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4:43 AM Forum Check

Spring Chicken
Spring Chicken Posts: 10,255
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Good morning Eggheads and those with noticeably less Egg than head.

Yes, plumbing alert. I took to vertical in a hurry and immediately activated the forward motion appendages in the direction of the facility maintenance department. Arriving timely, I grabbed the pressure release lever and pulled, letting fly what would have been a destructive force if left unattended, into the appropriate porcelain furniture where it was quickly dispatched to the bowels of the city for redistribution.

Speaking of destructive force, I immediately proceeded to the Intergalactic Communications Center to check the status of Ike, the next annoying weather maker. Not surprising was a modification to earlier projected destinations with Texas now in its sights. So here we go again. You know, everybody complains about hurricanes but no one is doing anything about stopping them. Perhaps a few 'smart thinkers' could come up with an idea. Like maybe catch it while it is young and strangle it with some super hero tactic that reverses the hurricane-making process. Here's an idea, drop zillions of pounds of puffed wheat in the center. It will absorb the moisture and fall harmlessly into the sea for the fish to eat thereby producing more fish and reducing the price of fish considerably while making for less damage to lifeforms and property. Then we take the billions of dollars saved from all the non-damage and figure out a way to rid the world of mosquitoes. Why do I have to think up all the solutions? You're welcome.

Next, to the food preparation area and confirmation of refrigeration illuminator illumination. Good.

Then to the External Observation Portal to check on security. Good.

Then back to the communications center to check on Eggent activities. I'm pretty much it even though there are 13 Members and 61 Guests supposedly up and about. I take that to mean no one wishes to chat-chit. Good enough for me. I shall then return to the comfort of the recharging station.

Say goodnight Leroy.

Spring "Why Is Everyone Always Count'n On Me" Chicken
Spring Texas USA