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*PING* Grandpas Grub/ Plate setter for you mini

bubba tim
bubba tim Posts: 3,216
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Greeting Kent. I was playing around with the mini and after talking with you on Friday, I think I may have come up with a simple plate setter for the mini.
Alton Brown used a terra cotta saucer for a baking stone so why can't we use it for a plate setter?
Start with the fire ring removed..
Add a spare grate..
Replace the fire ring..
place a 8 inch terra cotta saucer (from HD) upside down on the grate
then place the grate on the top of the fire ring.
A different way is the place some fire bricks under the saucer. It raises the "plate" closer to the top grate. This should work great for small pizzas.
I know you had talked about lead, but what do you think?
SEE YOU IN FLORIDA, March 14th and 15th 2014 http://www.sunshinestateeggfest.com You must master temp, smoke, and time to achive moisture, taste, and texture! Visit www.bubbatim.com for BRISKET HELP


  • bubba tim
    bubba tim Posts: 3,216
    Forgot one.
    BTW, Little chef and I were Trexing a porterhouse tonight, I cooked the gasket. Oh well, time for elmers when it cools.
    SEE YOU IN FLORIDA, March 14th and 15th 2014 http://www.sunshinestateeggfest.com You must master temp, smoke, and time to achive moisture, taste, and texture! Visit www.bubbatim.com for BRISKET HELP
  • Grandpas Grub
    Grandpas Grub Posts: 14,226
    Looks pretty darn good there Tim I think I will pick some of those up. I think I will bring some kiln stilts up from the basement for a riser.

    I got home about 20 minutes ago. From 3:30 on I have been driving around trying to find a packer brisket. The only place I didn't stop was sams clup, which is probably where I should have stoped in the very first place. We did stop for dinner. We went to 8 different walmarts and not one had any packers. When I didn't want them they are always there.

    What it looks like to me is the meat markets are bringing in cryovac meat and carving from there.

    I did find some kobe and in another cooler wagyu - I thought they were the same thing. Heck it was only $55 per pound!!!! I don't think I would cook it, I would frame it.

    Anyway, my weekend brisket cook is off - a real wasted day.

  • Wanabe
    Wanabe Posts: 355
    How is the saucer holding up to the heat? It looks like you could turn it over and put a smaller pie tin in for a drip pan.
  • bubba tim
    bubba tim Posts: 3,216
    That may work also, the saucer was on hand. I did two test firing in the large at 650 degrees. Using the tera cota saucer I think will work for Mini Boboli Pizza on the Mini Egg. The tera cota should give off some radiant heat.
    SEE YOU IN FLORIDA, March 14th and 15th 2014 http://www.sunshinestateeggfest.com You must master temp, smoke, and time to achive moisture, taste, and texture! Visit www.bubbatim.com for BRISKET HELP