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Next Egg - Thoughts?

bitslammer Posts: 818
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
So I'm loving my XL Egg but want something smaller for the nights I want just to cook for 2.

At first I was thinking a small but I'd still like to do a decent sized pizza and I don't' think the Small with cut it. I'm thinking a MED with the Woo2 from Eggcessories will be perfect. I have a couple smaller pizza stones around that I can use and that size seems perfect.

For those that have a MED how well do you like it for high temp cooks? I'd probably use a MED for regular grilling from 350*F and up. IF I smoke I'll use the XL because I usually do smokes for big crowds or for leftovers.

I'm guessing I can get the MED to 500*F with a lot less lump in a quicker time than the XL. My dealer has on on the floor and I'm hoping since I just boguht the XL he'll give me a little break in price.


  • "Sparky"
    "Sparky" Posts: 6,024
    Hey man,I have all three.The medium is my oldest(about 4 1/2 yrs)Then came the small 4 yrs ago.I love them both,but the medium is my go to egg for high temps.I got the small mainly for side dishes.The XL is a much more recent purchase(very good deal)that I don't need,but still use it at least once a week.My XL does all my ribs and butts.It rarely gets over 250 degrees. ;) Here is my medium in action :woohoo:

  • milesofsmiles
    milesofsmiles Posts: 1,377
    YES ! Do it. I cook more on the med. vs. my lg. Woo 2 + the pan an excellent purchase. Your dealer should spot you some stuff if not a better deal. Cook well and enjoy. If you are in the up-state of South Carolina I'll treat you very fine. Miles out
  • HungryMan
    HungryMan Posts: 3,470
    I have a large and a small. I like the small because it's easy to take places. I brought it to Ft. Laud with me today to cook for the family. If you want a second egg that you will keep at the house, I would consider the medium. I cooked on a friends medium and I like the larger vent than the small. I personally think it was quicker to heat up and cooled like my large. So having an XL I would say med. If you had a large I would suggest a small.
  • Mainegg
    Mainegg Posts: 7,787
    GO for the med. we have all but the xl and the med works about 4 times a week. the small is next then the mini. the large is here at the studio so is only used for crowds when we have workshops. love them all but the med is used the most there are just two of us and I have the raised half grate and assorted cast iron that fit for cooking two or three things at once.
  • Bob-O
    Bob-O Posts: 211
    Don't give it another thought, just do it. I have a large and a medium and I cook on the medium 80% of the time. Do get the cast iron gate/grill for it and you will be grilling some of the best looking steaks you have had.
  • YB
    YB Posts: 3,861
    I have them all and cook on the medium most of the time.Here is a picture of the medium with Toms rig.

  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    I have the large/small combo, first came the L. I agree with Hungry Man that if you are going to use it at home mostly, the medium would make a great second egg. Had I to do it over again, I might get the medium instead of small, but I do use the small alot.
  • civil eggineer
    I have a medium and love it. I have done 16 pounds of butt on 1 level, 12 pound turkey, and pizza's galore. It uses little lump, can maintain temps from 225 to 750+ easily. I can cook for 6 people easily but usually cook for 2. About 98% of the time I am glad I got a medium and 3% of the time I think I should have gotten a large.
  • civil eggineer
    And 101% of the time I am glad I am cooking on an egg!
  • bitslammer
    bitslammer Posts: 818
    Thanks for the all the feedback. It's done.

    The new Medium is sitting out back doing it's pre first cook "burn in." :laugh:

    I just finished up placing my order from Eggcessories for the Woo2 and other goodies. The owner of the shop was really interested in hearing about those. I told him how nice the XL Flip Ring combo was. I'm betting he's going to order a few goodies himself.
  • Broc
    Broc Posts: 1,398
    Love my Medium!

    ~ B
  • jake42
    jake42 Posts: 932
    I've got a medium and i think it is the perfect compliment to my large and small. As far as cooking for two, I highly reccomend it. I always use it for pizzas since it is the one that i have on my deck right outside of the kitchen. Temp maintenace, no problem. I've done all night pork shoulders, briskets, as well as high heat steaks. Also amust have for it is a cast iron grate. i even use my Wok on it.
  • sirlancealot
    Jake,what was that 2nd picture? it looked like pig-feet..
  • jake42
    jake42 Posts: 932
    Those were chicken wings on a wing rack.