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OT - Hello

Cory430 Posts: 1,073
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I just wanted to say hello. I know that it has been quite awhile since I last posted. The truth is, I haven't done all that much eggin and what I have done has been pretty mundane; steaks, pulled pork, etc. I have been swamped at work and when I have been free; I have been indulging in my other passion: the outdoors. I know that some of ya'll enjoy pics of the mountains and thought that I'd include a few recent ones. BTW, big thanks to Zippy and Cookn Biker! I really appreciate the packages. As soon as I get off my lazy butt and get creative on the egg (tomorrow), I will put up some pics with yall's wonderful gifts :)

Mount Bierstadt 14,060'-climbed 2-09 (the summit is on the right)

Some of the scenery

On the way up

More scenery

The summit ridge

Finally at the top (of course this is only the 1/2 way point of the round trip :laugh: )

Tomorrow: Food Porn!

Hope ya'll enjoyed the pics,
