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Dizzy Pig at New Holland

Smokey Posts: 2,468
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Saw some result from New Holland (competition). Looks like Dizzy Pig took 10th overall against some serious competition (72 teams)

CHICKEN 9th place, BRISKET 6th!

Great showing guys!

I did not recognize any other Egg teams.


  • Sundown
    Sundown Posts: 2,980
    Way to go Chris and team!
  • Nature Boy
    Nature Boy Posts: 8,687
    Thanks yall! What a great time. The whole family made it for this one, and we were happy with all of our food. In fact, we even thought we had a chance at this one! Our pork scores ranged from an 8-9-9 to a 7-3-4. No typo. One judge actually gave us a 3! But yeah, it's a big honor to be in the top 10 overall in that crowd. It was a great weekend in a beautiful place with near perfect weather and many good friends.

    The Free Range team (The Virginian, Mr. Earl and Unconundrum) had 3 eggs going and got some very nice calls, and finished in the top 15 overall. Good job guys!

    Thanks again yall!
    Twitter: @dizzypigbbq
    Facebook: Dizzy Pig Seasonings
    Instagram: @DizzyPigBBQ
  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    Yankees what do they know of Pulled Pork.. Ohh wait I am a Yankee never mind

    Great job Chris. No that my Finance Minister has given the green light for Maggie Valley I am getting psych'd up again.. I hope to come back with guns blazen..
    BENTE Posts: 8,337

    sounds like ya'll had a really good time with family and to come in tenth is juat icing on the cake B)

    happy eggin


    Anderson S.C.

    "Life is too short to be diplomatic. A man's friends shouldn't mind what he does or says- and those who are not his friends, well, the hell with them. They don't count."

    Tyrus Raymond Cobb

  • UnConundrum
    Thanks Chris. As always its great to be parked across from you guys. Competition never gets in the way of friendship with you guys...... but I'm still not giving Chuck the recipe ;)