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Need some food safety advice. I put four butts on

Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy Posts: 20
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
my XL last night at 11pm. At 1am I went to bed with the meat temp at 95 and the dome temp at 195 and climbing. I ratcheted down the flywheel expecting it to slide into the 225 - 250 range overnight.

I guess I overdid the flywheel because when I woke up at 7am the dome temp was at 165! It was, however, still burning coal, and the meat temp was at 149 and holding. I was then able to quickly bring the dome temp up to 225.

Thankfully the meat temp kept climbing through the night even though the dome temp was a lot lower than I expected. It seems I'm okay food-safety wise, but thought I would throw it out to the experts here to see if anyone disagrees.

Many thanks for any advice.
