How many you want me to feed?"
"Oh,30-40,could be as many as 50."
"Why sure!"
"We will have EVERYTHING except the burgers.You only need to make and cook the burgers.We will supply EVERYTHING else."
We just had 2 beefs butchered and 3 freezers full o burger.
At least the meat is free!
So I figure AT LEAST 75 Burger patties.
Thaw em out,season em,make patties.
I don't wanna HAND PAT out 75 friggin hamburger patties!
I need a press.
No time to order one!
Enter the local hardware store.
I need 2- 3/4 inch thick pieces of 4" PVC pipe.
Shut up and cut em!
A COUNTRY BOY can survive!
BTW-The Egg will stay home.This cook will take place on the Weber Ranch Kettle.I need the Real Estate! :blush:
He did mention "we have a gas grill at te DanceHall"
I keep telling everybody I need 6 Eggs!!! :laugh:
