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I cooked some'en: Beef,Pork, shrooms,ABT's,romaine

JLOCKHART29 Posts: 5,897
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
First thanks for all the replys on the beef cook. I knew I was cooking it to long and it gets so fustrating. People see a little pink blood and "ohhhhhh it's not done". Cook it done and "ohhhhh it's dryed out" :huh: Guest don't say that but you can tell and wife is the worst one. Anyway cooked a 4 lb tritip and a 3.6 lb butt rubbed it DP Dizzy Dust at 350 pit for 1 hr then dropped temp to 275. Cooked the beef to 155 meat temp which took about 1 1/2 hrs. The butt to 175 meat temp and took about 2 1/2 hrs. Butt was tinder, moist and great. Beef was, drum roll please, dryed out. Actually got compliments on it and this is from friends who are basically family so go figure. It will be ok tomorrow after church with bbq sause but shame to ruin a good cow on purpose! :laugh:



Next some ABT'S. I don't like cream cheese so used Munster instead. Also included pics to cook sausage easy. Just spread it thin around the bottom of a bowel and nuke for about 3 1/2 min.


Then just take a fork and mash it up while hot after draining off the grease.


A little fresh horseredish made from fresh root thinks to "I have to much wood for my chemica" bill ;) , salt, equal parts vinigar and h20,garlic, and a touch of "Death peppers".


Next potabello shrooms with EVOO drizzled on gills and cap rubbed with it also. Salt,pepper, and garlic pepper. French goat cheese on the gills. First time to use this cheese. A lot softer than I expected and wouldn't crumble or grate. Next time will almost freeze it 1st. Great taste just not the best looks on the shrooms.


Also did planked mash potatoes with cheese and bacon bits, baked beans, and grilled romaine all on the Egg with limon pound cake "sis" brought over. Really long day but plenty of food and every one left full and happy and thats the "pay" for me! ;) Foiled and coolered the beef for close to 2 hrs along with the pork when it was done in a small lunchbox style cooler. Meat came out steaming and worked like a charm while I cooked the rest of the meal.



  • Boxerpapa
    Boxerpapa Posts: 989
    Looks good to me. Although, I do feel your pain. One day the wife says/thinks is too raw, then next time I cook the same piece of meat (beef) to the same temperature it's over done. I figured out the calender can be a man's best friend when cooking. Anyway, your pictures look great. Heck, serve me some of that grub and I guarantee I won't complain.
  • Beanie-Bean
    Beanie-Bean Posts: 3,092
    Nice cook, my friend...you may not need another egg after all. That's amazing that all of the food was done on the same cooker! How are you liking that new knife? I've been wanting to get some new knives, as the main chef's knife and the santoku I've been using are also used by the wife. Hehe...

    Sorry to hear about that beef. I'll usually reserve some nice mid-rare slices if I've gotta throw the roast back on to please the family and guests.

    Going to try ABTs with sausage as the stuffing. I've done taco meat filling, and some pulled pork, but not the breakfast sausage. Those ABTs might actually turn out nice for breakfast :)

    Have a good evening, DP! I mean JL...;)
    JLOCKHART29 Posts: 5,897
    The "calender" comment was good to me!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Ross in Ventura
    Great cook, Damn that was a all day cook I know that you enjoyed in!
    JLOCKHART29 Posts: 5,897
    The ABT'S were great but the peppers are very differant in the heat. Some mild and some hotter. The sausage really makes the peppers.
    Love having a "real" knife now. Even made the dry beef look tender slicing right threw it. Learning to sharpen it correctly now. Will get with you on the romaine. Me a D rode uptown for about an hr after the cook was over but I'm bushed. Got another friend coming over tomorrow after we get back from my parents to cook for. I got to get rid of some of these friends!! :laugh:
    JLOCKHART29 Posts: 5,897
    Thanks Ross. Actually I didn't light the Egg till 13:30 and we ate at 17:45 but that 4 hrs was pretty intense!lol
  • Beli
    Beli Posts: 10,751
    Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww JL. Great...... that last plate is a dream...come true..... how far are you from Mty???? :laugh: