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I just want to ask...

cookn biker
cookn biker Posts: 13,407
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
that you all pray you hearts out for those fighting/living in a war zone. I've got many friends with spouses that are on the front lines.
Colorado Springs
"Loney Queen"
"Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE


  • Hoss
    Hoss Posts: 14,600
    Done! More to follow!!! ;)
  • FlaPoolman
    FlaPoolman Posts: 11,677
    Son heads back over this fall :(
  • elzbth
    elzbth Posts: 2,075
    Prayers up - every day. If not for the brave souls who are willing to fight this fight, God only knows what our country would be like. We are indeed blessed to live free!
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    My prayers to your family Pat!
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • ResQue
    ResQue Posts: 1,045
    I pray for them everyday. I have friends that stayed in when I got out that have multiple tours. Some didn't come back with our unit. Thank you.
  • ResQue
    ResQue Posts: 1,045
    I pray that God watches over him and his unit.
  • AZRP
    AZRP Posts: 10,116
    You got it Molly! -RP
  • fire egger
    fire egger Posts: 1,124
    every day Molly. our son came back last year,many more brave men and women still there or going. thank you for mentioning it.
  • LFGEnergy
    LFGEnergy Posts: 618
    Saturday heading to Lowes (while still in neighborhood) I passed a late 20 something jogging with at least at 40-50 LB pack on his back in 95F heat, and his dad riding a bike besides. As a dad that now trains a 13 YO in baseball, how do you transition to training your son to potentially give his life in preserving democracy???!!! I have much to learn in personal sacrifice.

    Dave in Keller, TX
  • Mickey
    Mickey Posts: 19,676
    You got it Molly.
    I see the guys/girls on forth trip to war zone and they are very special people.
    I am at Fort Hood and around them each day, special people with very special familes.
    Salado TX & 30A  FL: Egg Family: 3 Large and a very well used Mini, added a Mini Max when they came out (I'm good for now). Plus a couple Pit Boss Pellet Smokers.   

  • Frank from Houma
    Always in my prayers
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot Posts: 6,959
    Yes, I pray for our kids every day.

    My real concern is the multiple tours of duty (4,5, +) that they are required to do. That may be a reason for the exponential increase of suicides of our service people.

    I know I'll get slammed for this, but I really believe it is time to reinstate the draft, or make it mandatory for every 18 year old to perform 2 years of duty for our country. Those really opposed to war or not physically or emotionally fit could serve in something like the Peace Corps or rebuilding our infrastructures.

    During the Viet Nam war, soldiers were only liable for one 12 month tour, then didn't have to go back unless they volunteered (I'm sure there were a few exceptions). I was drafted during that time, and spent 2 years in the Army. Although I went in, kicking and screaming, I look back on it as a very productive and maturing experience. I have 5 nephews and nieces, all in the 18-23 year old range. Two have menial jobs (hostess at Applebee's,,) and three can't get a job at all and are living off their parents.

    I think the draft would be good for our country, good for our youth, and most importantly, good for our overburdened current soldiers and sailors.

    Let the flames begin. :(

    Dripping Springs, Texas.
    Just west of Austintatious

  • ResQue
    ResQue Posts: 1,045
    Well if you are going to get slammed then so am I. I completely agree with you. Mandatory two year enlistment, their choice of which branch of service, and their choice of MOS (military occupational specialty).
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,863
    Two have menial jobs (hostess at Applebee's,,) and three can't get a job at all and are living off their parents.

    these are the kids that should be drafted to use weapons and fight for their lives :blink: :blink:
    :blink: have you met any of these kids that wanted to go and are back now, i have, it will be years before some are not a danger to themselves and the people around them, i cant imagine how they would be if they were forced to go. if anything, they need better screening beforehand, and more help when returning. some really come back better for it, but not all of them
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot Posts: 6,959
    fishlessman wrote:
    have you met any of these kids that wanted to go and are back now, i have, it will be years before some are not a danger to themselves and the people around them, i cant imagine how they would be if they were forced to go.

    I refuse to believe that humans have morphed that much since Viet Nam or WWII. Were some soldiers "shell shocked" during WWII? Sure. Did some soldiers suffer PTSD during Viet Nam? Sure. But they were in the vast minority. If it is higher today, I believe it is because of the multiple tours they are required to do. A draft would solve that.
    if anything, they need better screening beforehand, and more help when returning. some really come back better for it, but not all of them

    That's why I recommended an alternative service. That is an option we did not have.

    Americans today show far more "patriotism" than they did during Viet Nam. However, I'd hate to think that that patriotism stops at the induction station.

