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Bge Tree rat and fancy wine.

BigGreenDave Posts: 149
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I tried to post this yeaterday but netnanny wouldn't let me on photo bucket unless i'm on mom's computer and she is at work today.

Remember my question about wine? My mom is at that truck stop as a waiter and has a lot of guys that are friends that are truck drivers who come through all the time and she has made friends with a lot of them over the years. Arby is a guy she has known and he comes through with a present like once a month at least. He even stay's over some times. This weekend he was driving the owner of his company's stuff from one house to his new house and he had a lot of wine in the truck with a lot of old stuff and furntiure for a wine room. Some people have more money than cents. Arby said he got to keep a couple cases which was really cool. So he gave them to us because mom likes wine. This was supposed to be real fancy French wine. Some was not too old but some was really old. Here are some pics.


This case was all the same kind from 1998. It said Blanc which is white but it was all red.
There was another case and more than a half of another case. It was of other different wines that were mixed up kinds, not all the same. When we got them home we took them out and I tried to clean them a little. We decided we were going to have a party with all of it.



there was a couple of these Peter V's wines I think were russian but they said France on the label. peters-wine.jpg

There was a old one that was real old. Everyone says old wine is supposed to be the best but this was the first one we tried and it wasn't so grate. Kind of dirty and gritty. Smelled real cool though. oldest-one.jpg

I had a whole glass with nothing but mom added soda water for her second try. I think it was just to old to be any good there was stuff in the bottom to.
There was a other one with only a small label. I broke it when i tried to get out the cork. I poured it into a coffee filter and saved it though. which also got all the gritty stuff out.


We put them in the fridge on the porch and Mom said "we are going to have a party!"
Sunday I asked on the forum about what kind of meat goes with red wine and all the stuff i saw on the website link i got said red meat for red wine most of the time. We have plenty of stakes and burgers butMom thought it would be real funny to have a fancy french wine party and serve the wine but serve it with tree rat (squirrel). She said its all that crappy wine is good for. If Arby found out I think he would be mad because he really made ashow about how good this stuff was suppose to be.
Jimmy and me went out Monday for like a half a hour and kicked butt out there.


I don't clean them. no thanks! Jimmy is the cleaner. He makes fun of me taking pictures of how I make my food so he made me take these of how he cleaned them.


We had the six guys from the park come over, and they had there girlfriends so it was not enough food. None of the girls wanted any so I had to thaw out the stakes anyway.
we fired up four of the squirrels. boo yah! I like to marinade them in worstershire sauce but we didnt have any. Here is the first squirrrel.
jimmy king of the squirrell.
tried out my new portible egg table. don't laugh! It's only for moving it easy. It's not for a permanant table.
We tried to drink the wine now that it was cold but it wasn't that grate. Mom tried to make it better with ice cubes she made from some of it but it took forever to freeze and all it did was make it colder.
We tried some from a few bottles of the newest wine but it wasn't like what we like either. Sutter home has those boxes and every single one of them is good and better than this stuff. We tried three of the real oldest, and they all had that same gunk at the bottom. We put them out on the steps. Good by. After the party Cindy took three bottles home but she will drink anything.
Thank fully we had beer and other wine of mom's regualr kind and we still had a grate party. The guys ate the squirrel with the first couple glasses of wine but then they all made me cook on the egg all the steaks and stuff from the freezer. We always have steaks in the freezer now that we have a egg. The hole house got trashed. Jimmy stayed over and past out in Mom's room again she always acts mad but she always lets him and laughs about it. They were laughing about something all night. It was good he was there so he could help us clean. Pics of the next day.
that is not even are dog!
I know who made these and it wasn't me. It was jimmy in the corner with Jess clinking glasses every time they took a sip. They both like Jimmy and so Cindy got kind of mad and pushed Jess and she spilled it.
bigger stain. I don't know who did that one.
i'm telling you we got trashed. but not on the fancy wine. we went back to drinking beer. there was some white wine in there too we thought would be better than the red stuff maybe but it was real sweet and disgusting. The name was yquem on the label. Mom kept saying Yuckem!
before we even bothered to try to clean up mom started laughing anddecided to make the yard look good. it is finally spring here and she wants to plant herbs. she took the empty bottles and all the rest of the full ones and decided to have a funeral for them. She went an got the herbs from lowes. If you want any of the wine, it's still here come an get it.
Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina


  • I think this post couldn't have come at a better time. Thanks, Dave.
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,301
    i like that idea for the garden, was going to buy some stone to raise a bed, but i got all these port bottles piling up behind the chair :laugh:
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Mickey
    Mickey Posts: 19,694
    I really like the way your mind goes. Your post is so good, thanks. ;)
    Salado TX & 30A  FL: Egg Family: 3 Large and a very well used Mini, added a Mini Max when they came out (I'm good for now). 

