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2:50 AM Forum Check

Spring Chicken
Spring Chicken Posts: 10,255
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Good morning Eggheads and those suffering from Egg Withdrawal.

It wasn't an REAL emergency but it may have grown into one, so I reverted from horizontal to vertical and traipsed the familiar path to the facility maintenance department where I took a shot in the dark that an emergency could be avoided. Seems to have worked. Also let loose a couple of lower orafacer comments to round out the adventure.

I am learning that these assigned duties can be as entertaining as they are purposeful. I'm told, however, that one day in the future I will likely be equipped with a temporary biofluid receiver that will be frequently exchanged for a fresh one by a staff member whose duties are to listen somewhat intently to my many stories about Chicken Ranch operation before I am reassigned to yet another adventure somewhere 'out there.' Or I can seek out a "Mack Truck" that is moving quickly in my direction to hurry up the process of reassignment without having to undergo 'de-briefing' at the facility of last resort.

Meanwhile, I have other duties to attend to, such as making sure the refrigeration unit's interior illuminator is operating properly. So I continued my rounds, stopping in the food preparation area where I partially dismantled said refrigeration unit in order to verify proper illumination of the chilled contents. Working.

As is my usual practice I moved on to the external observation portal where I spotted Rodney Dangerbird making his rounds in place. I noticed that he was 'packing iron' and had a seriouser than usual look about him. I first suspected there might be fowl play but it turns out that he is just practicing wearing his full-feathered outfit for the Coop Party. He must think it is a 'formal' gathering requiring upgraded outerwear. He is mistaken. I told him such, as well as that he should forget about wearing weapons. His "Shoot Now, Inquire Later" security methods will not apply to this situation since these are professional good-people who will only be enjoying the Ranch's amenities for a few time periods before moving on to their next adventure. He reluctantly removed his hardware and waved a weak compliance signal. Deputy Larry Ropa let out a noticeable sigh of relief. He's not much for violence. I also noticed that he seems to have an eye for Cinderella Bodine, a new staff member. #%@! One would think the Coop is a Love Nest.

Speaking of the Coop, Spring Hen and I continue to prep the Coop and surrounding Ranch property for the upcoming Coop Party. But as we perform our work a disagreeable weather pattern threatens to target our area for the sole purpose of destruction. "Ike" as it has been designated by those with authority to designate such things, is laying waste to the large island of Cuba at this moment and will then decide upon a direction and speed in which to take for its next objective. It is much too late to take corrective action to de-activate Ike so we are stuck with its desires. The Ranch is far enough from the coastal area to avoid a direct confrontation but we will certainly be disrupted if Ike decides to target Outpost Texas.

I moved on to the Communications Center where I checked the Forum for reports. There were few in the recent time periods, an indication that the 7 Members and 103 Guests prefer to save their reports for later. With that I shall return to the recharging station.

Say goodnight Leroy.

Spring "I Don't Like Being Targeted" Chicken
Spring Texas USA