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Sliced beef continued

JLOCKHART29 Posts: 5,897
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I had to leave b4 there were any replys to my earler post. Ended up with a 3.6 lb butt and a 4 lb tri tip roast. I ended up cooking it to 155 degrees internal. :blush: :ohmy: PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!! It hurt me to do this also. We are hard core meataterians hear. I can eat my meat slightly warm but a couple who is coming over tonight wife doesn't like any red and whats left over I am taking over my parents after church. Dad likes his bbq beef done so between the two I ruined the meat to make them happy! ;) Pork is still on, ABT'S ready to put on and portabella shrooms w/French goat cheese and grilled romaine and side of baked beans to finnish meal up. I have the beef off, foiled and in a cooler. How long will it keep in there? I got lots of pics for latter. Thanks


  • lowercasebill
    lowercasebill Posts: 5,218
    the whiz knows all

    i did the 2 chuck eyed at 250° til 165-170°, hickory and persimmon and dizzy dust. that persimmon sure gives a nice color to beef and chicken. they are pulled and wrapped in the cooler. will see how tender they are ... let us know how that roast turned out ... you may need to cut it up put in liquid in the dutch oven and braise it till if fall apart and then sauce.

    i heat the cooler by pouring boiling water in it and letting it sit.. cept i am using a cheapo styrofoam tonight so i have a 4 cup measuring cup in the cooler that i filled wiht boiling water.

    older pits last girlfriend made him eat goat cheese . i could not get anyting but american or chedder past him.. wonder how she was able to do that :evil:
    any way he likes goat cheese and shrooms .. annxious to see how that turned out.
  • Beanie-Bean
    Beanie-Bean Posts: 3,092
    You're really a nice guy for taking care of the folks who will be eating with you...I've had to return perfectly cooked prime rib to the cooker so that the family would enjoy their meals. Sigh...

    Question about the Romaine--how long do you keep yours in the cooker? I did some (only once) and it had a peculiar flavor to it--something I didn't expect. I guess because I've always eaten the lettuce like that cold and in a salad.

    Enjoy your evening, buddy! I've got some work going on around 22:00 tonight with India. Yup, reality set in, and it's back to the grindstone.