    Dripping Springs, Texas.
    Just west of Austintatious

  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,863
    some of these kids arent even ready to move out of their parents house, they may need a kick in the butt, maybe learn some responsibility, but im not going to say the government should mandate that first kick in the butt. the upbringing is different now, kids are not in the same place they were 40 years ago, i see high schoolers walking to the bus station with mom or dad at their side so no one steals them :laugh: its not the same. anyways im backing off now and praying that those that are there stay safe
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot Posts: 6,959
    Many of us over 65 already have served, Tweeve. Have you?

    Dripping Springs, Texas.
    Just west of Austintatious

  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,863
    ill mention that to dad, he is in his late 60's, time i move him out of my house. :laugh: :laugh:
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Boilermaker Ben
    Good to hear the perspective of one who served.
    I think we ought to throw in the caveat that no one who has obtained an exception from service can be allowed to hold the post of Commander in Chief. It never seems right to me that someone be allowed to send troops into battle, who has never served.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot Posts: 6,959
    We do have an agreement. Your post was a direct response to my branch of the thread.

    However, since we've started a discourse here, I'll continue. I have always been opposed to our invasion of Iraq and the nation building of Afghanistan. I am a member of Veterans for Peace for that reason. But, that is not the issue here.

    My recommendation of reinstating the draft was a pure desire to relieve the insanity of sending our kids back into harms way four, five, six times. That cannot be sustained. By allowing alternative methods of service, forcing people into a situation where they may be forced to kill is not an issue. There will be plenty that will opt for the military over nursing at a Hopi Indian Reservation, for example.

    As my drill sergeant said on our first night at Ft. Polk, "All we ask is for you to devote 2 years of your life for a lifetime of freedom." It wasn't too much to ask for then. I hope it isn't too much now.

    I will not respond to any more posts on this subject. Back to ignoring, OK Tweeve?

    Dripping Springs, Texas.
    Just west of Austintatious

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot Posts: 6,959
    Tweev_tip wrote:
    I don't believe the majority of American military operations are actually about 'maintaining American's freedom'.

    We totally agree on that.
    If I don't believe that, then how how could I possibly support sending my son (who is a US citizen) to war over something with questionable benefit?

    For me, a product of the '50's and '60s, "My country, right or wrong". Besides, Canada is too cold for a Texan. :laugh:

    With your son, alternative service if he chooses.

    Dripping Springs, Texas.
    Just west of Austintatious

  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
  • ResQue
    ResQue Posts: 1,045
    I agree no one should be forced to go. I wouldn't want to be fighting next to someone who didn't volunteer to go. People like that would get me or my buddies killed. Like I posted earlier, I believe in mandatory service, active or reserve, and that person can choose a combat MOS or choose not to.

    The problem I see with the American public is that you only see the bad things that happen like people getting killed. Unfortunately that is what the media wants to show(It supposedly gets better ratings on TV) What you don't see is the good we are doing over there. I believe that if we just pull out now the two countries will be worse off than what we started with and our homeland will pay for that. I want nothing more than to have our troops back home and safe. But that's not realistic at this point in time.
  • elzbth
    elzbth Posts: 2,075
    Well I'll jump in too - I'm with you. Perhaps a stint in the military would benefit a lot of people. Instill core values like respect, integrity, honesty. As to Molly's original post - yes indeed, I pray every day for those who (in our wonderful USA) serve willingly.
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,863
    at 18 i was still growing, i started college at 4 foot 11 and finished at 5-10.
    18 is too early, especially nowadays with the immaturity of the kids, they need to develope further. this isnt a world war either, the draft isnt needed, and i agree with you, you dont want someone watching your side that has no desire or merit to be there.
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • ResQue
    ResQue Posts: 1,045
    The only immature thing about kids nowadays are their minds. Going into the military will help them with that. They will gain self-confidence and will mature much quicker than having not gone into the military. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the fact that we are over there. I did my service and spent a tour over there. I got out because I didn't want to go back. I really wish we were never there in the first place.
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,863
    from beginning to end all the choices were yours, there is a difference, its actually one of the things americans fight for. the thing i dont like about this war is there doesnt seem to be any closure down the road. usually you take out the bad guy and the war is over, things are set in place and you back out, not happening this time and its going on to long
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • ResQue
    ResQue Posts: 1,045
    I completely agree with everything you said. This has gone on for way too long. Maybe I should join veteran's for peace too. I made my choices and wouldn't take them back if I could. I believe my service has made me a better and more mature person.