  • :huh:
    it's spelled "Worcestershire".

    ( :whistle: )
  • NoVA Bill
    NoVA Bill Posts: 3,005
    Hey BGD,

    I'm thinking your Mom gets some fairly "good' wine but taste is realative.

    Got to luv squirrel.

    Great pics thanks for sharing and giving me chuckle ot two.
  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    Ship the wine to me, I will pay the freight. :)
  • hornhonk
    hornhonk Posts: 3,841
    That's a great post, thanks.
  • rsmdale
    rsmdale Posts: 2,472
    That was funny,but ice cube and red wine should not be in the same sentence.


  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    Brother, if that is all you can find in that post you need some new reading glasses and to put down the scotch glass.

    Peter V's -- I just about lost it on that one.
  • lowercasebill
    lowercasebill Posts: 5,218
    me too cept i googled peterV's 630 euros = $850
  • we have most of it left. better hurry it is supposed to get hot this weekend.

    i don't think its any good anyway had specks of red stuff flowing in it.

    cindy says it is supposed to be expensive. she kept some bottles and is going to ebay them. if they are worth anything i will dig them right out :woohoo:
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,301
    to bad its not the 1500ml bottle :laugh:

    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Little Steven
    Little Steven Posts: 28,817

    Tell me you didn't do that to the wine...pleeease. I trade you 40 cases of Bud Light or whatever you drink for the full ones that are left.



    Caledon, ON


  • lowercasebill
    lowercasebill Posts: 5,218
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    Wow BGDave, I almost fell off my chair!!
    Thanks for the post! I love the butcher paper!
    Wine cubes..hahaha Squirrels look tasty!
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,301
    thats gotta be a joke all in itself :laugh: :laugh: :whistle:
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • JB
    JB Posts: 510
    'Tis a shame all that wine was so crappy Big Dave. Looks like you had one hell of a shindig anyway. At what temp did you cook the squirrel?
  • i cheked google likesomeone heresaid and that wine is supposed to be expensive stuff.

    what shouldido with it? should i put it in thefrdige? my mother will be P. O.d off if i dig up the garden.

    most of it is still there. we didn't touch the blanc case at all except unpancked them. most of the stuff is still un opened. the peter V is still there. there were 7 of those. there isstill a real old cheveer blanc one from 1941 i think.

    if someone wants it i don't want it but mom will want her garden fixed. do you know how much trouble i will be in for being on her compouter?

    i will ask cindy to bring hers back. it was the only one i ever heard of out of all of them all, chatau lafite. mom graduated highscool in 1982 and that's when it wasfrom. she was pissed when cindy took it but didn't like any of the wine we tried anyway so let her go. the other one was 1945 but i don't remember the third one. 1945 was the nend of the war thats how i remember. cindy was just drunk and swishing around fancy talkign about "chateau la feet". that's how she said it. fansiest girl in town i guess.

    not. :laugh:
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • i didn't notice the paper until now. :blush:

    that was at jimmy's. that is his truck too it is awesome. we went fishing too, but caught nothing.
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • the squirrel was grilled but i was fried. :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh:
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • Your welcome

    Dave M.
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • I thnik we made a mistake. Someone said the wine is worth something. I really want to dig them up but mom is going to be pretty ripped if i do. :unsure:
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • Thank you

    Dave M.
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • Your welcome. Thank you.
    Dave M.
    Wheeling WV
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • Little Steven
    Little Steven Posts: 28,817

    Would your mom be happpy with some nice new wine bottles for the garden? We could arrange that.



    Caledon, ON


  • you should have seen the truck. there was a half a truck of wine. other stuff was like sofas and cigars and tables and wood shelfs for the wine. I don;t know what the big bottles were but they were in wood boxes Arby showed us a couple

    i thought it was cool of the guy to let Arby have some. But i wasn't as good as we thought it was exsposed to be
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    I love these threads. :)

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • i think mom was just being silly. we have a repution in the park for causing trouble but in a fun way. i think she was trying to pretend we were so fancy we used wine bottles for the garden. they aren't stuck in there much i just pulled them all out. i hosed them off and put them in the barrel to soak some more. what do i do some of the labels are coming off.

    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • that's moms trick for colling it quick. when it melts it doesn't make the wine watery.

    a slice of a orange and some soda water and those cubes is what she likes
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina
  • i will right down the names and the dates of the wine if you are interessted. i washed half of them and are washing the other half now
    Dave Montgomery at Wheeling West Virgina