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Adhesive for stainless draft door ?

Slapshot Posts: 11
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Finally decided to install my stainless draft door (bottom vent). Pulled off the old rusty (original) draft door and noticed it had some adhesive around the perimeter. What should I use to provide the same sort of seal for the stainless door? Also, now that the new door is attached, can I just squeeze in a bead around the edge, or do I need to remove the assembly and bead around the perimeter first?



  • FlaPoolman
    FlaPoolman Posts: 11,677
    I put a bead on the door before I attached it. Don't know that it matters as long as it's sealed. Old one looked like the bead was applied after and that was the reason I took it off and remounted during the rebuild.
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,930
    That's really not adhesive, but instead a high temp caulk. To properly seat it it would be best to have applied it to the back of the vent first. That way you are assured of a good seal since the caulk would conform to the shell of your egg. Now that you have it installed yes you can run a bead around - its just that the other method is better IMHO.
  • Slapshot
    Slapshot Posts: 11
    Thanks. As for the high temp caulk... is it just "high temp" or are there specific temperatures (which I would assume then I just pick the highest temp) ?
