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Grilling Question??

RLA Posts: 89
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
When grilling on a BGE do you close the lid? I know you close it for lo/slo indirect cooks, but what about burgers, franks, steaks? Does it have to be closed for grilling?


  • WooDoggies
    WooDoggies Posts: 2,390
    RLA,[p]You don't have to close it for grilling...... but keeping the lid closed between meat flips will help a lot to dampen potential flare ups.[p]John

  • nikkig
    nikkig Posts: 514
    Like Woo said before, you don't have to close it, but you should. If you leave it open, you have no way of knowing what temps you are cooking at. Also, one of the great benefits of ceramic cooking is moisture retention. Cooking with an open lid will not hold the moisture in your meat. And heat radiating off of the dome helps to cook the meat depending on what level you are cooking at. [p]~nikki

  • mad max beyond eggdome
    i do a lot of grilling, (burgers/chicken/fish/steaks) and almost always keep it closed except for flipping . . ..for steaks, absolutely do the trex method. . .the only time i have had any problem was when grilling a marinated flank steak. . .with the dome closed, it made the steak a little too mushy. .. this may have been caused by a combination of too much marinade during the cook (i used to pour some extra on when flipping on my weber and tried doing the same in the egg). . .so i like getting some extra flame on that one just to make sure i burn off the marinade (oil and vinager base). . .[p]otherwise, keep it closed, even with burgers, the taste will be superior that way, and even well done, your burgers will be real juicy. ..

  • TRex
    TRex Posts: 2,714
    RLA,[p]The only time I cook with the lid open is when I'm searing steaks. Otherwise, lid is closed.[p]TRex