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Arkansas Death Pepper-oni Pizza

Zippylip Posts: 4,768
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I commenced this experiment with one Arkansas Death Pepper, which came to me by way of bill by way of JL (thank you both). I started by slicing the little guy into thin strips & frying in olive oil to release & distribute all of the heat evenly throughout the sauce. I then took a nice pile of West Chester Pennsylvania Plum Tomatoes, blanched, skinned, crushed, & added to the peppered-oil along with some fresh garden basil, garlic, salt & pepper. Simmered this together for an hour or so & topped the pie. T’was succulent!
We served with plum tomato salad, chedder ABT's, & a couple raw Arkansas Death Peppers on the side. Outstanding JL
happy in the hut
West Chester Pennsylvania


  • lowercasebill
    lowercasebill Posts: 5,218
    just beautiful Z.L. i got to work on my pizza skills...now!!! with all the fresh tomaotes and basil and wegmans has real mozzerella.

    get back to use tomorrow regarding the ultimate fate of the arkansas death peppers. Jl's warning was clear :laugh: :evil:
  • Beanie-Bean
    Beanie-Bean Posts: 3,092
    Haha! That was a great read--I too have experienced the death pepper firsthand. Really long burn, but nice heat.

    Don't let the peppers touch your lips, though--that was JL's warning to me :)

    The pies look great!
  • Boxerpapa
    Boxerpapa Posts: 989
    That looks awesome. How did you get your pepperoni so crispy? Mine usually comes out cooked, not crispy?
  • Zippylip
    Zippylip Posts: 4,768
    Put it on at room temperature, then they don't have so far to go. The cheese didn't get too browned however & I attribute that to putting on a lot of sauce (the stuff was so tasty that I couldn't bear leaving a drop behind), so it kept the cheese quite soft & pliable
    happy in the hut
    West Chester Pennsylvania
  • Zippylip
    Zippylip Posts: 4,768
    too late, they touched, but not to worry, it wasn't catastrophic. Of course I am the guy who never fails to stick a finger in my eye 10 minutes after cutting hot peppers, so I am no stranger to pain - I'll report back tomorrow if anything amusing happens on the terlit :sick:
    happy in the hut
    West Chester Pennsylvania
  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    Beautiful pics. Awesome looking pie and you gotta love the "Champagne of Beers".
  • Zippylip
    Zippylip Posts: 4,768
    you do, at casa di Zippy, it's always Miller Time :woohoo:

    happy in the hut
    West Chester Pennsylvania
    JLOCKHART29 Posts: 5,897
    Saw your post earler but been tyed up doing my own. Great looking cook especially making your own sause! :woohoo: Glad you like the pepper. I eat them with just about everything raw and never have a problem with intestinal worms! ;) Got some kind of small mexican pepper growing now. Got seed from a guy that works at local Mexican resturant. Still a few months off as they grow slow but will pass them round when they are ready. You can dry one of those Death peppers out and plant seed in a plant pot. I grow peppers year around. How are the lips??!!? :laugh:
  • Gunnar
    Gunnar Posts: 2,307
    You sir, are living the high life.
    LBGE      Katy (Houston) TX
  • Zippylip
    Zippylip Posts: 4,768
    The lips are good, I think I permanently anesthetized myself back in high school when one of my dumbass friends picked up a can of pepper spray & shot it into the wind blowing it right back onto both of us - I have yet to put a pepper in my mouth that could recreate that agony :evil: thanks again
    happy in the hut
    West Chester Pennsylvania