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Thinking of adding another egg

edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Hello All,

I'm thinking of getting another egg around EGGtober fest :woohoo: and wanted to know which would be better another large a med. or an XL i'm leaning more on the LARGE because i have one now and i could use the gadgets i have now on another one so any input would be helpful thanks


  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    For those days when a large is well too large..

    You know when you want egged food and the spousal unit doesn't. You want a steak but don't want to wait between sear and roast.

    Or you want to cook 28 hot dogs at once and just wow the non-believers.. Yep I did that tonight :woohoo:
    Thanks for that input but here i do most of the cooking so if i choose to fire the egg up then everyone else jumps on board i think i've spoiled the family the wife will call from work and ask ( what are you cooking today? )now that's what i call the good life :lol:
    pluse we had a cookout not long back where i really could have used another large i did two pork butts twenty pounds of ground beef and thirty pounds of chicken wings hows that for starters on one egg B) the guests were really inpressed ohh and only filled the egg up twice the 1st time for the two butts and later that night ti finish up the chicken now that's what i call grilling.... :whistle: sorry got carried away :laugh:
  • Broc
    Broc Posts: 1,398
    Your answer really depends on your needs. If you entertain large groups regularly, then certainly another Large, or at least a Medium.

    I cook meat for 30 roughly six times a year on my Medium. Fires up just as easily for two steaks -- actually, my wife and I usually divide just one steak.

    I've provided meat for groups of 75 several times, for 110 and 150 twice in the past year... all on the Medium. Yep -- takes a little planning...

    But, If I were entertaining often, I'd probably get another large. If I entertained larger groups seldom, then a Small, which is a lean, mean grilling mach... Oops! That's someone else's slogan...

    I also have a small, which I use only for non-meat items -- lots of bread, cookies... and of course, veggies. I Be the Baked Potato King.

    Why limit the Small to non-meat items [except for pizza toppings]? I don't want to mess with cleaning it and baking off grease -- so I can do breads on any given day without worrying about picking up after-taste.

    Love both the Small and the Medium. Someday, if-an-when my Ship comes in... I'll get a Large.

    ~ Best!

    ~ Broc

  • johnvb
    johnvb Posts: 46
    I’m a newbie egg owner, so take this with a grain of salt. Your idea of a second large makes total sense to me. Your platesetter, CI grid, etc. will fit on both.

    I would think the main advantage of a small egg is a quicker heat up time, but I swear I've read here that's not the case. Obviously there is a cost/size advantage with the small.
  • Frank from Houma
    My dos centavos

    I do a lot of "large" cooks on my XLBGE, but I do just as many "small" cooks on my SBGE for just my bride and myself. Sounds like you are doing quite well feeding the masses with the one large. If you do just as many small cooks it may make sense to get a small. Even with the additional eggcessories for the small the cost will be a lot lower.

    Whatever way you end up going, you will like the benefits of having two Eggs - like CW said sear on one roast on another or cook at two different temps adds a lot of flexibility.
  • Clay Q
    Clay Q Posts: 4,486
    Another large is a good idea.
    I see it this way; The large egg is the classic egg and, in my opinion, the best size, really not that big with a 18&1/2" grid, but able to cook alot or a little depending on setups. The savings you get by buying a demo makes the large a very attractive addition. And two larges side by side look cool. B)

    Guess what my next egg will be... :whistle:
  • Rollocks
    Rollocks Posts: 570
    I've got an XL and a small. I like the XL for when I cook 20+ full slabs of ribs. The small is good for, well, small meals.