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2:34 AM Forum Check

Spring Chicken
Spring Chicken Posts: 10,255
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Good morning Eggheads and 'The Others.'

The plumbing alert came quickly and urged me to revert to vertical and rapidly make my way to the facility maintenance department to release the biofluid pressure that was soon to reach critical mass. I did and all was well again here at the Chicken Ranch.

Well, not Eggactly "well" as I discovered when I made my way to the communications center after confirming the refrigeration illuminator's performance and checking with Rodney Dangerbird regarding security.

It seems that my Inter-Galactic Communications device has, how do you say, 'bit the dust.' This necessitated the revertization to Plan "B" communications device, with plans for a subsequent expenditure at the Best store during the upcoming light period. Just as well, the now defunct communicator was ancient even by antique standards.

Meanwhile, the dark period is still young and I am not fully charged, so I shall bid thee well to the 11 Members and 84 Guests who just happen to be laying low at the moment.

Say goodnight Leroy.

Spring "Soon To Be Smelling Of New Computer" Chicken
Spring Texas USA
